Ready to give up already!!!!!!

ira_wall Posts: 10
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
OK, I have lost from 204lbs down to 189lbs since March 2010. Until about 2 months ago I wasn't really exercising or counting my calories, now I have started exercising walking and jogging for a total of an hour a day about 2 1/2 miles and logging my foods eating 1200 calories a day. I have gained back to 193 lbs, I am so not happy with this and don't understand how when I feel like I am busting my butt I can gain weight in fact from 189 to 193 in just 3 stinkin days. HELP, I am so discouraged then on top of the weight gain I work with mostly guys and several of them are losing wieght and dang if the fat doesn't melt off of them when they don't even try.
I also work shift work, 28 days then 28 nights 12 hour shifts which is making it really hard for me to log my food especially on night shift.


  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    Is that 1200 net calories or total? If you are exercising, you should probably add more calories to your daily total to get to your net to 1200? Don't let your body hold onto those calories thinking it won't be getting any more. I bet some of that weight is just normal flucuations and you will find yourself back down again in just as short a time frame. Don't give up.. I know how hard it is and how frustrating it can be. But think of all the good you are doing for yourself.
  • Oh, please don't give up! I once lost 7 pounds in a week and put it right back on again in the same amount of time -- all due to water. It is very frustrating, I know, but you may be gaining some muscle. Try not to weigh yourself more than once a week because the fluctuations in weight can be frustrating. And go by the way you feel and the way your clothes fit, not the weight. Another thing -- men stink. They do lose that weight fast. Our bodies are so different so you just can't compare yourself. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Just curious...why are you only eating 1200 calories/day?

    The reason I's quite possible that your calorie deficit is simply too large, and your body is holding onto every nutrient it can because it feels as though you're not fueling it enough for the work you're asking it to do.

    In say you gained 4 pounds in 3 days. Do you really think that you consumed an extra 14,000 calories in 3 days? Because that's what it would take to actually gain 4 pounds in 3 days.

    Your body weight is going to fluctuate throughout the day and throughout the month. I gain 6 pounds the week I'm on my period. It's just my body holding onto water can't panic about it, and you can't allow the scale to be the end all, be all to your weight loss journey. Otherwise, you'll become so frustrated about the whole thing that you might decide it's not worth any of it.

    Take a step back...congratulate yourself on what you have accomplished so far. You can't compare yourself to others, because their body isn't yours.

    Take a look at the foods you're eating. Are you eating as cleanly as you can (meaning 'whole' foods rather than processed foods with additives and tons of salt? Are you sure you're eating enough calories to support your current body weight PLUS the activity you are doing every day.

    Then...get rid of the scale. Seriously, the best thing I ever did was have my husband hide my scale for 90 days. It forced me to rely on the way I felt, my measurements and my 30, 60 and 90 day pictures to determine if I was making progress. I lost a TON of inches, my day 1 and day 90 pictures were worlds apart, I had incredible energy, and you know what? Only lost 7 pounds.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    It could just be water weight, that time of the month , or a number of things. Dont give up , hang in there and I am sure you will see a change in weight soon. I have experienced this too only to have the next week show a loss of 3-4 lbs so dont throw in the towel yet, you have done fantastic so far
  • ira_wall
    ira_wall Posts: 10
    IDK if it is net or total, but I think I understand what you are asking 1200 calories is before exercise then its more after exercise. I made my diary public so you can look at it.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Definitely don't give up. That could have been a dehydrated 189 or a super hydrated 193. It is very easy for you body to fluctuate, but keep at it and you will see results. One time I gained 7 lbs in one weekend due to eating out a lot (went home and saw a lot of friends). Lost most of that within a couple days due to the food passing through my body and eating at home.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I don't know if this is necessarily what is happening with you, but typically, when you start a new exercise program (like it sounds like you have just done) you reactivate muscles that have lain dormant. When you don't use muscles, they quit storing glycogen (basically sugar water that gives muscles their energy). When you start using them again they say, "Oh no! We need some energy QUICK!" and start storing glycogen like a mad man. As you continue in your exercising (and keep yourself well hydrated!), those muscles eventually realize that they don't have to store as much because it is readily available whenever they need it.

    Short version: your newly reawakened muscles may be holding water. Water weighs a LOT. Keep doing what you're doing and in a couple weeks, maybe a month on the outside, you will see a several pound drop. It will make all of it worth it when you see it!

    In case that ISN'T the issue, could it be TOM paying a visit? I know women who gain up to 5lbs of water each month! If it's TOM, the weight will drop off a few days after he leaves.

    Keep up the good work!:flowerforyou: I started where you did (205) 11 months ago. It can be done, but it won't be quick. Keep working and it will happen!
  • My weight jumps around a bit, depends on what I eat ect. ect. ect. Your eating your full 1200 + half of your exercise so you're doing fine, give it a week and it should work itself out.

