Running and Insanity???

Hi all I finished C25K a few months ago and currently run maybe 3-4 times a week and then do the elliptical 1-2 times per week. I have finally worked my way up to 5 miles and would really like to maintain this through the winter so I don't need to start all over in the spring. I would really like to do Insanity, but am worried that if I don't keep up with my running I will have to start new when I am done with Insanity. I would love to say that I will do both, but realistically, that is not likely - I barely have time to squeeze in an hour 5-6 times per week.

So - my question is . . . are there any runners out there who have done Insanity? Were you able to maintain your running while doing it? For those of you that took a break from running, were you able to just pick it right back up after completing Insanity?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


  • ammiehill79
    ammiehill79 Posts: 31 Member
    I am both a runner and a sporadic lover of Insanity. I stopped running the two times I have done the Insanity set. I actually felt like I was in better shape and had more indurance when I started running again. Every once in a while I need a break from the mundane and switching up helps me with that. Hope this helps!
  • Katie5961
    Katie5961 Posts: 48 Member
    I have done both, with a hybrid schedule. It worked out very well for me! PM me if you'd like, I can help you set one up.
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks for you responses! Sounds like its worth giving it a shot! Katie5961 - I would love to see what your hybrid schedule looked like. Thanks for the offer - I will send you a PM when I get back to my computer. Finger typing . . .