In desperate need of support....

I joined MFP yesterday and want to lose 50#. I have never had to diet before and have no clue where to begin. I have no idea how to cook for a family of 5 (healthy cooking, that is) and no idea how to snack healthy without boring myself to death with apples and bananas.
I started gaining weight about 4 years ago and kept thinking it would eventually come off but instead it MULTIPLIED by 10. Now, I am at a loss! My brother joined MFP about 4 months ago and has lost 42#. I want to be that successful.
So, any tips, recipes or ideas would be GREATLY appreciated!!
By the way, not too comfortable with myself and size to post a picture quite yet!



  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    I have been on this site for quite awhile and it has worked. It was intimidating at first but it is easy to use and getting the hang of it is simple. Just be true to yourself and even if it doesn't look pretty still log EVERYTHING. Add me if you would like.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member is an excellent resource for quick, easy, and healthy recipes - perfect if you have to cook for your family! Lots to choose from/drool over :)

    You can do this!
  • kme2011
    kme2011 Posts: 100 Member
    You can do this. I found myself in the same position and i needed to change how i looked at myself. Boy when i did that i realized i was way bigger than i actually thought i was. I guess i had blinders on. No more. Im working towards my goal of 35# lighter. Lost 5, 30 more to go. Feel free to add me. :)
  • skinnydreams165
    skinnydreams165 Posts: 101 Member
    Hello! I am too trying to eat better and lose weight. I'd love to support you!!! there are plenty of awesome menus and meal ideas on this site I clicked on the search button and typed in chicken and found some awesome ones on here!
  • busterbluth
    busterbluth Posts: 115 Member
    Your brother sounds like a good support person!

    I like; you can search for foods you like and they show the calorie/vitamin/etc count.
  • pbl1966
    pbl1966 Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome to MFP, you can do this. If you would like to add me as a friend please do, I keep my diary open to friends if you need food and snack ideas.
  • you can add me as a friend if you like! the support here is fantastic. Everyone is trying to do the same thing and there are SOOO many people on here who have been in the exact same place as you are now. This is where people understand
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Welcome! You can be just as successful as your brother! I cook for a family of 7, so I know how challenging it can be!
  • Hi
    i joined this site a few months ago but haven't really committed to it as much as i should. i Have over the last few yeasr lost over 8 stone but some of it always creeeps back on at this time of year so i will be working hard at it for the next few months. I also have to cook for a family of 5 - they didn't all want to be eating diet food so i just started looking at my portion sizes and started cooking low fat meals - including chicken and fish dishes. I stopped buying preprepared sauces and made my own using tinned tomatoes, pasata or extra light philadelphia cheese for white sauces. I have a blog with loads of healthy recipes on but not sure if i can publish it on here. I'm happy for you to add me if you ever want a bit of support.
  • gibnic
    gibnic Posts: 11 Member
    I can relate. I want to lose 47lbs this year. I have always been a bit chubby, but this is the biggest I have ever been, and I am ready to make major changes in my life in order to reach my goal. I found this site last night, and it looks great. We can do this! I am here if there is anything I can do to help support you in your goals, pleas let me know.
    Cooking Light Magizine has some great recipes, you can check them out online at:
    We have six that I have to cook for, and three of them are very picky. What I have found works best for me is to keep it simple. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies, no white breads or pasta, only whole grains, and lean protien sources. I don't fry food, I dont buy cookies, snack cakes, potato chips, soda, etc, and we don't eat out often. You have to approach it as a learning process. Try new things, and allow yourself some freedom. Not every recipe you try will be good. Your family might not like it at first, just keep at it. A favorite of mine (that is pretty simple) is whole grain spaghetti, a jar of Prego, and some veggies sauteed in olive oil. I am a vegetarian, so meatless is fine for me, but sometimes I throw in some morningstar crumbles. Add a salad with fat free dressing, and some whole wheat french bread. done in less than 30 minutes with little thought. Or brown rice, roasted veggies and baked tofu (or your lean meat of choice).
    Cooking can be a lot of fun, just be patient with yourself.
  • I joined 2 minutes ago and want to drop about 60#'s. I've been fighting it (on & off) all my life and I'm a middle-ager. Advise... I'll give you mine if you give me yours ;o) . Okay... someone gave me a couple of good bits this week, so... here you go:
    1> someone told me that the website would be a good place to go to plan meals. A lot of 'diet' books are a little stuck betwee a 'rock' and a 'hard place'... people want variety, but the 'meal plan' books innundate the user with choices that are hard to work or super expensive to maintain. I don't know about you, but in order to work with my life, I need to get to the heart of it quickly. I haven't reviewed the site yet, but... it's an idea.
    2> keep track of what you eat and your exercise... write it down. Yup... this might not be fun, but in the beginning, it will increase your chances of success.
    3> Do what you need to do to keep motivated. These forums/community boards will hopefully help you through the rough patches.
    4> My waif-like gym trainer person made me write this down: "Fear, discomfort & uncertainty are my compass toward growth." [I think I was registering some self-doubt... it was nice of the sweet little thing to offer this to bolster me up.]
  • speedycakes
    speedycakes Posts: 152 Member
    As for cooking healthy for a family it's not as hard as you think. Maybe some of these.
  • vilyli6
    vilyli6 Posts: 38 Member
    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I know how it feels to cook for a big family. I have 6 boys who can eat me out of house and home if I let them. I started this journey in 2006, and it has gone up and down. I am now more determined than ever. I actually am starting a weight loss challenge tomorrow and posted a blog with 300 calorie breakfasts and lunches and 400 calorie dinners and 100 calorie healthy snacks. I also have a big list of lower calorie dinners with nutrition information. I didn't add it yet because it is a little long, but will send it to anyone who needs or wants it. The people on MFP are very very supportive so lean on them and get advice from them. It is really important that you try to log in every day. If you get discouraged and don't log your food, still log in and read the motivational or success blogs. That, together with your friends support, will pull you right back on track. Just don't let one day of messing up make you give up. Good luck and we are there for you.
  • HI there! The first thing I did was make sure I was committed to doing whatever it took to lose the weight and eat healthier. Then I scoured the message boards and internet to find what exercises, ideas and foods would work for me. Every BODY is different and responds as such so although there are general principles that cut across any healthy lifestyle, the nuts and bolts of it (exactly which exercises/foods/schedules) work for you and your family. I read and read and read, then discussed with my doctor and other health professionals. I have found what works for me using basic calorie counting with the percentages of carbs/fats/proteins and found what variety of exercises I like and will keep incorporated into a healthy lifestyle (which doesn't mean I don't stray off the path from time to time!)

