How did you get proposed to? <3



  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 305
    We meet online 18 years ago. A few weeks in he asked if I would marry him over the phone. But it wasn't an obvious proposal to me so I asked "If you are proposing I would say yes." He mailed me a ring. When I flew out to Orlando he dropped to one knee and proposed in the airport! 18 years and one daughter later we are still going strong. :love:

    A local magazine did a story on it and the ring last year.

    Cool story. I'm from Orlando and know about Church Street Station. My husband proposed to me at a cemetery. I know, weird, right? Well, we had gone to a wedding earlier and then we went to the cemetery to put flowers on my mom's grave for her birthday. While we were there he dropped to his knee and read me a poem he had written about a frog and a princess or something kind of corny like that and then asked me to be his princess forever. I said yes and we're still together 26 years later.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My husband and I are very laid back, so his proposal was fitting for us. I was in the kitchen making dinner, and he came in from work. He looked at me and said, "Hey, you wanna go shopping?" Now, this is a man who detests shopping so I asked, "for what?" His response was, "Diamonds." So we went and tried on every ring in the store and we came home engaged.
  • avenathus
    avenathus Posts: 113 Member
    He took me to the restaurant we went to on the night when we became an "official" couple... so it's always been one of our favorite spots (it's a pretty average Italian family-owned place heh). Suddenly the cashier from the front of the restaurant comes up and says, "Sir, please come up front, there's a bill that you didn't pay last week." I thought it was pretty weird but tried not to think anything of it because I knew that he had just been to that restaurant the week before. So he comes back, and we are finishing our food and the same guy comes over with a big bouquet of roses! I thought it was super sweet so I was checking them out when I looked over and suddenly he's down on his knee with a box asking me to marry him! I was SHOCKED so I asked him if he was serious for a minute then I said yes!

    So yeah... like I said I was *really* surprised. I wasn't expecting a proposal for another 2+ years (we've been together almost 5 years, he proposed in July). I was honestly at a point where I was getting really discouraged and didn't think he'd ever do it... turns out he was saving for the ring for six months :)
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    My hubby proposed on the steps of the St. Louis Cathedral. We had been dating for 2 years on and off. His dad lived in St. Louis at that time. The Thanksgiving before he took me to meet his dad and I fell in love with him on that trip. That trip really made me realize that I didn't want to just be friends and casually date anymore. We took a trip back there the following summer and he proposed on the steps of the church after mass. It was sweet and private. I love that! I had no idea it was coming. We had talked about it but I didn't know he had a ring. We had just visited my family the weekend before and I had thought it would have been there but when that didn't happen I just figured he wasn't ready. We haven't been back to that church since and I hope that we get to visit someday. We have been married for 5 years now.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I was in the middle of studying for my AP Government final, stressed as hell, on the phone with Alex, and he just asked. I just stopped for a minute and said "what?" he repeated it and I said yes. Then I proceeded to tell about timing. That was not good timing. But, I guess it got my mind off of my final!

    ps, I calculated the time spent studying for that final: 15 hours total.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Also, I don't have a ring as a symbol of our engagement. We're both poor college students and I told him not to worry about a small thing like that.
  • spottedlee
    Oh dear,, I guess it's my turn. Mine was TOTAL surprise.

    We have only met a month before but he was so sweet, so well-mannered and all that. For that reason I enjoyed being with him. Two weeks after we met, he became more involved in my life, including going to church with me. This was really nice but then, he was so sweet, so well-mannered,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, must I repeat it?

    A month after we met, we were watching a movie,,, he looked at my finger and asked If I would like a ring for it. I told him that it is not needed. He gave me a ring and said "for our friendship" I thanked him and thought.. WHOA,, that's real diamond!?!? Crazy guy! I even asked him directly if it's real! :blushing:

    After the movie, we went to Denny's for late night dinner. One of our friends, the one who intro both of us came to our table. My husband showed him the ring he gave me. He asked,, "when's the date?" I replied "we aren't" then I turned around and saw him with his face sooooooooooooooo RED! I asked him,, " are you telling me you couldn't find a word to ask?" He nodded yes.

    That crazy guy wanted us to marry in 2 months, I told him NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. If he really loves me, he can wait a year! I felt it was too fast to begin with so it's logical to wait,, right?

    Well a year and 2 months later (we couldn't get married on day he proposed cuz of Lent) he said to me,, IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT....... Of course it was!

    Unfortunally, I lost him to cancer 6 years later, but I am blessed with two precious gifts from him -- two lovely daughters.
  • Melaniemarie86
    Melaniemarie86 Posts: 57 Member
    I just imagine how my boyfriend will propose, as I'm sure he will... someday... BUT, he knows what ring I do want eventually when such a thing may occur... (it's circled in a magazine with a purple sharpie hanging on our bulletin board. :smile: ) I only have the following clues:

    1.) Apparently, it's going to be two separate ideas combined into one awesome proposal.
    2.) One of the ideas creates it so that it has to occur during a certain season of the year.
    3.) It's going to take A LOT of time/work to put together.

