theonlychuck Member


  • not doing well with this challenge. i havent worked out on day :( i need to get on it but i cant get my head in it! i need a partner! i need something to make working out fun. when im on the elliptical all i can think about is how much time i have left. ive tried music i just count the # of songs. ive tried watching tv…
  • Name : charli Age: 26 Height: 5'3" Daily Calorie Goal: 1200 CW: 240 GW: 210 UGW: 165 Preferred work-outs: walking, elliptical and looking for the best workout video for me!!!
  • wow, just what i needed!! this is why i joined this challenge~~! i have been ion a rut since this weekend when i though i could cheat cause its my birthday BAD IDEA... i refuse to weigh cause i know it will set me back and i will get discouraged. well i commit to doing some kind of 20 min workout not sure which ill do but…
  • How much would you like to lose by the end of the Spring into Summer 2013 challenge?? i would love to lose 30lbs Where are you from? i am right outside st louis mo What is your favorite color red some days others pink season- 70s no humidity lol food,Italian television series- im a sucker for chic flicks but i love me some…
  • i am right there with you!! i have a 3 yr old and a 9 month old. it was really hard for me to get back with it this time which is weird i usually can start no problem its just sticking with it. im pretty disgusted with myself though was looking back at history and im at the same weight i was at when i was 6 months pregnant…
  • ehhh... makes me sick. but that is why i am here! im just starting i started last week now that these pictures are being posted you bet your butt i wont look like this in 15 weeks!!!
  • WATER im not a huge fan of it but im just in my second week and i find myself hungry too. so i try to drink water any time im hungry
  • great job, i too am starting about where you started, how long did it take you? how did you start how many calories did you eat, did you work out?? sorry for the 20 questions i know everyone is different but i want to get healthy and i want ideas
  • hi ladies i too and trying to loose weight after 2 babies 3yrs and 9mo. now im finding it hard because of the food we have for them (snack food) or making my oldest lunch and not nibbling on his left overs how do you all manage?
  • aideensmommy20 we should be friends lol, i too have a 3 year old and now a 9 month old! i also have no time for the gym and i got an elliptical after my youngest however i can barley do 5 min on the elliptical. im so out of shape im trying so hard to get on and stay on how did you build up to an hour?? what a burn!!!
  • hi im also looking for new weight loss friends someone to help keeep me motivated and someone i can return the favor, ive been off and on and its time to be back on! trying to find some great groups to keep me going as well add me as a friend!:bigsmile:
  • thanks ladies yes its a good thing, i guess its like ive always said once you quit trying well thats when it happens! i was going to the doctor to get birth control but now we will have a different appointment! hehe im scared dont get me wrong with having a special needs baby boy already i dont think its gonna b easy but i…
  • well there was more to the depression and mood swings, i'm pregnant! find out monday how far along!
  • ahhhhh ladies im back and i have missed you all! the last month has been a hard one for me i have been beyond depressed, i was angry and sad and mad and it was terrible but i had to realize i cant fix the problem i can only try to make it the best i can i have the sweetest little boy any mommy could ask for and i am…
  • i was bad tonight i had dinner not knowing any nutrition info on it and still cant find it!! i knew i wouldnt b able to , and now i dont wanna do my tae bo, being lazy and im having a girls night on top of a birthday party tomorrow!! ahh whatto do?? i need to do it tonight and a dbl tomorrow!! crapola!!!
  • okay so i had to weigh in for my other challenge and im going to stick to this # for this week and change my weigh in day to Fridays! i kinda have liked this not weighing everyday kinda keeps me in the right state of mind ya know!! so anyways I'VE LOST ANOTHER 2LBS!!!!!! i am beyond excited i just had to share!! so i want…
  • so i made an appointment with the obgyn(finally found one) my toms are all over the place! so hopefully ill get some good answers, answers period would be good! this week has been crazy!! busy busy having a girls night saturday, beyond excited. another very long week next week but im doing really good!!! im very very proud…
  • lets do this together girl!!! i am sitting at 231, i would love to be in the 220 this week!! oh that would b wonderful!! lets do this girl we got this"high five"
  • if i watch what i eat and eat healthy, and workout i feel like there is no way i can eat all my calories>>??? now if i ate what i used to i could see going over but the idea is to eat healthy, im so lost! [/quote] Don't worry about eating every one of your exercise calories back, but don't get into the habit of not eating…
  • [/quote] I think I need to do this, I walked by it last night and this morning and was soooo tempted to step on. I almost did it just out of pure habit but I was able to catch myself and walk away. Out of sight, out of mind right? [/quote] yes i agree i put mine in the closet!! i did forget i do have to weigh in n friday…
  • hell's yes i did it again i finished 45 mins of tae bo, i am so proud of myself i feel amazing! i feel like actually doing something now im gonna clean my house and finish the laundry after i finish my amazing protein shake that i made in my amazing new blender i got absolutely free compliments of the pampered chef!!
  • Look forward not backwards. Don't worry about trying to make up for last week, just look at doing good this week. And any loss is a good loss :) I think most of us at one point set our expectations too high, and then get discouraged. So make sure your making manageable goals. (Now if I can just learn to follow my own…
  • NSV...... i just completed the whole tae bo workout for the very first time!!!!!! i feel great maybe i should start doing my workout in the am!!!!
  • man ive heard of toms being the same as the women in your house but on a online group?? weird lol i think all of us have uncle tom in town, lol i am trying to be super positive well as much as i can be im moody lol ive done pretty good today, and im trying to make sure i dont screw up anymore!!! ive got this and i feel…
  • no i lied i just went back to my food log this week i actually did terrible, i went over at least 4 days this week and then the days i didnt go over i had almost 500 calories left over, my body is probably freaking out! this week along with the challenge of not looking at the scale till lext monday(hard for me) i have a…
  • im mad at myself ive done pretty decent all week untill yesterday i went over on my calories and not on good food either it was on bad food and now i have a food hangover! well this week i gained .6
  • i am getting super excited!! i think this is gonna push me to where i wanna be i wanna loose another 19 before Halloween!!
  • honey i feel you i am in the same boati forgot about one bill coming in and because i had 6 smaller things come in i got 180 in overdraft fees my husband got paid today and our account is still negative hints the very bad depressing day yesterday now today my sister is making me crazy and i wanna punch her in the face!!…
  • this is a really cool idea!!! if you really wanted to you could do a few more and the first few weeks eliminate 2 ppl a wwek!!
  • ive so done this too! i need to move out of town!!lol i can so relate to all of you alls story i never knew weight culd effect getting pregnant, it took us 4 yrs to get pregnant docs told us we wouldnt be able to, so we tried an adoption that fell through after having the 4 week old baby boy for 3.5 weeks, after a 2 month…