How long did it take you to drop from 160 to 154? What makes you think it'll be any different this time around?
Nope. It's forbidden.
You should read the book, it's a lot darker and more dystopian. Then again, it is a Stephen King.
Dust off the scale. You can't accurately gauge your calorie intake if you're not measuring it.
From their FAQ: Is there an iOS or Android App for TrendWeight? No, there are not native applications for smartphones (iOS/Android/Windows/etc), and I don't have any plans to develop apps. That said, the TrendWeight web app is reasonably optimized for smartphones If you visit on your iOS or Android device,…
Every Starbucks that I've ever been in has bottled water.
Are you colorblind, by chance?
Greek Gods nonfat greek yogurt per serving is 9 grams protein, 100 calories. Plus it's delicious. Not much beats chicken breast, though.
Yeah, no.
Not nearly big enough to name it Bono.
You don't say. For those rightfully wary of clicking the link, it's spam. "FREE REPORT - How To Lose 15 Pounds Of Fat In 30 Days" and it requires registration.
I like that they use fair trade chocolate. Not using child slave labor makes it even more tasty.
Cholesterol homeostasis is vital to proper brain activity. Which would explain a few things here. Also, stellar first post.
Bump for anti-woo. Something always in sore need.
So you conclude your "apology" by making the same unsubstantiated assertions. Nice.
Incorrect. The 910xt uses ANT+ to communicate with the HRM. Unfortunately, this also doesn't work underwater.
Every post by this account screams troll. Especially the time between posts.
Ad hominem attacks only reflect upon yourself. You'd be wise to avoid them.
And how exactly will this help you to lower your cholesterol?
And the pips contain amygdalin, which is a compound of cyanide and sugar. Damn chemicals...
Just for you.
Don't tick off Fizzgig. He'll chomp you but good.