jldunn713 Member


  • http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/category/healthy-milkshakes-and-smoothies
  • ALL of the above. Plus Moser Roth (found at Aldi).
  • Something like this: 1/2 cup oats + 1-2 Tbsp hemp protein powder + handful of nuts or seeds dry roasted edamame Boca burger on Ezekiel bun 6 oz soy yogurt 1 cup brown rice + 2-4 oz tempeh smoothie with 1 scoop Vega nutritional shake or other protein powder Add in fruits and veggies and that should be about 100g.
    in Protein Comment by jldunn713 May 2013
  • There is a huge difference in natural fruit sugars and refined, so don't worry too much about being high so long as you're not eating processed food. I love those Green Machines too! But they are hella high in sugar it's true. Try making your own green smoothies so you can control the sugar level. Add some banana and leafy…
  • I feel like I save more money if I just go buy staples and things that are cheap that week and then I create interesting meals with whatever I have.
  • As soon as I saw all the evidence linking casein to cancer (read The China Study) I gave up dairy and will never look back!
  • I cook it at a 1:2 quinoa to water ratio and I think it usually doubles (so, 1/2 cup dry for about 1 cup cooked)
  • I personally don't go for any "isolate" proteins because I like to stay away from highly processed foods. Health-wise, the best you can do is plant-based proteins such as rice, hemp, or pea. Of course, you will have to experiment with taste, because some products out there are nasty! Sunwarrior usually gets good reviews…
  • vegan protein powders (rice, pea, hemp) and get friendly with beans!
  • http://www.sunwarrior.com/
  • I've never tried this recipe, but in my experience with coconut it generally starts to melt at room temp and might not stay on the cupcakes unless kept refrigerated
  • I did misphrase that. The actual fatty acids do not contain vitamins, but oils do contain vitamin e. Sunflower and safflower oil are good sources, but olive and soybean oils are decent too. It's no mistake that fat-soluble vitamins occur in naturally fatty foods.
  • I created these mung bean patties myself (they are similar to falafel): 1/2 cup dry mung beans, boiled until tender 1 Tbsp ground flaxseed 2 Tbsp brown rice flour 2 scallions, chopped 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp curry powder 1/4 tsp ground cumin 1/4 tsp black pepper 1/4 tsp garlic powder 1/2 tsp ground coriander Combine…
    in Recipes Comment by jldunn713 July 2012
  • Hello Team Vegan, I am Jennifer. I made the choice to go vegan in January after reading Thrive by Brendan Brazier. Was vegetarian for 1 year before. I am a runner and originally did it to get the most out of my training. But have kept it up because I feel amazing and believe it's the best diet to stay healthy throughout my…
    in Welcome! Comment by jldunn713 July 2012
  • Don't be afraid of the fat in dressing. Just be sensible about the kind you choose and amount. Because the fat has vitamin E and will keep you fuller longer. Sometimes, I do use salsa to add more flavor for less calories though. Other tips: pick your favorite veggies (you're more likely to eat it all if you like it),…
  • I saw the documentary after already going vegan. Loved it. Bought the book for my parents. The BOOK is very helpful in getting you started on a plant-based diet. It has a lot of recipes. You can search for new recipes and really have fun learning to prepare vegan meals. BUT you can also keep it very simple and just start…
  • chai or yerba mate for energy, vanilla sleepytime at night (this stuff knocks me out!)
    in TEA Comment by jldunn713 July 2012
  • nutella- the most addicting substance I have ever consumed
  • 1 g protein per 1 kg body weight is more like it
  • I love blending it with frozen bananas for a cold and thick treat. Is is a certain flavor?
  • salsa
  • ohsheglows has already been mentioned, also choosingraw.com and katheats.com
  • BLENDER. I dream of owning a Vitamix
  • Almond milk-unsweetened Bananas Old fashioned oats Gelatinized maca powder Watermelon Cucumber Peaches Vega energizing smoothie-vanilla almondilla Kale greens Avocado
  • Well the minimum amount of carbs needed per day to maintain BRAIN FUNCTION is 150g so I highly would suggest eating at least that much and more if you are working out! Since ideal body weight for a 5'2" female is 110, you are smart to keep all the weight you have and building some muscle would be great. Protein goals…
  • I don't think your current exercise routine is burning as many calories as you think and that is why you aren't losing weight. Don't stop exercising! It is critical to staying healthy. Instead, up the intensity of your exercise (start lifting some weights and run instead of walking) and cut back just a bit on calories (if…
  • http://www.theyummylife.com/Refrigerator_Oatmeal
  • All great ingredients that I use a lot of! Not really interchangeable. Flaxseed (use it ground) has good fats and protein, notably omega-3's. It thickens in liquid and replace eggs in baking things. I also like to throw it in smoothies and on top of oatmeal. Wheat germ I will put on top of oatmeal as well. It doesn't…
  • As already stated, you will need to try things out in training to find what works the best for you. Generally though, your last meal before the race should be mostly carbs. I would not recommend a protein shake. You'll probably cramp. Go with carbs. Oatmeal is my thing, it stays with you, and bananas work wonders. And…
  • living on 600 calories a day? Not safe. Eat your allotment and you will still lose weight and also have enough energy to workout harder.