

  • I have never taken any advice from him I just read a woman's day magazine at the Walgreens check out and wondered about it. I really need to lose like 5 pounds so I know I do not need a pill, just wanted others opinions.
  • My dad... one called and asked for Mrs. Brandy (knowing it was a telemarketer) my Dad said she could not come to the phone right now because he had her locked up in the basement. Hahaha, the caller hung up immediately!
  • If there is room, let me know, I just set this goal for myself with a beach body coach!!
  • People who think teachers don't deserve breaks at Christmas and summer and politicians who have NEVER spent a day in public school and think they know how to write laws for education! Oh and chewing with your mouth open ewww
  • Fruit Ninja on the kinect will burn some calories haha
  • Not a beach coach, just a regular 34 year old mom of 2. I LOOVVVEED Insanity! I am a cardio junkie and it fed that addiction!!! I have done the entire program 2 times! Just graduated to Insanity Asylum! I love Shaun T, he is so motivating and I toned up a ton. I am a volleyball player and I felt more conditioned on the…
  • I've also done p90x and Rev Abs... I LOVE beach body programs. Finished Turbo FIre around Christmas, loved that too!!! So far though, favorite is Insanity!
  • I started Monday, did fit test on Sunday. The hardest day for me was today, day 4! As scary as day 1 felt, it was not that bad!!! Let me know what you think tomorrow when its over!
  • I did p90x twice, Insanity twice and now I am doing Insanity Asylum. I toned up a great deal with p90x, but I am a cardio junkie, so Insanity was my love. Asylum actually is a great combination of both, there are high intensity cardio workouts but also intense weight lifting and toning as well. I have done 4 days of Asylum…
  • I go through this monthly, I gain 5 pounds, period over, lose all the weight. I have just learned to deal.....
  • I have done ebay for insanity and turbo fire and was happy with both
  • I didnt start to lose until I controlled all my carbs! I try to stay under 150 daily and that helped!!
  • I will say I was glad Katniss killed Coin, something about Coin never sat right with me. Parts of three were very long, like when they were deciding what to do with the Nut or even when they were camped outside the capital, waiting to go in. I don't know, there was so much of a rush reading 1 and 2. I am sending my niece…
  • I loved the first book, read it in 24 hours, got book two done in 2 days, book three took 3 days to read, it was ok, but the death of Prim made me angry, but it also kind of took the series full circle. I am really hoping that the movie does not destroy the books!!!
  • 5'9 almost 5'10, I am 152, came down from 160. I think I could not go below 150, it would be unhealthy. I am an athlete and have a lot of muscle, medium frame.
  • I have to wake up before everyone else and work out otherwise it will NEVER happen! It takes a while to get used to, but getting up and getting my "me" time in and exercising is the perfect way to start the day! I just use DVDs at home, I am doing Turbo Fire and have done other beach body workouts
  • As a teacher I see overweight kids get picked on all the time, I do not bash their parents, but I do take extra time to talk about nutrition in my classroom and set a good example by eating a healthy breakfast and lunch with them. Most of my students are low income and the truth is, cheap food is junk food, it costs a lot…
  • I am the same way, gotta have it on
  • I had to take myself off caffeine for health reasons and it is hard!!! HEADACHES!! but within a week they went away. I took 4 ibuprofen and that did the trick when I needed it to! Good Luck!
  • Eat protein and fiber rich foods, fruits, veggies, protein bars, drink milk, nuts are good, peanut butter, whole grain breads and cereals. I eat a lot of Kashi foods, they are filling and taste great! But the less you eat, the more you risk going into starvation mode and then your body won't burn fat. Just imagine how you…
  • Chalene Extreme is awesome strength training for women and I love Chalene as an instructor!!!
  • Living in my skin is my motivation. I have to be happy with who I am and when I look in the mirror I should not cringe. That is my motivation. Being happy with who you are should be the biggest motivation of all!!!
  • I am actually doing the exact same thing, Insanity and Chalene Extreme!!! By the end of Insanity I am ready to fall out hahha! Except for some reason, Pure Cardio , maybe because it is shorter, does not make me feel that way! Have you done or seen Insanity Asylum? I really to try it but I am hesitant to spend the money on…
  • I sometimes eat a granola bar or apple, something light before I work out depending on what my body is saying it needs. Listen to your body, if you feel better eating before, than eat before to get the most out of your workout.
  • I hit a plateau and had to reduce the number of carbs I was eating. I always stayed in calories and carbs, but when I reduced my carbs by 50, I started to shed pounds. Just a thought
  • I have only done Insanity and i LOVE it! It is so challenging. I have done the entire program twice and I am starting a third time after Thanksgiving!
  • I could skip it all except my Grandmothers stuffing! I will eat that!! I don't like desserts that much, so that is not an issue, I could pass up the turkey, rolls potatos, but I will have me some stuffing!!!!
  • I exercise because it is my stress relief. I am a teacher and mother of 2. i coach high school and club volleyball and have very little time for myself. I get up at 5:30 am daily and enjoy the quiet of my house and work out. It starts my day out on the right foot and I find that when I don't work out, I drag throughout the…
  • My Grandmother fought cancer twice. The first time, we almost lost her, the chemo was so hard on her, but she went into remission. The second time, the had surgery to remove it from the liver and she is doing so well now! We get another holiday season with her! We are blessed!
  • I am 5 9 and just lost weight, so I am at 155, I feel good about that, now just working on toning up a little more. Your goal weight should really be based on how you feel in your skin. I was at 167 and just did not feel good, at 155, I feel more confident in my skin, I know some people have said 140, no way for me, I…