    Andddd, that's all I've got... Any ideas? :tongue:
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    My husband was home for a few days right before he deployed to Iraq. I had surprised him with baseline tickets to the St. Louis Cardinals on a Thursday, on Friday we had a huge party with all of our friends and got completely wasted, and on Saturday we went 4 wheeler riding to the creek where we had our first picnic together at and he got down on one knee. I knew it was coming because we had talked about it before, but in the moment it felt like a surprise. It was one of my happiest weekends.
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    My first in engagement should have been romantic but wasn't because I practically had to hand feed him an idea for proposing. I think a proposal should be personal and the guy's idea. Anyways, I'm huge on Christmas, love love love the season and everything about it. So, I kept pushing him to take me and whatever friends wanted to go to the Southern Lights (a drive through light display at a the Kentucky Horse Park). After going through the display when there was an indoor area you could walk around and see mini trains and cities. Well just outside the building there was a gazebo so he pulled me off to the side to take pictures. My friends were supposed to take a picture of us but couldn't work my camera so I walked over to them and tried to explain it. The guy says "will you get him?" referring to my ex to join the picture. I turned around and he was on one knee. I was excited at the time but it wasn't a surprise at all. I knew that's when he was going to do it. And he wasn't even the one to pick out my ring! ugh. Oh well.

    My current boyfriend I'm impatiently waiting to ask to me :) We're pretty unusual and I picked the ring out mouths ago. I know where it is and wear it around the house every now and then (hey, he knows I do it!) But I won't consider it official until he asks my father's permission and officially asks me. (Small town Southern girl here.) He knows I'm big on Christmas too so now that the season is coming up again, I'm looking forward to something romantic. Fingers crossed!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    I'm all mushy reading these! I've been with my boyfriend for a little over 6 years, and we've known each other for 17. Lived together for 5. I have no shame and have been displaying my ringless left hand in front of his face at every opportunity. I've ascertained that he has paid for the ring but has yet to pick it up, so I told him he really should do it by thanksgiving because it'll be easier to let my family know that way :laugh: He gets really grumpy and says I'm sucking the romance out of it. Which is true. But come on. 6 years. That clock is starting to tick!

    When he tries to be romantic, he pretty much does it by the book, which is very sweet and at the same time very silly. But I'm not expecting anything too wild and crazy. I also told him NOT to do it on my birthday, which is Dec 7, because god forbid something happens, like a divorce or a death by freak accident scenario, then my birthday will always be connected to the proposal... etc. Is that unromantic of me, lol? He probably wanted to do it then, too, because we always go to Disneyland on my birthday and that would be a pretty great place for it :bigsmile:
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    La Jolla Cove on the beach at sunset, with an italian candle lit dinner on a blanket...right after he asked the waves rushed up over us and our blanket and dinner lol
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I handed him about 10 positive pregnancy tests. Then came the "Our parents are gonna want us to get married now you know...."
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    My two young daughters and I had "adopted" this soldier named Shawn when he was serving his first tour of Iraq. Shawn and I ended up falling in love during his deployment, over letters, care packages, and phone calls. When he had been home a couple of months, he asked my father's permission. My dad said yes. Later, in December, we took my girls to the mall to see Santa. Shawn asked me to sit on Santa's lap for a picture, too. I thought that was ridiculous and laughed and said no. He begged me to do it, and said that it would mean a lot to him. Shawn is a very sentimental guy, so I figured if it was important to him, I would swallow my pride and sit on Santa's lap. I felt pretty stupid. So I'm sitting with Santa, and of course he asks me what I want for Christmas and all that. I started making things up, saying dumb things like, "a pony" (I figured Shawn would never know, he just wanted his silly picture). Santa asked if I would settle for a card, and handed me one. I opened it, and there was my proposal. My husband is really romantic, and it was a beautiful proposal... there is a picture of me after I read it, and my face is definitely saying, "Is this for real?" Then Santa pulled a jewelry box out of his pocket and handed it to me (my face is HYSTERICAL in that picture! I'm even crooked on Santa's lap, like I'm about to fall off, which is basically true). The next picture is me with a GIANT smile on my face :) We've been married two and a half years, he is currently deployed again, and our son is three months old. I wouldn't change a thing about our marriage, and I wish the best to you with your future engagement and marriage!
  • Shaynawayna
    We had been talking about seeing a fertility doctor to get me started on hormone therapy so we could have a child, and while discussing it he said "before we have kids, you should be my wife" and threw the ring at me. My reaction was "are you serious? is this a prank?" then after establishing it wasn't there was allot of screaming and crying and kissing and baby making practicing.... that was 2 years ago, now we've been married for a year and a half and are expecting our first child in May, we couldn't be happier!
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    I knew mine was going to do it one day I just didn't know when because I overheard him asking my dad for permission. I never said anything about it and I don't think he knew I heard. One weekend he planned a date for us and we went to Catalina island and walked around, He rented a golf cart and we got to drive around the island, There is a spot on the island where there is this monument and it is so pretty it overlooks the whole island so we went up there and on the walk back he told me to follow him and there was a clearing in the trees and in the middle was a bench it was like a private little spot. He sat next to me and told me I was the one for him and that I meant everything to him. He said he wanted to spend his life with me and then he got on one knee and pulled a box out of his pants and opened it and inside was a ring then he asked me to be his. Of course I said yes. He is so wonderful and I feel as if I met my other half. We have been together for 9 years now and we are still going strong. Of course he is also one of my best friends because we were friends for 6 months before we started dating.
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    My wife loves Disney World (who doesn't), so I planned to do the proposal there.

