New Here

Hi All,

Im a mother of 2 kids......

Loosing weight is a challenge....and I'm fed of up being defeated... I am almost at the point to giving up....

Found MFP user friendly... logged it for 5 days and then I stopped...... I want to keep at it.

I want to be 55kg before Jan 5th .. which is my 8th wedding anniversary...... :-(


  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    Hi All,

    Im a mother of 2 kids......

    Loosing weight is a challenge....and I'm fed of up being defeated... I am almost at the point to giving up....

    Found MFP user friendly... logged it for 5 days and then I stopped...... I want to keep at it.

    I want to be 55kg before Jan 5th .. which is my 8th wedding anniversary...... :-(
    You can do this! Don't give up!
  • llachoix
    Welcome, and hang in there. Today I am no longer overweight for the first time in years, after less than 4 months! Stillnot at my goal but I can see it's reachable. So is yours, no doubt!!
  • Serialdieter
    Hi Welcome Back,

    I am also a mum of 2 and have been defeated by my weight to many times but I no longer will. Have been on MFP now for 2 weeks have lost 6lbs (due for 2nd weigh in tomorrow) . I am cutting down and excerising much more due to the insiration that I get from using this site.

    Remember nothing tastes as good as skinny feels ;)

    Add me as a friend if you would like x