Moonboots100 Member


  • You asked for a success story about walking. Heres a very quick overview of my journey so far.... I started at 25 stone (350lb). I had a dog that needed walking. We started out with 15 minute walks, couldnt be bothered, hated it, too much of an effort. Within these 15 minutes I stopped twice. I was so unfit. But gradually…
  • I also have this DVD and love it!!! The first week I did it I lost a whopping 6lb!!! Its so much better than an aerobics dvd, and the guy in it is a really good instructor! Keep going!!! x
  • I like the Vicky Entwistle one, its boxercise, but not like aerobics at all, I dont like aerobics!!! Good fat burner and tones very quickly. Hope that helps! x
  • Well I have just got back from weight watchers, and as Owengem stated, almost all fruit and veg are free- including bananas!. A standard female will have 29 points per day (the lowest that it will ever be for anyone), and 49 weekly bonus points to pull from (weve nicknamed these 'pig-out points'!). You can still earn…
  • Hey Gem, this is about right actually! I clerk at Weight Watchers, so tonight I will get all the info, and Ill try and post on here what I can for reference for people. But youre right, everything is changing. I get the impression its going to be similar to logging on MFP, but not sure.
  • My partner is a guy who likes the larger lady. I thought the same thoughts as you, will he still love me / fancy me when I was alot slimmer? He doesnt give me compliments on how I look physically, he gives me compliments such as "I find you really sexy now you have this new confidence in yourself" or "wow, you are shining,…
  • I understand that breakfast is the most important, hence the idea of this. Against nothing, I thought it would be a good idea, as itll kick start my motabalism. Looking at the cals and fat in it, it matches a bowl of cereal, so thought it might be ok? Easier for me as its a drink? I know my stomach will shrink, but if I…
  • Hi! I use walking as my main cardio source, I take the dog out for 50-70 mins 5 days a week, and Ive lost 4.5 stone (minus a gain last week). It really does work!!! My HRM shows a decent amount of cals burnt from this too. I also do some home weights for my arms and sit ups for my tummy a couple of times a week. You cant…
  • P.S thanks Chellie, its took a year so far and a lot of motivation and exercise!!! It was 63lb last week but had a big gain this week :sad:
  • Thanks guys, I think I will bite the bullet and weigh both days, and record officially on wednesday, as I would have had to if I was still attending weight watchers. Id love to miss this weeks weigh in in a way, but I cant, as I quit weight watchers last week to go it alone, and dont want to start getting into bad habits.…
  • Its funny Ive read your post! Ive just had my final weigh in at weight watchers tonight, decided to cancel it, because I was only going there for weigh in, I wasnt learning anything, and since joining MFP in April Ive done 3x better. Im confident this will continue. Save yourself some money, spend it on a swimming session…
  • I have just bought some Salter MiBody ones, that do fat, water, muscle, viscral fat etc. They also have a dongle with them for you to download your data onto the pc once youve weighed in. They are brilliant, but Im in the UK, I dont know if you are?
  • I have the exact same problem! My weight watchers leader says that I should be between 11 and 13 stone. At 6 foot 1" I dont agree!!! I have looked back at some old photos of me at school and I looked ill, gangly and lanky with a lollypop head!!! Ive set myself a target of 15 stone, which to shorter people would still be…
  • Hi there, I have found that the Tesco Reduced Fat Crispy Orange Flavour Bars are amazing, and they are only 93 cals! Yes they are only 22g bars, but they are very chewy so they last a while!!! I think they do the plain ones too. That is if you are from the UK of course!
  • Hi there, I just looked at your food diary, and totally agree with the other posters here. Being a weight watchers member, we concentrate on Calories AND Saturated Fat. I noticed with your diary that alot of foods are quite high in their fat content. I know you posted about advice in calories, but I would suggest looking…
  • I know what you mean, I tended to drink alot of "alcopops"...... Until I joined this site!!! I realised the amount of calories I was wasting with these!!! Plus it wasnt doing my teeth any good!! I have now switched to vodka and diet pepsi (I drank vodka anyway) and although Im missing the alcopops, Im feeling so much…
  • Honestly.... Obsessed isnt the word for it!!!!