Tell Me the Benefits of Drinking Water



  • Sheepdoglady
    I can't stand the taste of tap water, I can taste the chlorine or whatever they put in it here in the UK. I will only drink bottled water and I can only drink 1 x 500 ml bottle a day. I've tried drinking more but that's it. I'll drink diet coke/pepsi til it comes out my ears but not water. I'd never heard of Cristal Light which everyone keep talking about - can someone tell me please what it is and can I get it in the UK?

  • jfarmer1118
    Non scientific perks:

    Great at quenching thirst after working out. About the only time I can chug water.

    Keeps my face clear, unbelievably clear.... which is part of the reason I'm trying to get back to drinking my water. :grumble: Like you, I struggle with it.

    (taking a gulp right now to down the stuff today)

    Makes me pee often. More trips to the potty = less time at my desk on my rump = more walking. WIN-WIN-WIN! :laugh:

    Actually hydrates the skin. I use less lotion, NO LIE.

    Helps fill up my tummy. I try to drink water before meals.... um, that's a lie but I use to do this!! ... like a quick 8oz glass 30 minutes before a meal and it helps to reduce the amount of food I'd eat.

    I use it as 'permission' to eat sometimes. Say I'm hungry. I'll make a deal with myself -- sure you can have something to eat but only if you drink 8oz or 16oz of water first and then wait 5 minutes. Sometimes it helps me forget my hunger.

    (Actually most Americans experience 'hunger' when they are in truth dehydrated. Drinking water can alleviate that 'hunger'. Same goes for headaches too. Often it's not the medicine you take but the fluid you drink when taking medicine.... although I'm a little more suspect on that fact.)

    It saves you $$$ when you drink water at restaurants!!!

    :smile: How are those for reasons to drink water that might actually motivate you? :tongue:

    Great list! :)
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    you guys in the states need squash big time!!

    In the UK we have something called squash, it comes in all sorts of fruit flavours - orange through to strawverry, lime, barley etc

    and you dilute about 70% it with water, and it tastes like fruit juice but is made with water, and you can get no added suger and sugar free versions as well. It makes it easy to drink water

    We were talking about this in the office today, (school nurses) and how the whole drinking this much water is a disproved myth, and that we can get water from just about anything we eat, BUT it is good to drink, and even tea or coffee count as 'water' also fruit juice too. But to help you diet water is great, flushes you through, helps fill you up and keeps you hydrated with no calories! win win
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    Tell Me the Benefits of Drinking Water

    The purpose of drinking X amount of water is to replace the water you lose throughout the day. 8 glasses is a general rule of thumb but that number will vary person to person depending on weight, height, activity level and metabolism. Oh yeah and you will die in a few days without drinking it. So the benefits are:

    1. Keeping your body hydrated.
    2. Not dying.
  • Moonboots100
    Moonboots100 Posts: 23 Member
    A lot of water haters here, weird. I prefer water over other drinks actually, as long as it’s cold its great. I drink 10-15 glasses daily. My body is pretty used to it now so I don't go to the washroom an excessive amount but I don't see why that’s such an annoyance anyway. If you work at a desk you are supposd to give your eyes a break from the computer screen at least once an hour and I don’t go to the washroom that often, maybe every 2-3h.

    Wear more dresses to work then if you don't like tying your pants up multiple times a day, lol! ;)

    The reason why water is necessary is b/c proper hydration is required to keep your kidneys functioning. If you aren’t getting enough water your kidneys stop so your liver moves in to do their job. The liver’s job is to metabolize fat and so if its busy doing the kidneys job, there is little to no time to metabolize fat hence it stays on your body.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Tell Me the Benefits of Drinking Water

    The purpose of drinking X amount of water is to replace the water you lose throughout the day. 8 glasses is a general rule of thumb but that number will vary person to person depending on weight, height, activity level and metabolism. Oh yeah and you will die in a few days without drinking it. So the benefits are:

    1. Keeping your body hydrated.
    2. Not dying.
    Yes, and I find # is a very important one!:tongue::drinker: Plus it tastes YUMMY, our body is made up of it so we're simply replenishing it. I feel the better question is...Why not drink water???!:huh:
  • Younger_at_50
    Younger_at_50 Posts: 24 Member

    Googled and came up with this article that I found captures what most people have already stated and then some. I will say that after reading the article I now understand that my swollen ankles are most likely caused by my low water consumption days.

    I use a 16 oz and 32 oz refillable container so it's easier to keep track of my consumption during the day and I never count any tea or coffee towards this goal.

    Hope this helps!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    Googled and came up with this article that I found captures what most people have already stated and then some. I will say that after reading the article I now understand that my swollen ankles are most likely caused by my low water consumption days.

    I use a 16 oz and 32 oz refillable container so it's easier to keep track of my consumption during the day and I never count any tea or coffee towards this goal.

    Hope this helps!
    Thanks! Gonna check the link out:drinker: Also gonna go grab some more water :laugh:
  • ActionJackson
    Crystal Light or knock-off brands are a godsend for water haters. I can drink an entire gallon of that when I struggle to drink glass of water. The best part is that my kids feel its comparable to sugary drinks. Water should have no taste. Most that dislike it are tasting additives or contaminants. I suggest investing in good water filter system if your tap tastes nasty. There are plenty of counter-top economy brands that do a decent job.
  • hisgirlie2007
    Not really an incentive to drink water, but along with the other ways to make it easier to drink, try adding a handful of frozen blueberries to your water instead of ice. It keeps it cold, slightly flavored, and you have a great anti-oxidant rich snack when you're done.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Uh... I have this problem too. I hate water and would rather drink just about anything else but water. When I force myself to drink it, I gag. Plus, I'm a teacher, so drinking eight glasses just isn't practical. I can't let students unsupervised if I'm running to the bathroom all of the time!

  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I've been drinking water steadily for about two months, and i'm still running to the bathroom, I have to stop drinking around 7 or I'm up and down all night...I can't stand water, the only way I can drink it is with crystal light in it. And in the AM's I make myself drink 2 glasses before allowing myself coffee.

    I have noticed though I feel better and I'm not as bloated so that is a major plus.
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    When I was younger and my parents and I went out to eat they always got water and I always got anything other than water. When I started going out on my own and actually looking at the prices of the drinks it was easy for me to switch to water so I could save a few bucks. I also have sensitive teeth so if I'm eating out I ask for water with no ice, hardly ever a problem except when the waitresses don't remember. I don't like the taste of tap water either so when I get bottled water I just don't put it in the fridge.

    For four summers I worked at a water park selling tickets so it was easy to keep water with me since they encouraged it. I used to by those little plastic jugs, the 32 oz ones, and for some reason it was easier for me to drink that than trying to make it through one bottle of water. Last year I switched to the bubba keg (found it at wal-mart). They come in many different sizes and colors and I think all of them are insulated so if you like cold water they keep it cold, and if you're toting tea it keeps it hot. Anyway I got a 32 oz one of those that fit in a cup holder. I think I drank more summer last year that I ever did the previous summers. I guess for me when I make it convenient I don't even think about it. If I'm thirsty and its the only thing in arms reach I'll drink it. I don't even have to add flavor packets to it anymore and the "keg" is more eco-friendly that constantly buying individual bottles of water as now I've just added a filter to my sink.
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    So I know this is sort of a "european" thing, but I really enjoy drinking club soda - carbonated water, etc (like san pellegrino or just regular club soda, or the lime flavored kind). It makes it taste better even when it's not ice cold.

    It might take some getting used to, but it really is delicious!