    That said, it helps to have as much support as possible. The online friends here at mfp helped tremendously along my journey. I also learned which of my in life friends were going to be a positive influence and tended to navigate towards them, rather than the ones most likely to encourage me to stray. In the end, it is your choice.

    If I can be of any help, let me know! I'll help in any way I can.
  • Feel free to add me as well. I just started today and am looking for support as well. Good luck!
  • larat71
    larat71 Posts: 60
    Hey there! First of all...WELCOME TO THE FAMILY:) We're all here to support one another in this journey and you can feel free to add me if you like! Having supportive friends on here is key. I started about 3 months ago and have lost 20 lbs and I can honestly say that without my friends...I would have failed:( It's intimidating at first and you may feel like quitting a lot in the beginning, but DON' CAN do this!!!! And we can help you. So...good luck on your journey and remember, you can add me if you like:flowerforyou:
  • eatlift
    eatlift Posts: 113
    You should post a picture, dont worry about it, people just wanna know who you are. Start by walking....yes its that easy to start. Hope this helps. :)
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Feel free to add the end of my journey I will be losing just over 50 lbs!!! I'm about halfway through my journey!!!

    Someone recommended to me and it is pretty cool. I also have used the recipe creator on here to figure out the calories on my favorite recipes and I've reinvented my favorites using healthier ingredients (turkey meatballs from target, sub rolls and classico pasta sauce for meatball subs; black beans mashed instead of refried beans and ground turkey instead of beef to make tostadas, etc.)

    Feel free to add me and message me for suggestions!!!
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    Welcome this is a great site to help you lose weight ive been on here 6 months so if i can help in any way just ask .feel free to add me Jed :happy:
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member

    This is a great site and I'd be happy to support you through your journey!

    Try www.skinny for some great recipes.

    Feel free to send me a FR!:smile: