VegeLover Member


  • Me: 0 LNS: 0 Streak: 0 THANK YOU for the inspiration, just what I need! Looking forward to getting started.
  • 2nd hand stores in nice neighborhood
  • Check out the music lists people post.... New power music always makes my workouts happier
  • For the sore spots, a habit of post-workout stretching and/or foam rolling is key. For diet balance, try to limit carbs to breakfast and just post-workout and give yourself protein at those times too. Your muscles will reward you for feeding them. Congratulations on embracing the benefits of lifting.
  • THIS (thanks for the great story!) Plus it helps to observe gym etiquette ( The gym offers easier ways to do things like pull downs and hamstring moves than home weightlifting. On the other hand, working out at home offers the best commute. Try both and see what…
  • You can try sending him interesting articles on fitness from experts that he may respect. MensHealth ( Prevention (‎) consistently offer thoughtful tips. Another idea, ask him for help with something fitness related. Some people are motivated do more research when…
  • Yes you can. Small quantities....3.5 oz limit...roughly 1/4 cup, a nice size for a dip. I've done it. See link for more.
  • Oh honey you are beautiful right now, especially since you are being good to yourself by reaching for healthy choices. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate (so to speak) and anxiety can sap the motivation from the strongest. Hang in there, you can do this. As for the best eats on the cheap, reach for vegetarian…
  • Replace your processed carbs like granola bars and pretzels with actual whole grains like old fashioned oats and pasta for fewer calories and longer satisfaction. Or save your easily-digested carbs for just post workout (congratulations on your stepped-up workouts!) which will feed your growing muscles and give you…
  • Don't worry about the number on the scale. How do your pants fit? Better? Then you're doing the right thing.
  • Trader Joe's fat free organic plain. Tastes more like milk, less like cheese than Greek and fewer calories for the protein gain. At any rate, watch out for common additives like guar gum and carageenan, "Because of the acknowledged carcinogenic properties of degraded carrageenan in animal models and the cancer-promoting…
  • Bring stuff that mirrors your airport temptations, but make your version super healthy. My favorites are popcorn, especially air popped, hummus and crunchy veges like celery/peppers, and plain yogurt with berries. Also consider stretching your hi-calorie trail mix by blending it fifty-fifty with whole-grain cereal like…
  • Lentils. Try swapping out half of your grains for lentils, or skip the bread/rice/potato/pasta entirely and use lentils to accompany your meat instead. Check out Indian and vegetarian recipes for spice ideas. Spicy lentils with a dollop of cool plain yogurt is wonderful.
  • Serious landscaping can be a great alternative workout day. Fresh air, hefting big bags of heavy stuff, smiling plants. Spray yourself with water when you're all done watering the plants for a refreshing finish on a hot day.
  • Bulgarian split squats with increasing weights. Works the whole leg w/o impact problems.
  • Try old fashioned oats, cooked with less water (eg, 3 cups oats to 4 cups water). The texture is much more like rice. For added sweetness, add raisins while cooking the oatmeal. They're softer. We make a big batch and reheat as needed.
  • You might get good insights from the book "Gaining, the Truth About Life After Eating Disorders" by Aimee Liu. After her second bout with anorexia, in her forties, she did a lot of solid research into who is susceptible to eating disorders and why, and what it takes to overcome them once and for all. My big 'aha' from this…
  • Congratulations! What an admirable accomplishment. Hmm, your plumpy user name needs to be re-sized to fit the new you.
  • Two ideas. First, a beautiful bright orange side worthy of Thanksgiving. CARROTS & SWEET POTATO W/ GINGER (serves 3-6) 6 large carrots 1 small sweet potato 1/4 tsp. ground ginger 1 Tbsp butter Salt & pepper to taste Simmer or steam veges together. Blend in food processor w/ spices & butter. Serve hot. OR, try a mixed green…
  • Looking at your diary, you could make 1200 work for you if you add exercise. You could also alter your intake if you choose lower fat foods (eg 1% milk), just one main protein per meal (eg mac&cheese OR chevre), slightly smaller portion sizes and add soups and salads to fill you up. Whatever you choose, believe in yourself…
  • OR it can be like my market with expensive stuff around the perimeter (deli, bakery, etc) and the cheaper bulk stuff in the aisles out of easy reach on the tip top or very bottom shelves.