    BTW tonight's dinner sounds sooooo good ^_^
  • Do not give up!
    First of all, did you weigh yourself at the same time of day? Water retention, clothing, your cycle, muscle mass, food intake and other factor can make your weigh fluctuate. Weighing yourself too often can be bad too. My doctor told me to weigh myself once a week at the same time of day. I choose the morning because I have not eaten yet.
    If it makes you feel any better: I battled with weight my whole life, then I lost 70 pounds in two years through incredible work... And then I started working in prison and the job got to me and even with 100s of attempts that I lost and only made me feel worst about myself, I saw my pants size increase and I gained 40 pounds back! Now I am back at square one, I feel like a total idiot not to mention loser! But I have been back to counting calories and working out (even though I injured my foot a few weeks ago) and I am hopeful that it will all work out.
    If for some reason you did gain the weight, I would suggest looking at your fat intake, water consumption and seeing a doctor to make sure everything is alright.
    I have a diet buddy, we email every day discussing what we ate, calories, exercise and bad days/nights when we cheap and pig out... it really helps because we love each other and are also close friends. She weighs herself very often and does fasting and such and her weight fluctuates like crazy sometimes. She once lost 5 pounds in one day but months later she gained 7 and on and on.
    Do not be discouraged, you are doing wonderful and at the very least you health is saying thank you for eating right and exercising, the weight will come off

    God luck! (sorry for the long answer)
  • nvmomof02
    nvmomof02 Posts: 3

    Don't give up...please. One thing I have learned during my weight loss is water! You have to drink lots of water. We eat the right foods and do the right exercises to break up the fat cells in our body but if you don't drink water to flush it out it will just settle some where else. We are supposed to have 8 - 8oz glasses plus an extra 8 oz for every 25 lbs over weight. I know you probably think you will float away or you won't be able to drink that much but you will get used to it. Oh and yes, you will go potty ALOT in the beginning. But that too will calm down as your body gets used to the water.

    Just don't give up. It will happen it just takes time. Remember...Nothing tastes better than thin does!

  • i agree with irisheyes.....dont give up!! men do loose weight faster than women. just their genetic make up. weigh yourself once a week. if you hadn't been excercising are more than likely building muscle to support your weight durin gyour routines. also...any sodium intake will make your body hold water weight.

    you will get there!!! you didnt gain the weight wont loose it overnight either!
  • ira_wall
    ira_wall Posts: 10
    OMG first time I have ever posted on here and great responses Thanks for all the advise and answers so far.
  • jmaille
    jmaille Posts: 7
    I just posted the same question! I lost more weight when I didn't exercise. I don't think there will ever be a good answer to why our bodies do what they do. I just know I am happier when I'm eating well and I need to think about that more than I think about the numbers on the scale I guess.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Ok I didn't read all of the replies so sorry if this is redundant.


    1) TOM????
    2) Are you drinking enough water (at least 8 more if you eat a lot of sodium or work out)
    3) with 1200 cals as your intake are you eating back work out calories?
    4) what kind of foods are you eating?

    Just some things to think about.
  • beutiful5678
    beutiful5678 Posts: 58 Member
    Don't give up!

    As some others have suggested you may not be eating enough calories. First of all, go "Tools" and then "BMR Calculator." This will give you then minimum calories you should be consuming per day (NET). The reason I say net is because when you exercise you burn calories, when you enter that exercise in MFP, it adds it to your daily total for calories that you should consume. Your should eat between 50-100% of these.

    Also, I started tracking my sodium. There are A TON of foods that contain a lot of sodium (unbeknownst to many of us). Sodium makes us retain water. This could be causing the weight fluctuations. Did you eat a lot of sodium the day before you weighed in? If so, I'd like to think of these pounds as deceptive pounds because we can easily rid our bodies of them by drinking a lot of water the next day (but somehow these pounds still manage to discourage us).

    And as others have said, a change in an exercise routine/an introduction of exercise can also cause the scale to weird things!

    Good luck! :smile:
  • I had this same problem when I decided I was going to get a personal trainer. through-out 8 weeks I had gained 6lbs and lost no inches. first of all, one of my problems was i was not eating enough calories therefore my body was storing EVERYTHING I was taking in. second of all, i didnt drink enough water, Its hard to do but it is very important because it flushes toxins,fat, etc.. third of all, you didnt mention if you were walking/running outside where there are hills. what im getting at is, if you walk/run hills you will build way more muscle then if you are on a track or treadmill. and like everyone already knows muscle weighs more than fat! Im not saying all thats muscle but its a possibility you are gaining some if you are using an incline of some sort.
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    Give up what???? There's nothing to give up. This should be a new way of life for you. There is no "end date". You clearly are looking at this as a diet and if that's the case......then I can understand why you might want to "give up". Diets stink. This should be your new way of life, eating healthy and working out. It's not like you gained 30 pounds. Two good bowel movements could melt 4-5 pounds right off again.

    Hate to tell you this, but this will happen again and again and again. It's part of life. You should always have 5 pounds that float on and off. It's only normal. It could be water weight, bowel, muscle gain or loss, etc.....

    Keep your chin up, we're all going through the same thing. Just hang in there!:flowerforyou:
  • redbedhead
    redbedhead Posts: 53
    I Did they exact same thing (only it was 9 pounds in three days) when I first started exerciseing seriously. Turns put my muscles were not used to that amount of work and they were holding on to water for dear life (that is how my personal trainer explained it to me) after about a week the muscels got used to the new work load and let go of all that water and whoop Down the weight went plus some! Do not be discouraged!!!
  • PhoebeM
    PhoebeM Posts: 13
    Do you weigh yourself at the same time everyday? Our bodies fluxuate 2-3 lbs during the day with the water and meals we intake.
  • ira_wall
    ira_wall Posts: 10
    I would like to thank everyone for the responses, I am walking outside through my city and if nothing else getting to know some areas I didn't previously know very well. I am a police officer and I ride around alot lol, so I guess I am stopping to smell the roses instead of flying by them. Oh and yes TOM is here so I will remember to take that into consideration since I have never really cared about what I eat or really paid attention to my weight before IDK if that could be it, but maybe. I feel alot better this morning and I am up ready and raring to go to work. Everyone have a wonderful day.
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