

  • Lost 26 pounds in 17 weeks. (About 1.5 pounds per week)
  • wow thats awesome! [/quote] I know! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the price. There were tons of models that did all the same things that were $60, $70, or more. There was no way I was going to spend that much! But anyway, this is a great scale- you can store up to 4 people's info in it, and it's pretty cool all the…
  • I bought the Weight Watchers Model #WW78. It is a glass digital scale. Reads weight (.1 of a pound), Body fat weight, Body fat percentage, Body water percentage, Bone mass value, and Body Mass Index. It was $29.99 at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. :)
  • Yay! Congrats!
  • I went to Level 2 after 7 days of Level 1. Never thought I would say it (esp. after the 1st day) but Level 1 was feeling a little easy and boring me. I figured it was good to move on to Level 2 in order to mix it up. If I get bored, I might throw in a day of Level 1 again in there somewhere. Just trying to keep it fresh.…
  • Thanks everyone! I just ordered Ripped in 30! Good luck to all of you with whatever you choose to do as well. I can't believe how excited i am about exercising. This is really quite crazy. I wake up in the morning and it's one of the first things on my mind. Crazy!! But Jillian Michaels makes it fun, and I like the…
  • I also love when Natalie slacks off, makes me laugh every day. I wish there was a way not to have to listen to Jillian but to know when it's time to be done with a particular exercise. For example, when I'm doing crunches, I can't see the video (I play it on my computer so it's not in my line of sight while I'm lying on…
  • Thanks everyone! I know that it's going to take effort, but will be really worth it. I guess I didn't believe other people when they said even Level 1 kicks your butt... but it really did! (Of course, I'm really out of shape so I guess that's part of it). Yeah, the push-ups- Not a chance! Maybe tomorrow! Lol. Now that I've…
  • That's wonderful! I just said a similar thing to my boyfriend the other day. We were shopping and needed to get flour.... I picked up 2 packages (10 lbs. total) and handed it to him... and said "This is what I had on me 5 weeks ago". It was awesome!! Keep up the great work!
  • My scale has gone down, but the big deal to me was moving 2 sizes in on my belt... and now I'm on the last hole! Time for a smaller belt!!! :)
  • Wow, you look fantastic!! Congratulations, and keep up the great work!!
  • I totally agree with you. In fact, I get really mad about the word. My boyfriend said something the other day when we were out with friends, to the effect of, "oh, she's on a DIET". And the other friends rolled their eyes. I actually got really annoyed. I'm not dieting. I still eat things that I really really like. I just…
  • Awesome job! You should be very proud of yourself! Congrats!! :)
  • I remember Ma telling the story of Stone Soup on one of my favorite episodes of "Little House on the Prairie". Thanks for making me smile today! :)
  • That's sort of what I figured. I know it wouldn't be much, but really... I'm more hoping to tone and build up a *little* muscle. :) Thanks for the reply!