fairbanksmommy Member


  • MFP and ACE is really helping me! I have been a skeptic of 'diet pills' in the past....however with ACE....it's not a 'diet pill'. It is a tool that aids you in gaining more energy, and less cravings to eat unnecessary foods. I like ACE so much, I started selling it! I've lost 10 pounds so far with the help of MFP and ACE!
  • Me last week, when I decided to pull my head outta my *kitten*, and get back on track with getting healthier. Once I hit four weeks, then I will take another!
  • I truly believe you can become addicted to food. I use food to make me feel good when I'm sad. I use it when I'm happy. When I'm bored....I just need a good support system to help me through it all. That's why I joined MFP.
  • Also, it seems to be like within an hour after eating is when it begins. For example, I got up late today because I'm always so darn tired...my job doesn't have me home from work until 12:30AM. So I got up at 10:45, and had a bowl of raisin bran with Silk light. Now I feel the gas bubbles in my tummy already starting.
  • I don't eat a lot of beans or broccoli, at least no more than I usually do. Honestly, some days my tummy looks as though I am pregnant lol. I'm pretty sure I am not though, but that is how bloated I get sometimes! I've never thought about Gall Bladder. That's an interesting idea! I thought about the possibility of being…
  • I am 5'3", weigh in at 221 right now. I'm barely making it work with my 16's. I have a medium frame with large German hips..(thanks Grandma!)....Goal weight is 135!!!
  • Mamamudbug, you are completely right about support systems. It's amazing how the friends in real life try to break you down, but getting support from strangers online that are struggling like we are the people we would least expect to be there for us. I would like to add everyone from his posting onto my friend list…
  • Yes, they are 'bigger' friends. So that makes perfect sense actually. I have tried to get them to join me and get healthier, but i get excuses. And my boyfriend isn't really active either. I have tried to get him to join me in taking the kids out on activities instead of sitting in the house, but that seems to be all he…
  • I have been a member for awhile, but have not been consistent. I am definitely in need of some cheerleaders as well and would like to cheer others on. Feel free to add me!
  • I have Flirty Girl Fitness Videos which pretty much do the same thing. When I have done the workout video beginning to end, I feel sore in the morning, so I know it is effective!
  • Sure, I'll add you! Thank you!
  • Ok, not sure if I did the quote thing right. I will eventually get the hang of it though! Sorry if it's a little confusing to read!
  • I agree with you on that one! I would much rather have the little side effects that come with Alli than continue to hold onto the fat that is consuming my life. I just wondered if anyone else had the similar side effects that I had, and what you did to alleviate them....My intention is not to get others into a fit about…
  • Monday through Friday I have daycare kids show up anywhere between 4 and 5AM. They usually go back to bed for a bit, and the house has to stay super quiet. I have tried getting my kids and the daycare kids involved in the games on the Wii so I can do them while they are around....it lasts about 5 minutes lol....I would…
  • Xenical?? I've never heard of it...I'll have to to some research and then ask the doctor....Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Just reading through everyone's comments and got a good laugh!! :D Seriously though, I have been using and IUD for a couple years now and I do not have trouble with the bleeding...Thank God!! I'm NOT dying!! However, I do still get the munchies like crazy every month. And it's ALWAYS for sweets!! I try super hard to not…
  • Just reading through everyone's comments and got a good laugh!! :D Seriously though, I have been using and IUD for a couple years now and I do not have trouble with the bleeding...Thank God!! I'm NOT dying!! However, I do still get the munchies like crazy every month. And it's ALWAYS for sweets!! I try super hard to not…
  • So now I am trying to determine if I choose lightly active or moderate?? lol
  • That I did not know!! Thank you for letting me know!!
  • I used about 1/2 to 3/4 of a teaspoon per cookie if that helps with calculations!!
  • I am like a lot of people replying to this post. It can really go both ways. I am on state food assistance and do get quite a bit actually. For a family of 5, we receive about $650 a month. I buy as healthy as I can and it does just barely get us by the entire month. I try to plan meals ahead of time and stick to my list.…
  • I love the fact that someone brought this topic up! I am so insecure because of my weight (207 at 5'3"). There are so many things I want to do with my boyfriend but feel my fat gets in the way :( I used to be a rep for Passion Parties and loved being able to help women and couples find their inner freak.....yet when it…
  • I do the same thing....I eat when I'm bored...I eat when I'm happy...I eat when I am sad....I eat when I'm stressed.....Maybe it's more like mindless eating?? I feel so incredibly guilty about throwing food away too! Growing up, my single mother didn't have much money to buy anything especially groceries, so we were told…
  • I have a general question....Not directly relating to me, but something I can pass on to my 16 year old ex step daughter. What if one eats in their calorie range one day, then eats nothing the next, and so on? So every other day, they eat absolutely nothing?? What does that do to your body weight wise as well as long term?
  • I have Zumba for the Wii. I have only done it once because it frustrated me to no end! I wanted so badly to do the moves right, and even in the step by step training they have, I still managed to get frustrated. The remote is so touchy that even when I did a move wrong, it still told the game I was right, and moved on. So…
  • I am just under 5'3" and weigh in currently at 207. My heaviest was almost 250 a couple years ago. Looking for some new friends and support to keep me on the right track!! You can add me if you'd like!!