Busy and cant find time to excerise



  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
    It is very doable with our schedule. I am a mother of two girls, ages 4 and 2 and a 3 month old infant. I returned to work not too long ago and work from 6am-3 pm then come home and take over with the kids while my husband goes to work. I'm also a student. You just have to make your mind up that you want to do this. I have over 100lbs to lose and I'm determined to get the weight off one pound at a time. I workout at home and will be going to a live Zumba class once a week starting this week. Jillian Michaels has lots of workouts that's only 20-30 minutes. I have her Shred it with Weights workout dvd. I also workout with the Wii, its fun for the whole family and there are many workout games to choose from. There are also quick workouts OnDemand if you have cable. It's very doable, you can do it, even if it means working out before you go to work or after the kids are asleep.

    Add me as a friend if you would like the extra support from someone on the same journey.
  • pratod
    pratod Posts: 68 Member
    this website posts some good workout videos and they are all under 12 mins.

  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    A lot of people have already suggested getting Exercise DVDs that will start you out with a few exercises you can do at home. You can also grab an exercise ball that could help with small strength training as well as ab workouts! THe most important thing is what you're eating, so if you can monitor the things you eat.. that's also a great way to start on a new path to a healthier you. Good luck on your journey!!

    Jarnard :)
  • I have to wake up before everyone else and work out otherwise it will NEVER happen! It takes a while to get used to, but getting up and getting my "me" time in and exercising is the perfect way to start the day! I just use DVDs at home, I am doing Turbo Fire and have done other beach body workouts
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    If you have the time to post on here, you have the time to exercise!!
    Seriously. May seem a little harsh, but true if you think about it.
    It's not about "having" time, it's about "making" time.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    How old is your child? What time do you get up? I usually get up at about 4:50 am to get my workout in before everyone else wakes up. I have a 5 yr old and a 7 yr old, work everyday along with their extra curiculliar activites....I get 6 workouts in a week and usually only workout at home. I have tons of dvd's, an elliptical climber and a spin bike. I started out slowly about 4 yrs ago, getting small weights and using them for the Firm videos. Now I am working out to Insanity and Asylum.....you can figure it out if it is important to you!! Good luck!
  • heatin
    heatin Posts: 1
    It's hard to fit exercise in when you have such a busy schedule, but even 5 minutes at a time will help. Me and 2 of my co-workers walk up and down a flight of stairs every time we go to the rest room. I am taking 2 lb weights this week to curl every time I get back to my desk after getting up for the rest room or to get files. It doesn't sound like much, but it adds up. This week we are adding another trip up the stairs. It only takes 30 seconds to go up and down once, so there's no excuse for us not to do it. I am a couch potato, so this is out of my comfort zone, but no one can do it but me!
    Good luck reaching your goals!
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    I am a fulltime work out of the home mom to two children ages 5 & 3. I have to get up at 4:30am to get my hour workouts or runs in, otherwise I don't.

    One of my favorite quotes I used to say to myself is "If it's important to you, you will find a way, if not you will find an excuse".

    Good luck,
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Hi! I have two kids and a job as well. I find that I NEED to get out of the house and go to the gym after they go to bed. It feels good to be able to get out and away from everything! If you don't have equipment in your house, consider joining a 24 hour gym!
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    I get up at 6 am and work out before the kids wake up. It's working so far
  • I have been walking for two weeks tomorrow. Every morning I get out of bed and say one hour that is all I ask for today, just give me one hour. So I get my stuff done and within my day I get my hour in....once you start you will be disappointed you didnt' get your hour in. I started mentally everyday for a week telling myself that then one day I did it and haven't looked back. If you can't do a hour then say a half an hour....but get yourself mentally prepared. You can do this! It is one hour/30mins out of your day no big deal. Good Luck! "Happiness is no more than good health and a bad memory" by Albert Schweitzer
  • blueangell
    blueangell Posts: 12 Member
    I am a stay at home mom and never get time to myself. I try to get 80 minutes in 5 days a week. I take my kids for a bike ride I have a pull behind trailer for my 2 younger ones and my 8 year old son rides his bike. I ride my bike for 30 minutes and then after we go to the park and i walk around the play equipment for another 50 minutes or so while they play and then go home. When my son is in school me and my girls will go for walks in the double stroller. Somedays arent always that possible but its better then nothing. Hope this helps. 5'2 sw 153 cw 146 gw 115
  • Thank you Guys for all the feedback, I do really like all the ideas and honestly i will try them, Big thanks to to Pratod, Lauristewart, Blueangell, Heatherlmorri, Morgansmom02, Stubbysticks, and Super Big thanks to 10KDAY, I knew alot of you guys were gone say i was using an excuse, so i was prepared for the harshness and theyre really wasnt much. to Lauristewart my kids are 6 months and 3 yrs, to the lady who gave her schedule ( sorry i cant find ur name) Heres mines
    6:00 am
    shower, get dressed, get the kids up and dressed
    7:40 am
    8:00 am
    Drop the oldest off
    8:15 am
    Drop Baby off
    Work begins
    Lunch break
    back to work
    5:30 p.m
    Leave work
    5:50 pick
    oldest up
    6:05: pick
    baby up
    Get home Prepare what every we eating like
    7:15 p.m
    The Bathing begins
    Bed time routine: which includes 30 mins for each child a neubulizer
    10: 30
    Start getting the stuff ready for the next day
    11:00 Husband Comes home/ I start cleaning the mess
    11:45-12:00 Sleep
    1:30am or so feed baby
    4am feed baby
    now its 6 am Again

    So Im totally overwhelmed thats why I asked for suggestions, No my husband cant help at night he has epilepsy and has to get his sleep, Weekends are normally peds appts, or physical therapy, The grocery shopping, Ballet practice, my schooling ,Chrurch God knows what else, So on the weekends I try to take My oldest some where that we can walk or we walk to my bestie house and play wii to help me lose. I wanna lose, im not even sleeping a healthy amount, Im trying to eat the right way, balance my house, finish school