Whey protein?

jbolles Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
it seems that a lot of people take whey protein????? Can anyone explain why, and what it does for you? My diary says i get plenty of protein, so why the whey protein?..

Thanks for the info!!!


  • sjd2010
    sjd2010 Posts: 106
    I don't have the answer, but I would like to know what it is.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    It is just a protein supplement. Helps build and maintain muscle. Many people, myself included, eat high protein diets when working out a lot. It helps heal the muscle tears you get from working out and helps to limit soreness.
  • nikolerock
    nikolerock Posts: 13 Member
    I started putting it in my smoothies about three weeks ago. I don't like eating meat with breakfast and I thought it would boost my energy. But, a friend just told me that not many people truly suffer from a lack of protein. Her philosophy is that it's pretty easy to get the 40g of protein per day just by eating healthy and she is not even eating meat right now. So - I think I may continue to add it to my smoothie in the morning - on days that I don't eat a balanced breakfast,
  • redbedhead
    redbedhead Posts: 53
    Protein is raw building material for your body. Your body is constantly creating new cells. How are these new cells made? They are created from the foods we eat, primarily protein foods. Protein is critical in making skin, hair, bones, connective tissue and of course, muscle.

    A diet rich in lean proteins is essential to burning fat.

    Whey protein is a great protein choice for people of all age groups who value the role of a healthy diet in helping to maintain and improve their health. Whey protein is a good choice for meal replacement or post workout recovery.
  • TooFine4MFP
    TooFine4MFP Posts: 134 Member
    I use GNC WHEYBOLIC AMPLIFIED and it helps as a protein source. In general it is hard to get all the protein you need from just food alone, so this serves as a supplement. Also it helps you build lean muscle and it keeps you full in between meals. I mix mine w/ Lean Shake and it gives me 30 grams of protein right there. Its also great to use right after an intense workout.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You may think you're getting enough protein...MFP automatically has you set at like 15%. It should be set at 30% for optimal results.

    Whey protein is good for repairing muscles after a work out so they can heal and get stronger and grow. I eat a lot of meat and protein but it's hard for me to get 30% protein because I work out a lot and my base calories are 1400 so I take whey protein after my work outs. It's great for helping with soreness too. I'm hardly ever sore anymore unless I try a new exercise. With the shake, I'm usually at least 30g away from meeting my daily goal so every little bit helps.
  • nikolerock
    nikolerock Posts: 13 Member
    Are all Whey Protein Powders equal? I purchased an inexpensive brand at Wal-Mart and am wondering if I should do more research and find a better brand.
  • Not all Whey proteins are equal. Some may carry more fat, lactose, etc. Some people choose on taste alone. Read the labels and know what you're getting. My advice, drink the stuff you have now but maybe right down the nutritional values on the label and compare it to other brands.

    Another thing I've learned about Whey protein is to drink it within 30 minutes of finishing your workout. Like most of the other posts say, it helps repair your muscles and the sooner you take it after a workout, the more you'll absorb. Protein levels are depleted through exercise so drink up!
  • ciaobella47
    ciaobella47 Posts: 95 Member
    From what I've read Whey protein (as opposed to other forms) is supposed to be easier to digest. My last trainer said Whey Protein Isolate is the best form. Honestly, I can't remember why. I'll have to look into that.... :)
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Try to get a sample before buying a big bucket of the stuff. I'm not lactose intolerant and eat/drink all kinds of dairy ... but whey protein makes me violently ill.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Most people don't need to take a protein supplement. You have to remember for around 3 scoops, it's anywhere from 170-260 calories a scoop...and at about 38 grams of protein. And if you factor in milk, banana and maybe PB..sure it's high in protein, but it's also not just a post workout shake, it's a freaking meal in itself. In a can of water packed tuna you get 30 grams, according to my cloverleaf, it would cost me 110 calories, for the entire can, a 3.5 ounce chicken breast, 30 grams of protein as well.I very rarely use a prtoein supplement, and i'm a muscle chick, I get enough protein through my diet, Most old school builders I train with don't use it either, and we're talking big *kitten* muscle heads...more creatine freaks then anything. They'd rather eat their protein then drink it. It;s not hard to get the protein in your diet, and at a much less caloric expenses as well. Do your research and find out if you truly need the supplement, then find a brand and flavour that you enjoy.
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