

  • Amen!! I had Gastric Bypass 2 years ago and it is definitly not the easy way to lose weight! You still have to be aware of what you are eating and why you are eating, but it is a great tool! So Far I am down 189 pounds and still losign 2 years out! don't those who do not know the truth about the surgery persuade you not to…
  • 2 slices of lunch meat wraped around a vlasic dill pickle!
  • My favorite protein powder is Syntrax Nectar. It is a whey protein Isolate. 90 calories per scoop, no sugar no fat. Mixes in water with just a spoon. Tons of different flavors. If you use a blender bottle, or a blender it will get really frothy. My favorite protein bar is the Rockin' roll nut bar by Labarada (Sp?). It…
  • I always do an hour usually on the treadmill, unless my arthritis tells me otherwise. I am going to try to do the recumbant bike this week, because my arthritis Doc says that is better for me than the treadmill, just not sure the knees will agree to do it, thier range of motion is all jacked up after 6 joint surgeries (3…
  • it really depends on where you carry your weight. and how comfortable you are with tight clothes. I guess I am considered an Apple shape (Never have understood the fruit shape analogy so if I am wrong please tell me) I am 5'6" and have almost all of my weight in my abdomen and chest, with very little extra weight in my…
  • My Male cockatiel refuses to eat any pellets that are yellow or green and will only eat red or brown pellets. However my Female Cockatiel loves yellow and green pellets and hates red or brown pellets. i always have to sort out the bag of cockatiel food (all four colors of pellets are mixed in the bag) when I buy it so that…
  • I have that problem. My Issues are similar to yours: Migraines, arthritis, weight loss, iron defecient anemia, ulcers, primary caregiver to mother with parkinson's disease, Graduate school , conpromised immune system, yada yada yada. I have to actively think about one good thing for the day that is not related to my issues…
  • I Did they exact same thing (only it was 9 pounds in three days) when I first started exerciseing seriously. Turns put my muscles were not used to that amount of work and they were holding on to water for dear life (that is how my personal trainer explained it to me) after about a week the muscels got used to the new work…
  • I belive (but could be wrong since I haven't ordered this in a long time) that the Fruit N Nut Multigrain Pancake Meal comes with 2 eggs. Edited because I can't spell :)
  • Start with drinking v8 fusion juice. It has a full serving of veggie's in it but tasts like fruit juice. My favorite is the Strawberry Banana flavor. This will get you at least on veggie serving a day while you attempt to find a veggie recepie that you can tolerate. Look for recepies online try one new veggie recepie a…
  • Nope I do not want to eat more during my period. However the 5 days before it starts I crave SUGAR! I want twizlers, and carmel, and jelly beans, and spice drops. I can't eat sugar without getting violently ill, so I don't do it but boy the cravings drive me nuts! thank god for sugar free life savers!
  • That Time Of The Month ( your period)
  • I got them and was disappointed. I have arthritis in every major joint and in my left big toe, and the shoes make me put a lot of pressure on my toes when I walk. After about an hour in these shoes, my toe arthritis hurts so bad that I can not walk normally for 2 days.
  • I drink a ton of water (12, 8 oz glasses or more a day). I LOVE the crystal light peach tea. It actually tastes like tea but does not have the caffine of tea. I also love the pink lemonade crystal light. You can also buy decaffinated instant iced tea mix (I like Lipton decaf) . Most herbal teas are caffine free as well,…
  • Protein is raw building material for your body. Your body is constantly creating new cells. How are these new cells made? They are created from the foods we eat, primarily protein foods. Protein is critical in making skin, hair, bones, connective tissue and of course, muscle. A diet rich in lean proteins is essential to…
  • Pigs in a Blanket --Hot dogs cooked inside cresent rolls. you could also use vienna sausages if you wanted them to be smaller. Pinwheels-- take a tortilla, spread with cream cheese, add deli meat , roll up and slice. Crescent Fruit Treats--receipe at Little Apricot…
  • You are totaly right. It is more important how you react to the mistake than it is that you made a mistake.
  • my registered dietician says anything with less than 10 calories mixed in water counts as water. GO FOR IT!
  • Check the people that are working out there. do they seem focused on exercise or is it more of a "meat market" and they are there to check out the opposite sex.
  • YES!!! As long as it has less than 10 calories for 8 oz, my registered diatician says it can be used towards the water count!
  • A rep is doing a specific exercise 1 time and a set is a group of reps. So for example if you were going to do 2 sets of 8 reps of say bicep curls, you would do 8 bicep curls one after the other (that is the first set) then you would rest for 1 minute then do 8 bicep curls one after the other (that would be the second…
  • Took it easy to day since I have a sinus infection and larengitis. 60 minutes of cardio on the treadmill at 2.4 mph Strength training Back and chest : Fly 3 sets of 15 reps at 50 pounds Incline chest press 3 sets of 15 reps at 60 pounds Wide grip pulldown 3 sets 15 reps at 50 pounds
  • Ballroom Blitz by The Sweet
  • to get exercise calories from strength training, you need to enter "Strength training" under the cardio section. :huh: strange place I know, but true!
  • This happens to me all the time! I have Overactive Baldder and Stress Inconteince issue. The best thing that ever happened to me was getting a kidney stone. WHAT? you might be saying, but that Kidney stone forced me to go to a urologist when I was 23 to find out why I had stones so early in life. As a part of the exam they…
  • get your B-12 checked. When mine is low I am fatigued.
  • Being the bright girl is fun! everyone shold strive for the craziest color combo they can come up with! Black is so boreing IMHO.
  • We have one guy that comes in gets on the treadmill for 3 minutes then he gets off and walks around touching each peice of equipment in the gym 3 times before leaving. He does not actually use any of the equipment except the treadmill, he just touches it! :huh: The employees follow along behind him cleaning each peice of…
  • I do that too!! I h ave a lot of heavy metal, headbanging music on my IPOD. I will often be found walking on the treadmill headbanging. As far as I know I am not singing out loud, but I do mouth the words as I bang my head. It gets the heart rate up, while at the same time making it fun to walk!
  • I am the "BRIGHT" girl. Everyone at my gym wears black or grey, but I wear Neon Yellow or Lime Green :happy:, because I LOVE color and don't really care what people think of how I look anymore . I have pants and shirts in both colors, and plain black shorts. Sometimes I wear one of the bright shirts with the black shorts,…
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