How can I train myself to drink water?

I HATE water:noway: But I know I need it..I drink cokes everyday and if i dont have a coke i get a terrible headache:drinker: How do i get out of this rut?


  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    I HATE water:noway: But I know I need it..I drink cokes everyday and if i dont have a coke i get a terrible headache:drinker: How do i get out of this rut?
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    I use to drink a 2 liter of Coke a myself!:noway: I bought a 64 oz water bottle at Walmart for like $1.50 and I make sure to at least get that in...most days I double it now. You just have to make yourself drink'll eventually like it.
  • neverbeenskinny
    neverbeenskinny Posts: 446 Member
    It's hard to get use to drinking just regular water to began with since most American's don't drink regular water. Just start with putting a little Crystal Light in it, not much just a little for taste, and every day use less and less until you don't need it any more.

    Or put slices of fresh lemon, lime or orange in your water and see if that works for you. :drinker:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Soda :sick:

    Try adding Lipton green tea on the go packets.

    They are made with sucralose and some have energizing qualities such as ginsing, pomegranite, and B vitamins.
  • cometnurse
    cometnurse Posts: 62 Member
    A good way to start drinking water is to make yourself drink a glass before each meal. Not only will it add to your water total for the day, but it will put a little something into your belly before you eat. Or if you feel the urge for a soda, drink the water first.
  • roshong06
    roshong06 Posts: 196
    4 16.9 oz water bottles equals your daily requirement...I have the same problem you have. So, I treat myself. For every 2 bottles of water I drink, I reward myself by adding a flavor packet to the next bottle. I cut out the sodas all together. But if you get the individual packets and carry them with you...the best is the mandarin green lipton...OMG..its so tasty. But you can try that, you only have to drink 4 of those bottles. eventually you will just drink water, it will become natural to you. Good luck girl.
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    Well, I had to get the whole family off of coke and/or pepsi. For the family, it was a very gradual thing. I first started out by buying diet sodas instead of the "real" stuff. Then once they all got used to that, I started buying the caffeine-free diet sodas. Hubby still refuses to just drink water, but at least he's never gone back to the loaded sodas. I started using the little to-go packets from Wal-Mart, and now I alternate between a to-go packet and water. Sooo much cheaper than sodas and I love the peach tea. Or just add a lemon wedge along with a packet or two of splenda in a 16oz. glass of water. Love it!

    Overcoming my addiction to sodas was/has been the hardest thing for me to do.
  • pinktoque
    pinktoque Posts: 340 Member
    Soda :sick:

    Try adding Lipton green tea on the go packets.

    They are made with sucralose and some have energizing qualities such as ginsing, pomegranite, and B vitamins.

    /agree... SODA! :)
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I love my sugar free tea. I knew I had to start drinking more water even though I didn't like drinking it either. Here is what I do. I let myself have a glass of tea right away in the morning and then won't let myself have anymore tea until I have atleast 2liters of water first. I have been doing this for two weeks and its been working great. :flowerforyou:
  • aliciavasq
    I think the 64oz bottles are a bit intimidating so i have a 370z one i got at walgreens for 2 bucks and i tell myself "you only have to drink 1 3/4 of these and thats it" and i reward myself by having juice or milk with dinner :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • tookieb
    tookieb Posts: 89
    I hate it too. What I do is keep a big glass beside the kitchen sink and when I go past I try to pour one glass and stand there and drink the whole thing. If I have to sip it, I will not finish even one glass a day. In the summer I keep a jug of water in the fridge with cucumber slices in it. I know it sounds strange but I had it at a spa once and couldn't believe how refreshing it was.
  • EvilPIB
    EvilPIB Posts: 334 Member
    I hate it too. What I do is keep a big glass beside the kitchen sink and when I go past I try to pour one glass and stand there and drink the whole thing. If I have to sip it, I will not finish even one glass a day. In the summer I keep a jug of water in the fridge with cucumber slices in it. I know it sounds strange but I had it at a spa once and couldn't believe how refreshing it was.

    That sounds really good. Do you peel the skin or leave it on?
  • tookieb
    tookieb Posts: 89
    I hate it too. What I do is keep a big glass beside the kitchen sink and when I go past I try to pour one glass and stand there and drink the whole thing. If I have to sip it, I will not finish even one glass a day. In the summer I keep a jug of water in the fridge with cucumber slices in it. I know it sounds strange but I had it at a spa once and couldn't believe how refreshing it was.