    We went out to a nice dinner with a window seat so that we could watch the fireworks over the water. I considered doing it at dinner, but when we got to our dinner late, our view of the fireworks was blocked by other viewers on the walkway outside the window, screaming kids ran by our table and we seemed surrounded by "loud talkers", it just didn't feel like the right time.

    I had tried to arrange to get a caricature drawing of us arranged, having the artist draw me proposing, and of course following up with the actual proposal once my girlfriend (now wife) had seen what was drawn on the page, but ran into several issues. One artist told me that he was no longer allowed to do full body drawings, but that they were instructed to only do shoulders and up portraits. Another artist said they don't usually do it, but would on this occasion for $490 USD (not that I want to look cheap, but that seems outrageous for a drawing).

    In the end I decided to ask in front of Cinderella's castle. They have Disney employees all over the parks taking pictures on request. They take the picture, give you a card and then you can order the pictures later if you'd like. We posed for the pictures leading up to Cinderella's castle first, then I asked the photographer to take a few more. I turned to my wife, said my predetermined mini speech, and knelt to ask for her hand in marriage (while the photographer took kneeling, my wife bawling).

    Less than 15 minutes after saying "yes", my wife had found and was posing in a pair of Minnie Mouse Bride Ears.


  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    I'm all mushy reading these! I've been with my boyfriend for a little over 6 years, and we've known each other for 17. Lived together for 5. I have no shame and have been displaying my ringless left hand in front of his face at every opportunity. I've ascertained that he has paid for the ring but has yet to pick it up, so I told him he really should do it by thanksgiving because it'll be easier to let my family know that way :laugh: He gets really grumpy and says I'm sucking the romance out of it. Which is true. But come on. 6 years. That clock is starting to tick!

    My wife and I had talked about getting married, but didn't have anything set. She joked that the "clock was ticking" on multiple occasions. One day I even received a calendar invite to "Our Wedding", even though I hadn't proposed yet (LOL). She told me that it was just a reminder that she wanted to be married by that date.
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    My two young daughters and I had "adopted" this soldier named Shawn when he was serving his first tour of Iraq. Shawn and I ended up falling in love during his deployment, over letters, care packages, and phone calls. When he had been home a couple of months, he asked my father's permission. My dad said yes. Later, in December, we took my girls to the mall to see Santa. Shawn asked me to sit on Santa's lap for a picture, too. I thought that was ridiculous and laughed and said no. He begged me to do it, and said that it would mean a lot to him. Shawn is a very sentimental guy, so I figured if it was important to him, I would swallow my pride and sit on Santa's lap. I felt pretty stupid. So I'm sitting with Santa, and of course he asks me what I want for Christmas and all that. I started making things up, saying dumb things like, "a pony" (I figured Shawn would never know, he just wanted his silly picture). Santa asked if I would settle for a card, and handed me one. I opened it, and there was my proposal. My husband is really romantic, and it was a beautiful proposal... there is a picture of me after I read it, and my face is definitely saying, "Is this for real?" Then Santa pulled a jewelry box out of his pocket and handed it to me (my face is HYSTERICAL in that picture! I'm even crooked on Santa's lap, like I'm about to fall off, which is basically true). The next picture is me with a GIANT smile on my face :) We've been married two and a half years, he is currently deployed again, and our son is three months old. I wouldn't change a thing about our marriage, and I wish the best to you with your future engagement and marriage!

    OK, you have to post the pictures!!!!!! This was great!!!!!!
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    still waiting :/
    will take anything at this point, i dont even care if i have a ring! we've been together 5 years :-)