

  • I think higher on your priority list should be organics. GMO is more an ethical/environmental issue to me as opposed to a health issue. I dont agree with GMO generally and avoid it where I can, but I don't go crazy about it.
  • As far as Antidepressants go, zoloft is fairly weight neutral. And I would not be suprised if the people on it that found they gained weight actually gained weight because they just werent eating when they were depressed, felt better on zoloft, and got their appetite back. That said, you really wont know till you go on it,…
  • (
  • No are they new? I've been resolutely not even LOOKING at eggs this year. One glance will surely herald the end!!
  • omg this looks like the most awesome thing EVER
  • CADBURY CREME EGGS! (and i recently found out that here in aus they have 25% MORE sugar in them than the US ones. WTH>?
  • That's still assuming that 2300mg is a safe level. That number is in dispute. Some research suggests 500mg is a more realistic safe level. I'd look at 2300mg as a maximum limit, as opposed to a "reccomended intake"
  • My shure 215 are pretty good. Basically the things that will stop cable noise are phones which go back over the ear, fabric wrapped cable, and foam earbuds. I suppose a clip could help too, but I find a good pair of buds with foam tips rather than sillicone are a godsend.
  • I'd recommend switching to a sulphate free shampoo. Sodium Lauryl Sulphate is a surfectant, and I found it stripped the colour out really fast. (pretty much EVERY shampoo that doesnt advertise itself as SLS free will have loads of it in.)
  • It can help lower your cholesterol
  • Wow, great to know I'm not imagining it! I will try some of your suggestions, thank you everyone.
  • actually there are different entries in the food database for dry or cooked. If I remember to weigh my rice for example, I use the uncooked food database entry. If I forget, there is also an entry in there for cooked rice, but it is measured in cups rather than weight. Also note that the nutrition panel on the packet will…
  • Anything where you aren't adding needless cals to the actual alcohol. Remember alcohol itself is high cal... so if your plan is to get a bit smooshed, you are going to be taking in a generous amount of cals just in alcohol. Try not to waste your cals on things like high sugar soft drink mixers. Stick to things mixed with…
  • woaahhhhh..... no. If I did that I would NEVER get anything done. I'd spend my whole life logging my meals.
  • HAH! Former wow nerd here too... I lolled
  • I'd highly recommend Herbs of Gold Natural Salmon Oil for your fish oil. It's a bit more expensive than some of the cheap deals you can find on fish oils, but it is the only one I have tried that gives me NO fishy taste at all. Some of the others were terrible, but this one is great. (coming from someone who forces down…
  • Good advice, thankyou everyone :)
  • It's not yet a quarter past nine in the morning... I've had an apple, two slices of dried mango and my morning coffee and im over on sugar. Methinks I will stop worrying about sugar intake...
  • I don't think mine is XL though. its Atenolol, and its only a small dose. If I do my exercise in the morning, my heart response seems more like it used to be. Hmm, my aunt is a surgeon and an exercise buff. Might see what she thinks when she comes to stay next week. I'll let you guys know
  • Definately go to the doctor. or a NEW doctor. I had to go to the ER over xmas about my heart, and even though i am young and otherwise healthy, they took it seriously. Even when it all looked ok, I still had to go have an echocardiogram and thyroid tests. Seriously. GO to the doctor.
  • Thanks for the quick replies, A fitbit is kind of a pedometer. Similar to the bodybug in that it has an accelerometer in it, but doest have the fancy heat and sweat things the bodybug does. I like the idea of adding 20%. Anyone have any feedback on doing their exercise before taking the blocker in the morning?
  • Wow, so its full on then. Thanks for the responses everyone! I'll see how I go with the weighing!
  • I just got an FT7 :) According to their website, when you are in the fat burning zone, your body is mainly using fat as the source of energy. When you go into the fitness zone, you start using carbohydrates more. So if I am understanding correctly, you can actually be better off keeping your heart rate lower, in the upper…