Katie5961 Member


  • This is absolutely spot on. I'm also a bacon and eggs kind of gal but for some, a more carb heavy diet works better. There's a quiz you can take that will tell you what kind of metabolizer you are, and which foods will work best for you: http://luckytastebuds.wordpress.com/2009/04/21/oxidizer-test-from-jillian-michaels/
  • 1200 is way too few. The key is to add more exercise. I work out an hour a day (in 15 minute intervals 4 times a day if I have to) and eat 1500 calories. I'm 5'2" and losing. Be sure too that you're choosing nutrient dense foods with lots of fiber and protein and they will keep you fuller, longer! Good luck.
  • Only secret the bf and I have agreed to keep is when he is proposing. Otherwise we have full open disclosure. How can you trust if there are secrets? Just, no.
  • I remind myself that I'm lapping everybody who's sitting on the couch. I sucked at first, in fact I still do often ( asthma is the devil ) but every time you go out you will get stronger. The only way to get past the self-conscious is to just do it and let the haters hate. Most people will applaud you for getting up and…
  • I've found that I'm not a stressful eater, but I'm a bored eater. It took some doing, but I reprogrammed myself to drink water when I'm bored instead of reaching for junk food. It's made a world of difference. Again, at first it was a conscious effort, but at the end of the day it was doable and definitely worth it. Not to…
  • I'm an avid Shakeology drinker. Look at the list of ingredients! All natural. No artificial anything, no preservatives. And IMO, it's delicious. Body by Vi is all preservatives and artificial junk. Isagenix I don't know anything about so I can't comment. No, I'm not just trying to make a sale. I have done a lot of research…
  • Eff that! My best friend is a male. He's been in my life for 10 years, longer than any relationship has lasted. If any man who comes into my life can't handle that he and I regularly talk, go to dinner together, etc, and that it is COMPLETELY platonic, he doesn't need to be with me. That's understood between me and whoever…
  • Do you have a coach? (Not intending to self-advertise, honest!!!) When I did Insanity having a coach and her motivation group was the most helpful thing ever. I checked in with daily pictures, and we traded tips, recipes, etc with a group of about 50 women. If you think this might help you I'd be delighted to add you to…
  • Not being self conscious or sucking it in when bf puts his hand on my stomach
  • Add cheese/bacon and you've got my favorite omelet :)
  • DON'T skip breakfast, ever!!!!! They call it break-fast for a reason. Break the Fast. Your body is starving after sleeping all night and if you skip breakfast your metabolism WILL slow down! Even if it's just a piece of fruit, you have to have something.
  • Hey girl! I'm 5'2" as well and always looking for new fitness friends :-) I'm a fitness buff but gained a ton of weight back during an ankle injury. Boooo. But I'm back in action now and ready to kick some butt! My new program, 2.8 pounds down, 18.2 to go :)
  • I love Shakeology, I drink it every day for breakfast and occasionally again as a snack. The idea of preparing the night before is also a good one. Or another favorite of mine is oatmeal with chocolate protein powder and raisins, or plain Greek yogurt with a tbsp of honey, almonds, and berries.
  • You look stunning! Congratulations!
  • CLX is an amazing program, you're going to love it! Though I think Turbo Fire is my soul mate workout :-)
  • Actually strange as it sounds, if you don't have an actual shake mix in-house, a perfect substitute is plain old chocolate milk.
  • And I would have made the recommendation before I was a coach.
  • I will second the Shakeology. It really does live up to its claims. Don't hate until you try it!
  • I have done both, with a hybrid schedule. It worked out very well for me! PM me if you'd like, I can help you set one up.
  • I was going to say this exact thing :) Personally I love asics but other people hate them. Everybody's foot and stride is different, so the same shoe won't work for everyone. I had a problem with shin splints too and it turned out I was rolling my feet and needed a stability shoe. For tracking I use MapMyRun.com.
  • Definitely felt like puking after my first fit test :smile: LOL! It's an amazing program though, you will love your results.
  • Quite the opposite actually! They're pretty easy and (for the most part) delicious. I recommend the Parmesan-Dijon chicken. Yummmy!
  • You definitely will want to start small. Couch to 5k is an amazing program and I recommend it to anyone who wants a start in running! I've used it myself and launched myself from there into a full marathon. PS, I have asthma too so I completely understand your feeling of freaking out. The good news is that the more you…
  • Week 1 I lost 3 pounds (also drinking Shakeology and using their meal planner). I am in LOVE with this program!
  • Have you considered Shakeology? They make two vegan flavors. I have mine every morning and they are absolutely amazing. So good for you too!
  • You won't regret it, seriously :smile: It's hard work but SO worth it!
  • Do you have a heart rate monitor? That's your best bet on figuring out your calorie burn. It's different for everyone of course based on height and weight. Polar's run reasonably inexpensive and are pretty accurate. 1200 calories are way too few! For Insanity you want to be up at least 1400-1500. You are exactly right…
  • That's a pretty good figure. I think MFP low-balls a bit and BB goes way high. When I did Insanity for the first time I stayed around 1400-1500 I saw some great results (I'm really short so I kept the cal count a little lower). Katie