

  • :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: OH SO TRUE!!
  • Hello there and welcome!! I know about the baby weight too. I am trying to lose the baby weight from my 8 week old....this doesn't sound bad until I tell you that baby weight is on top of the baby weight from my 2 year old and my 4 year old. I'm just starting out as well. Good luck to you.:drinker:
    in OkOk! Comment by tookieb October 2008
  • :laugh: :laugh: It tastes like water with cucumbers.:laugh: :laugh: What's there to lose by trying, if you don't like it just dump it out and try something else.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • I leave the skin on and slice them VERY THIN. In your average size pitcher I put a 1-2 inch section of cucumber (remember to slice thin1/4 to 1/8 inch thick is what I use). If you find it's not strong enough add a bit more. Also remember to WASH THE VEGGY. I bought a fresh fruit wash from a company called NORWEX I could…
  • I hate it too. What I do is keep a big glass beside the kitchen sink and when I go past I try to pour one glass and stand there and drink the whole thing. If I have to sip it, I will not finish even one glass a day. In the summer I keep a jug of water in the fridge with cucumber slices in it. I know it sounds strange but I…
  • I went out and bought a heart rate monitor (since these seem to be important:noway: ) It is a wrist worn version that reads your S-Pulse (measures electical signals on your skin like an EKG machine or electrocardiogram). OK so just sitting here my heart rate is 55, how does a person figure out calories burned from…
  • Thanks, I just went through a key episode myself. We just got a new van in August and it came with 2keys (they were the big ones that have the door unlocking buttons right on the key. They cost about $270.00 to replace each key. I thought I lost one somewhere in town but none of the stores found it, I then drove 2hours to…
  • Thank you for all your imput, if I can find where my daughter left my runners I will wear them for the TMT when I get it..........Little girls and mommy's shoes; just a fact of life I guess. :wink:
  • How important is it to wear shoes if you are doing workouts (like with a balance ball) in your home? What about the TMT work outs or on an eliptical trainer?
  • I wish you all the best, and think that those goals are attainable. I don't know what you are looking for in a dress but I can tell you from experience (been married 6 years) don't settle on just any dress make sure it is the perfect one for you. I tried on 50 or 60 dresses and my bridesmaids were ready to kill me. Each…
  • I'm with you:D
  • What about someone who is just starting out with the 10 Minute Trainer DVD's? I am pretty out of shape, can you give me an estimate of calories burned?
  • Whooa! I'm not the trainer (I wish I was in shape enough to be a trainer), I was just interested in the DVD's and was doing some research on the product before I bought it. This is just one review I found. To see the actual review go to :…
  • Check out this review I found, it was done by a personal trainer. I just thought I would share what I've found. Sunday, July 27, 2008 Review: Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer Workout ABOUT ME:I'm a professional artist, a certified personal trainer, writing a fictional novel. I have both a Fine Art and a Business/Marketing…
  • Peace River, Alberta, Canada. If you know where Calgary Alberta is (where they hold the huge stampede every year), you would have to drive north for about 8 hours to get to Peace River.
  • OK I just saw a commercial for this and it really looks like it "could work" but... does it? Has anyone out there tried this DVD set? What were your results? I can't afford to pay $80.00 for something that is just not worth it. PLEASE GIVE YOUR OPINION!! I haven't been a part of MFP for long but I greatly value the…
  • You two are too funny:laugh:
  • Congratulations!! You'll do fine:wink: My third baby was a bit of a surprise as well, the 1st time we did anything without protection I got pregnant..."He shoots, he scores"::laugh: How old are your other two? Mine are 4, 2 & 6weeks. I found going from 2 to 3 kids easier then going from 1 to 2. The two big kids entertain…
  • Thank you very much I will check out those sites. The walks are pretty much out of the question now, it is fall here and the temp will be dropping to below freezing by the end of the month and we'll probably have snow by mid November. . It also takes me about 20min just to get all 3 kids ready to go out, so I'd do 1 walk a…
  • I would go for a cat, they are much less work and they don't smell as bad. (Can you tell I'ma cat person) lol If you are trying to adopt which I think is the best, call around and see if they will let you take home the pet of your choice on a trial basis. I've had several cats over the years and found that the short haired…
  • So how many of us are you willing to take on as clients? My husband and I can cook (he loves to and is VERY good at it). The problem is his family is Polish/German and mine is Russian; two nationalities not well known for their healthy eating. Everything has either sour cream, whipping cream butter, bacon, sausage or a…
  • I don't know about where you live but up here in Alberta I can find "Natural or Unsweetened Peanut Butter" it is very tasty stuff.
  • These sound interesting. You'll have to let us know what you think of them. 'Cause lord knows I could use a little (lot) motivation.
  • As a new mom I probably would have listened to all the current do's and don'ts if it hadn't been for my mother in law and my mom saying "well it never hurt you kids and you all turned out fine". As well when I sat down and thought about it; there was only one girl who died of a peanut allergy (from a cookie eaten while on…
  • We have no known food allergies on either side of our family and I started both of my older kids, (they are 4 & 2 now baby #3 is 5 weeks) on mashed bananas and peanut butter as soon as they were ready for solids (between 5&6 months of age). They also got mashed eggs the whites and yokes. By 9 months they were eating what…
  • Some men can just be *kitten*'s!! But I wouldn't stop trying just 'cause one was rude. I haven't heard many good things about meeting men online. I am currently married but if I were single I think I would still do it the old fashioned person. Keep your chin up. You look great in your profile picture, and I'm sure…
  • So can I , and my daughter has the same toes as me too. My hubby calls me monkey toes.:laugh:
    in general Comment by tookieb October 2008
  • Ah thank you. :embarassed: I don't get out much as you can see and therefore I am totally clueless on any thing new. Nickle Back is still new to me.
    in general Comment by tookieb October 2008
  • We are big red meat eaters in our family. Quite frankly I believe humans are meant to be carnivores. We have binocular vision and canine teeth as well as a digestive system that does not do the best job of processing vegetables something we have in common with all carnivores. I have nothing against vegetarians or vegans,…
  • Are yoy talking about the comedien Michael McDonald?
    in general Comment by tookieb October 2008