How did you get proposed to? <3

How did your significant other propose to you? Were you surprised or did you see it coming? Lets hear your stories! I keep trying to guess how my boyfriend will be doing it, haha. <3


  • KimertRuns13_1
    Total surprise. I was out of town visiting my family for the weekend on Easter. I came home and he had me an Easter basket. I was going through the stuff and he told me to keep digging. Under the grass was a ring box. It was sweet.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
  • TeraJo
    TeraJo Posts: 58 Member
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I waited and waited but she never proposed, so I had to finally do it. :tongue:
  • brancakes
    brancakes Posts: 263 Member
    Mine is coming.. I know he has the ring... I'm so nervous and I'm trying not to have expectations.. he's not good at this stuff.
  • starfairy411
    starfairy411 Posts: 37 Member
    We went to a WI State Park for the day to see the beautiful waterfall (our 1st date was at a waterfall). He brought a picinic lunch, so after hiking and taking many wonderful pictures of the falls, we ate. After lunch he said he had a present to give to me. It was a beautiful jewelry box he had made, in-laying different woods and all. Inside it was padded and lined with blue fabric, but empty. Now I have to admit, I was a little disapointed to see it empty (I thought it may have a ring in it)... but I loved it all the same. Then he said he had to show me something. He took the box from me and removed the padding in the bottom. Under it was a note. The note said "Marry Me" and as I was reading he got down on one knee with the ring (which he had hidden partially under the fabric over the padding he took out). I said "of course I will!" and hugged/kissed him before he even put the ring on my finger. Then he did the sweetest thing of all. He took the jewelry box from me and flipped it over. On the bottom were the initials "JLH", my future initials w/his last name. He then took out some sparkling cider and 2 wine glasses and we had a toast to our engagement! It was a wonderfully romantic day that I will never forget!

    I hope your boyfriend does something great! :-)
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I waited and waited but she never proposed, so I had to finally do it. :tongue:

  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Bottom of the third at Wrigley! I knew it was coming on that trip to Chicago but I was still totally caught off guard :heart:
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    It was over the phone, and he said, "I think we should get married before the baby comes."

    We're divorced.
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    He hid the ring on top of the Christmas tree. He bought me this beautiful jewelry box and inside he had a hint of where my 'next present' would be. I was a little confused so he had to help me LOL I can't believe I never saw the ring up top....once I saw where it was....I should have seen it a mile away LOL He said it was up there for over a week!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I have a funny story about that! My husband had the most elaborate plan ever - a walk to a beautiful waterfall, a table set for two with a picnic dinner, champagne, candlelight and a violinist playing on the rocks above the waterfall. It was going to be epic! All of this was going to be a total surprise to me. I had no idea he was anywhere close to proposing.

    But the day he picked up the ring from the jeweler, he got so excited and could not wait another minute. He called me at work and asked if he could bring me lunch. I said 'Of course'! He hopped on his bike, stopped by Arby's for roast beef sandwiches and curly fries (yes, really!) and showed up 15 minutes later. He handed me a bag of fast food and said 'Damn... I can't wait another minute to ask you... will you marry me!?'

    I said yes, and we shared a good laugh about how the proposal went down.
  • chefswife67
    Hubby & i met on line he lived in Florida and i lived in Kentucky. He Texed me while i was at work
    Will you marry me? And i texed back Yes..
  • He came home from boot camp in July of 2009. He told me he was going home but instead he came to chicago. He called me at like 2 am and told me that there was a meteor shower going on and he wanted me to get a picture. I went down stairs in my shorts and t shirt with my hair tied all gross and he was there. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said yes and passed out(:
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    We found out I was pregnant & he asked me to marry him a couple weeks later. The ring came after.

    *sigh* I keep hoping he'll do something romantic to make up for it.... 8 years later?....I'm still waiting

    But hey I can keep hoping- & if he ever *does* do something then I'll be REALLY surprised :laugh:
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Bottom of the third at Wrigley! I knew it was coming on that trip to Chicago but I was still totally caught off guard :heart:
    This is awesome. I always thought at a sporting event would be so cool.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Long story short... It was a surprise! We along with a bunch of friends were at our favorie karaoke bar one Saturday night... I was called up on stage and infront of all of our friends and the entire bar and then he proposed!... Wow, talk about being in total shock since apparently all of my friends and the bar staff knew he was proposing that night! It was a great night ! :)
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I wish I had a big story. LOL. I nagged him for a year (we lived together for two before that) and he told me he couldn't make it official 'til he was done with grad school, so on his last day of school, he took me to the jeweler. That was pretty much it. LOL
    We got married in September. And now he's going for his doctorate. Ey, ey, ey!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    We went to a WI State Park for the day to see the beautiful waterfall (our 1st date was at a waterfall). He brought a picinic lunch, so after hiking and taking many wonderful pictures of the falls, we ate. After lunch he said he had a present to give to me. It was a beautiful jewelry box he had made, in-laying different woods and all. Inside it was padded and lined with blue fabric, but empty. Now I have to admit, I was a little disapointed to see it empty (I thought it may have a ring in it)... but I loved it all the same. Then he said he had to show me something. He took the box from me and removed the padding in the bottom. Under it was a note. The note said "Marry Me" and as I was reading he got down on one knee with the ring (which he had hidden partially under the fabric over the padding he took out). I said "of course I will!" and hugged/kissed him before he even put the ring on my finger. Then he did the sweetest thing of all. He took the jewelry box from me and flipped it over. On the bottom were the initials "JLH", my future initials w/his last name. He then took out some sparkling cider and 2 wine glasses and we had a toast to our engagement! It was a wonderfully romantic day that I will never forget!

    I hope your boyfriend does something great! :-)

    Your story sounds so close to what my husband planned, but never actually pulled off! LOL
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    He took me on a horse drawn carriage ride in downtown Grand Rapids. He thought he had it all planned out. He said, "look at that" and pointed over my shoulder. The idea was for me to turn and look at the skyline, while he got the ring out of his pocket, but we had taken the bridge in the opposite direction and all I got to look at was pure darkness, lol.

    Sadly, I tend to figure things out, so it was not at all a surprise. We had a date planned for a Saturday night and he refused to tell me where we were going (flag #1 - I'm not a fan of surprises and always convince him to tell me, but he would not budge). Then, his grandmother died and he refused to cancel our date (flag #2).