Mayday! Mayday!

I need some serious help! I am just starting to really get going on the whole get in shape thing haha and I know how to work out and am very knowledgeable when it comes to weight training but food and nutition KILLS!!!!!!!!! me

Pretty much I no clue what to eat how much and why! I can cook so thats not the prob its just knowing what to cook! I would love some real help like maybe a meal plan or something cause im lost!



  • imawetod222
    I need some serious help! I am just starting to really get going on the whole get in shape thing haha and I know how to work out and am very knowledgeable when it comes to weight training but food and nutition KILLS!!!!!!!!! me

    Pretty much I no clue what to eat how much and why! I can cook so thats not the prob its just knowing what to cook! I would love some real help like maybe a meal plan or something cause im lost!

  • cinnamonbonbon
    hey! lucky you, im studying to become a registered dietician and i actually would love to help give you ideas for meal plans if you would like. but i have to know your weight, height, and how much you exercise daily, also what are your main goals? maintain weight? gain weight? lose?
  • imawetod222
    im about 5 foot 7 or 8 (depends on the doctor) 205 pounds......last time i checked about 18 percent body fat.....i am trying to get down to about 175 and then work on gaining 15 to 20 pounds of lean muscle....

    goal is to be fit enough to walk on at a small college where ever i go
  • cinnamonbonbon
    hmm well first i would suggest you start writing down exactly what you eat for one or two days, then calculate the number of calories you are getting into your body. this is the number your body is using daily, and how much your body requires to maintain your weight (assuming you're not currently losing or gaining any). then, to lose weight in a healthy way, you should aim for a loss of 1 lb a week. use online tools to get an estimation on how much you burn through exercise. if you are already burning 500 calories, you don't have to decrease your caloric intake by foods. decrease your calories by 500 a day to lose a lb a week. since i don't know how much your caloric needs are, i'll give you a sample of what a healthy meal-plan would be for one day, you can adjust the amount consumed according to how much calories you need.

    egg omlette made with only 1 whole egg, rest egg whites and olive oil, throw in some chopped up veggies and sprinkle of lowfat cheese.
    Whole wheat toast (make sure its 100% whole wheat)
    Piece of fruit or 3/4 cup of 100% fruit juice

    Turkey sandwich with whole wheat bread
    side salad with light dressing
    piece of fruit, or fruit smoothie made with skim/soy milk

    salmon with brown rice
    side salad

    serving of nuts
    cottage cheese and fruit
    Veggie sticks and hummus

    Of course, these meals are just simple balanced ideas, make sure you are getting enough calories too, and get most of your fats from healthy fats (mono and polyunsaturated, rather than saturated and trans fats). check your food labels often!! hope this helps
  • tookieb
    tookieb Posts: 89
    So how many of us are you willing to take on as clients? My husband and I can cook (he loves to and is VERY good at it). The problem is his family is Polish/German and mine is Russian; two nationalities not well known for their healthy eating. Everything has either sour cream, whipping cream butter, bacon, sausage or a combination. My husband said in passing that he should start eating better as well but it hasn't happened. We also have 3 kids 4, 2 & 5wks so anything we make they have to be able to eat as well. I am not very creative and have no imagination for cooking, can you please help with healthy meal ideas? I am 5'1" 165lb and my hubby is 6' 230+lbs and exercise is practically non existant for either of us. I know this is a really bad thing but I am trying to get on my eliptical trainer more often.
  • imawetod222
    ok sweet thanks
  • cinnamonbonbon
    haha OKAY just to let you know, i'm still a sophomore in college, but i have taken nutrition courses and i do have a pretty good idea of what im talking about.

    first of all, it sounds great that your family is willing to start eating healthier! keep in mind, no way should you entirely give up the traditional foods you love. start with small changes, maybe if your husband just can't give up those buttery, bacony meals, try eating it only once a week as a treat instead of everyday. i know many great recipes, but of course i don't think i would be convenient posting it here. however, when im at home from school break, i LOVE going to and for great, delicious recipes that are satisifying and healthy. they also offer healthier versions of comforting favorites that even kids would love. exercise is very important for great health, but that doesn't mean you should start off by running a marathon. try to start slowly; try taking 10 minute walks 3 times a day, everyday. this can be a 10 minute walk around the block with your husband and the kids. as you get used to this, maybe you can try joining a gym and starting to increase your exercise. if you don't have time for the gym, you could always just continue your walks, and increasing the time. try pilates, kickboxing, yoga, to mix up your routines. (you can simply buy tapes!)
  • tookieb
    tookieb Posts: 89
    Thank you very much I will check out those sites. The walks are pretty much out of the question now, it is fall here and the temp will be dropping to below freezing by the end of the month and we'll probably have snow by mid November. . It also takes me about 20min just to get all 3 kids ready to go out, so I'd do 1 walk a day if I were lucky. But then again the 20min getting them ready is a workout on it's own LOL.