

  • Plus, they'll make you happy because they're yummy :)
    in Fruit! Comment by llachoix October 2011
  • Welcome, and hang in there. Today I am no longer overweight for the first time in years, after less than 4 months! Stillnot at my goal but I can see it's reachable. So is yours, no doubt!!
  • I make a direct association to how long I will need to run to burn it. Works for me...
  • I have set my goal rather aggressive, at 2 lb per week and I measure everything rigorously. So far on average, I have lost eaxctly that each week over the past 10 weeks. It's been going like clockwork. Whenever I ate more than the target, I've exercized it (very often actually).
  • I haven't stopped much but whatever good I adjusted the quatity, in part because of the awareness, and in part because Ihave to run/burn whatever I eat above my target... Trade-off is a good way to proceed. But I have to say that McDonald's is nolonger worth the run to burn it...
  • I started running about a month and a half ago. I've been into sport before but not into running and I was afraid my knees would suffer. I started doing fast walks in a park with a hill, lots of stairs etc. (we live in Singapore). Then I gradually started running but could only go short distances at a time (1 km, then 2 km…
  • Just got ourselves a really cool juicer. Amazing what a few carrots and a bunch of celery taste like!
  • Hi - I agree with others, sticking to the recommended plan is a better idea. I went for a rather aggressive target of 1,5 to 2 lb per week, and even sticking to the plan, the result was higher weight loss at the beginning, and recently a little bit less, but looking at the average for each of the last 7 weeks, it was…
  • Hi - I drink water when I feel like snacking, but easier during the day I guess. But what works for me is entering the calories intake in this tool... It really turns me off when I see the efforts of the day goesdown the drain because of a craving... (I have a pretty low calorie target). If I still kill that piece of…
  • I read an informative blog that got me going on this and so far it worked very well. It would also explain the numbers you are quoting. In short and simplistic terms, it mentioned that burning a pound of fat requires roughly 3,500 calories. Losing a pound in a week requires 3,500 calories, or 500 calories per day…
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