How do i start running ?

I have always wanted to be a runner but when i was 320 that was not an option in my mind. I have lost 34lbs so far and I really want to run but I don't know where to start. i'm worried that i'm to big to run. Can anyone tell me about their experience or maybe a routine to get me into it? Thanks in advanced for the help.


  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    Maybe try a fast walk first, then ease into a jog, and eventually run.
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    There's a great program called Couch to 5K. It starts you off slowly and builds you up. You'll most likely find it in the threads as C25K. I'm starting it on monday :)
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Well you can just start running. At first you might make it a block, then 2, then .5 miles and so on. Or you could try to easy your way into it. Start off with a fast paced walk. Then add a little jogging..
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I agree you start by walking. I started the C25K program about 4 months ago and developed tendonitis of my knee and hip flexor muscles. That pain was so bad I had trouble walking and wished that I started by walking. Preserve your knee health so you can become the runner you always wanted to be.

    Don't underestimate walking. I jog a pathetic 14 min. mile (and can't even jog the whole thing!) and walk a 15 min. mile. I can get my heart rate into a "vigorous" training mode by walking hard, I can burn a lot of calories and strengthen and tone my legs.....and not injure myself.

    Whatever you do, get clearance from your doctor first, obviously.

    Good luck and keep up the great work!!
  • llachoix
    I started running about a month and a half ago. I've been into sport before but not into running and I was afraid my knees would suffer. I started doing fast walks in a park with a hill, lots of stairs etc. (we live in Singapore). Then I gradually started running but could only go short distances at a time (1 km, then 2 km with walking in between) and still thought I was dying. Then we increased gradually. Last night I ran 8 km non stop (1h) for the first time. Knees are behaving ok. Id say go gradually and don't hesitate to do fast walks fora while, especially with some inclide, that's quite a work out and good preparation for running later. Losing some weight definitely made it easier to me, so it's been very encouraging.
  • dutchess48
    Thanks, i just found the C25K and printed it out . It looks like something i can accomplish! Wish me luck!
  • akgary
    ive heard great things about c25k however i started running by walking, id walk miles then i would walk faster, eventually one day i felt like jogging so id do it until i felt like i needed to walk and would do a fast walk then jog'll get there:)
  • kismit9
    my husband started running the other year, and he was advised to get running shoes. so i suggest you get some from a sport shop, that will help you get the right type of shoes for your style of running due to your gaite. this will prevent any pains in your shine or any where in your legs.

    make sure you warm up proplely, but build up how you long run or for first.
  • dutchess48
    my husband started running the other year, and he was advised to get running shoes. so i suggest you get some from a sport shop, that will help you get the right type of shoes for your style of running due to your gaite. this will prevent any pains in your shine or any where in your legs.

    make sure you warm up proplely, but build up how you long run or for first.

    Thanks! This is great advice! I'm headed to the store in the morning to get some shoes! i love this forum because I feel less alone in this journey. :)
  • HappyLuna
    I would start with walking. Try and walk for 20mins 3-4 times a week. The the next week 25, then the next week 30 until you can comfortablely walk for 45-60mins. Once you have done this, I would then start this running program. I did it and found it great.

    Week 1 Run one min, walk 90 seconds. Repeat eight times. Do three times a week.
    Week 2 Run two mins, walk one min. Repeat seven times. Do three times a week.
    Week 3 Run three mins walk one mins. Repeat six times. Do three times a week.
    Week 4 Run five mins, walk two mins. Repeat four times. Do three times a week.
    Week 5 Run eight mins, walk two mins. Repeat three times. Do three times a week.
    Week 6 Run 12 mins, walk one min. Repeat three times. Do three times a week.
    Week 7 Run 15 mins, walk one min, Run fifteen mins. Do three times a week
    Week 8 Run 30 mins continuously.

    Repeat a week if you need too.Its an 8 week plan that took me 14 weeks to complete! Do it at your own pace and step things up slowly. I think this is the best way for you to get into running. Also make sure you stretch lots! Look up stretching on the net, and maybe try some yoga? Walking more and running more can make you ache. But go with it. Have a rest day and stretch and then carry on. Honestly when I started running I aches so much walking at the stairs was horrible! But I gritted my teeth and got through it. You can too. Its fantasic you want to start running. I hated it when I started and now I love it! See if you can get someone who can walk or run with you sometimes, and maybe invest in a heartrate monitor which can tell you how many calories you are burning. Its a more educated guess thant MFP.

    Congrats on your weightloss so far and good luck with the rest of your jounery. I really think you can do this. Never give up. Sometimes you have to take two steps back to go one step forward but its all part of the road! Keep it up, never be too hard on yourself and enjoy the changes you are making :smile: xxxxx

    ETA: RUNNING SHOES! Someone else has mentioned it but they are so important! Expensive but worth it :smile: