Non supportive friends



  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    My husband is addicted to my utmost favorite candy reeses peanut butter cups and they are everywhere haunting me..... My oldest daughter who is in college and lives at home survives on junk food alone (one of these days I am gonna weigh less than her and she might see the light), On a daily basis she brings home a different fast food, or pizza or stromboli mind you she eats the same thing as her boyfriend who has excellent metabolism and stands 6 foot 5 where as she stands a little under 5 foot and it shows. mind you I have instilled excellent self confidence in her so she doesn't see that... My will power is on constant high alert..... Sometimes i just have to leave and go sit on my porch with a book or go visit a neighbor as my will power is waning.....
  • danielleharvey2009
    danielleharvey2009 Posts: 25 Member
    Unfortunately I don't have those issues. My boyfriend is incrediably supportive (though there isn't a day he lets go by without reminding me I'm beautiful just how I am), and all my friends are anxious to see me thinner (as I've never been thin in my life).

    If I did have this issue, firstly I'd give them my reason, that you want to do it for you. It's a big thing to feel comfortable in one's own skin. My little sister is 120lbs and is still on the site because she doesn't feel comfortable the way she looks and feels now. If that doesn't work, I'd be VERY clear to them that you're on this whether they like it or not. I mean, it's not their body right? I cave sometimes and get pizza with everyone, but they understand I'll have maybe 1 piece. Or that I have to walk for the next hour to burn it off. Also, don't get upset with your friends, it's hard enough to stop the intake of junk food for your own self, and even harder for someone else. They'll come around hopefully, as long as you stick to it and believe in yourself (I feel like a Disney movie right there, hahaha, but it's true XD ).

    It seems like you have to be your own support until they understand. You'll always find support here, I've never seen a more positive site on the internet before, so we're all rooting for you :)
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    You're going to have to be your own motivation. You either want to or you don't. Your friends are big and content to be where they are for right now. I'm not saying to stop asking them or encouraging them to get healthier but you didn't start down this road until you chose to. They aren't going to do it until they choose to. Sit down and think of reasons to counteract their arguments. You have 4 kids, I have five. My excuse to work out and eat right is so that I can keep up with them and be a positive influence in their eating habits. Right now, I lift because it's a huge stress relief. There is no reason to let them hold you back. When you let them know that you are a priority in your life they'll get used to it even if they don't whole heartedly support you. There is someone in my life right now that gets their digs in when they can because the weight hasn't just melted off and all that walking and lifting I'm doing is a waste of time. They don't see the changes I see and that's ok. With the exception of some encouragement from my husband, the people on my friends list are my support system and my inspiration. It's kind of sad that I can't get the same support "in real life" that I get from "strangers" on the internet but I took what I could get and I wouldn't change it for the world. The best advice I can give you is "do it anyway". "They" will get on board with you or they won't but you'll be better off either way.
  • fairbanksmommy
    fairbanksmommy Posts: 36 Member
    Mamamudbug, you are completely right about support systems. It's amazing how the friends in real life try to break you down, but getting support from strangers online that are struggling like we are the people we would least expect to be there for us. I would like to add everyone from his posting onto my friend list because it's people like you guys that I need to have supporting me to make this possible. My willpower needs some exercise of it's own. I know it will take a bit of time and practice to get into the swing of things and head down the right path!