Help with the fatigue

I’m eating healthier than I have in quite a few years. I am exercising every day. Why do I still feel tired? I thought I was supposed to get a boost of energy by doing all of this?

Should I be taking an extra vitamin or supplement?

Has anyone else had this problem? What are you doing to boost your energy levels?


  • redbedhead
    redbedhead Posts: 53
    get your B-12 checked. When mine is low I am fatigued.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I take a regular multivitamin a few times a week. I also try to eat ALOT of protein. On the days I don't go over the MFP requirements, I am tired. I also find i am sluggish if i get too much sleep or not enough. Also, when exericising perviously, i was not getting my heart rate up, and find now when pushing myself more, i am getting that bolt of energy that lasts awhile after exercise and i love it. But i did have to push myself way out of my comfort range. I also have an underactive thyoid and find that when i begin to lose a lot of hair (notice in shower mostly) and feel very sluggish i often need to get my medication tweeked. Also, if my carbs are too high, i will feel sluggish or if i eat simple carbs, i feel a crash after. Whole grains help me stay full without the crash. Not sure if my rambling helps! Good luck to feeling more rested.
  • Callmefia
    Callmefia Posts: 42
    i JUST started a B-Complex vitamin. It gives me a lot of energy (in fact almost too much sometimes I get the shakes lol) but maybe that would help. I also use the 1 a day gummies (the swallow ones make me nauseated). I just take one gummy even though the serving is 2. Just to supplement a little bit because I would like to get most of my vitamins from what I eat :)

    The B complex really helped me a lot yesterday! I rode a horse at the barn for a long time in the extreme heat/humidity we had and had enough energy afterwards to still go grocery shopping and do a Biggest Loser workout.... and it showed on the scale this morning too :) Usually after riding in the heat I nearly pass out on the couch for the rest of the day. But yesterday I even offered to help bring all of the horses in and they told me to go relax because my face was read and my clothes were soaked in sweat! lol!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    When I was feeling drained, it was because I wasn't eating enough. I eat 90-100% of my exercise calories now and I have a disgusting amount of energy. :laugh: