
Hello everyone! I am new to exercise, it's been years I am shameful to admit. *sigh*.....Anyways, what are some things that are best when just starting out and you know that you are very out of shape. I am cleared by the doctor, but I know my cardio is bad, on top of that I have asthma so whenever I do any cardio I freak myself out because I feel like I can't breathe. Anything ideas to get me started slowly? I do some walking, but that never seems to get me out of breath as I am a speed walker by nature. I might die if I try running...LOL Thanks for the ideas!!!


  • junip1977
    junip1977 Posts: 111 Member
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    Are you a member of a gym? Taking a class may be of interest to you. Just tell the instructor that you are new and they should give you ideas on how to modify your routine. If you are not a member of a gym you may want to hit up the local library for some exercise DVDs. Just pick up a few that sound interesting and give it a go. Good for you for wanting to get into shape!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Was going to say walking, but since you've already got that under control and are considering running - try the Couch to 5 k (C25k) programme. I was a complete non-runner and really enjoyed completing that. It starts off very gently and I can now run for 35 minutes. Other than that, what about yoga, or swimming, or cycling? Have you considered strength training? Maybe start out with bodyweight exercises (tons of free workouts online - google or youtube).
  • junip1977
    junip1977 Posts: 111 Member
    Was going to say walking, but since you've already got that under control and are considering running - try the Couch to 5 k (C25k) programme. I was a complete non-runner and really enjoyed completing that. It starts off very gently and I can now run for 35 minutes. Other than that, what about yoga, or swimming, or cycling? Have you considered strength training? Maybe start out with bodyweight exercises (tons of free workouts online - google or youtube).

    That program sounds interesting, thanks, I will look into it!
  • junip1977
    junip1977 Posts: 111 Member
    Are you a member of a gym? Taking a class may be of interest to you. Just tell the instructor that you are new and they should give you ideas on how to modify your routine. If you are not a member of a gym you may want to hit up the local library for some exercise DVDs. Just pick up a few that sound interesting and give it a go. Good for you for wanting to get into shape!

    Thanks! I was a memeber of a gym but it recently went out of business just as I was planning on attending regularly. LOL I will look into some videos, thanks!
  • kkayecarlson
    kkayecarlson Posts: 10 Member
    Try everything! You will be amazed how many ways there are to move your body. BUT you have to try it, even the things you think you will hate! I was a yoga/Pilates kind of girl until I tried Boot Camp with a friend. I was hooked and the changes in my body and attitude were amazing! You don't have to be good at the exercise you just have to try, the good comes later! Have fun finding your passion! :flowerforyou:
  • kbugsmeemaw
    kbugsmeemaw Posts: 107 Member
  • Katie5961
    Katie5961 Posts: 48 Member
    Hello everyone! I am new to exercise, it's been years I am shameful to admit. *sigh*.....Anyways, what are some things that are best when just starting out and you know that you are very out of shape. I am cleared by the doctor, but I know my cardio is bad, on top of that I have asthma so whenever I do any cardio I freak myself out because I feel like I can't breathe. Anything ideas to get me started slowly? I do some walking, but that never seems to get me out of breath as I am a speed walker by nature. I might die if I try running...LOL Thanks for the ideas!!!

    You definitely will want to start small. Couch to 5k is an amazing program and I recommend it to anyone who wants a start in running! I've used it myself and launched myself from there into a full marathon. PS, I have asthma too so I completely understand your feeling of freaking out. The good news is that the more you exercise, the better controlled it will become. Another good bit of advice is to keep water nearby at all times... I'm not sure what it is about that but it always helps me to regulate my breathing if I'm having trouble.

    What kind of things do you like to do? For example besides walking, do you like to dance? Martial arts? Lift weights? There is a different workout DVD for just about everything these days :smile: Try a bunch until you find your "soul mate" workout.