    That sounds really good. Do you peel the skin or leave it on?
    I leave the skin on and slice them VERY THIN. In your average size pitcher I put a 1-2 inch section of cucumber (remember to slice thin1/4 to 1/8 inch thick is what I use). If you find it's not strong enough add a bit more.

    Also remember to WASH THE VEGGY. I bought a fresh fruit wash from a company called NORWEX I could not believe the crap that came floating to the surface of the water after I washed some apples. All sorts of milky, waxy looking stuff...GROSS!!:noway:
  • EvilPIB
    EvilPIB Posts: 334 Member
    I hate it too. What I do is keep a big glass beside the kitchen sink and when I go past I try to pour one glass and stand there and drink the whole thing. If I have to sip it, I will not finish even one glass a day. In the summer I keep a jug of water in the fridge with cucumber slices in it. I know it sounds strange but I had it at a spa once and couldn't believe how refreshing it was.

    That sounds really good. Do you peel the skin or leave it on?
    I leave the skin on and slice them VERY THIN. In your average size pitcher I put a 1-2 inch section of cucumber (remember to slice thin1/4 to 1/8 inch thick is what I use). If you find it's not strong enough add a bit more.

    Also remember to WASH THE VEGGY. I bought a fresh fruit wash from a company called NORWEX I could not believe the crap that came floating to the surface of the water after I washed some apples. All sorts of milky, waxy looking stuff...GROSS!!:noway:

    Thanks and I too use a veggie wash because I had the same experience with a salad. I have found they taste cleaner and crisper especially peppers when you use a veggie wash. Thanks again I will be trying that this weekend with my kids.
  • spazmother0727
    spazmother0727 Posts: 55 Member

    Straws is what helped me drink my water. I have these traveling water jugs with the built in straws... It cost me $10.00 at Target, but rubbermaid does not make my favorite water jugs anymore :sad:

    I love lemon in my water... I hate lemonaid, but I love lemon in my water... No sugar. I have heard that raspberries are pretty good in water, still have not tried that yet.

    I am addicted to Coke as well, but, I have cut back BIG TIME!

    Try a straw, it may help you drink that water down fast.

    Good luck

  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    I, too, am a fellow water-hater. Plain water makes me nauseus. I've tried it cold, I've tried it room temp. Makes no sense, but it's true. I have a 32-oz. container that I put one Crystal Light packet into and when I don't have that, I'll squirt some lemon juice and throw a couple Splenda packets into it. I know plain water is better, but the flavored is better then no water at all. Try some flavoring, and gradually reduce the amount you add until you are drinking straight water.

    Good luck! I feel your pain! :laugh:
  • zoepane
    zoepane Posts: 209
    I know that feeling, its a caffine takes about 21-2 weeks to get through it, I limit myself to 1 diet pepsi a day, and rest is water...
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Someone else mentioned this idea on another thread....but I (and my 6 yearold) use it.

    We have a cup (8 oz size) sitting by the fridge. So we can just fill it up and gulp it down as we pass through. Do that 8 times a've hit your minimum.... just make sure to fill it all the way up each time.


    I hate water...and haven't been doing great with it these days (prefering coffee to counter balance sleepless nights due to deployment).... I try to chug down AT LEAST 32 oz before I leave work though. It's 1/2 of the minimum and then I drink at least 12-16 oz at dinner.... then try to squeeze in the rest.
    I also add things to my water to make it taste, but I am getting better at plain water.
  • AshleySeay
    AshleySeay Posts: 31 Member
    Try coke zero, it has 0 calories, carbs, or sugar. And remember: POP HAS ABSOLUTELY NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE! Keep a bottle of water with you at all times and tell yourself, you can;t have that coke til you've drank a TON of water. You know water is the only natural thing most of us put in our body that helps flush out toxins and impurities? It's imperative!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I quit my soda cold turkey becuase I am not one of those people that can wean off of something. I either have to do it or dont do it. I started with the crystal light peach tea and now I dont even use those. My water has to be cold though or else I have a hard time drinking it. I have a little refrigerator that I have in my room and as soon as I leave my room in the morning I grab my first bottle. Then while I am at the gym I bring a bottle with me and most of the time I have to go to the water fountain and refill it. And make sure if you buy bottled water you get one that you like. They do not all taste the same. I had some that I couldnt drink and I actually find that I like the Ingles brand of drinking water. We just recently got a well and my father in law says that water tastes good but he has never had it tested and I just havent drank any of it yet.
