Getting really upset



  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112
    Does your walking challenge you? Can you carry on a normal conversation, or do you feel winded when you do?

    I used to use a treadmill. The more I walked the more I increased the speed, I also used the incline (somewhat). Now I use Leslie Sansone walking DVDs (not better .... just a nice change from the treadmill). The music is fast enough to know that I'm walking at a good pace.

    Arm movements & light handweights also help keep my heart rate up.

    I agree, Leslie Sansone is awesome and she really gets you moving! If its any consolation, I once weighed 235 and lost 70 pounds with Leslie Sansone. It takes time but you can do it! Drink plenty of water!!! You can do this! Don't be discouraged!!!
  • I didnt start to lose until I controlled all my carbs! I try to stay under 150 daily and that helped!!
  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    My twin sister and I did the 4 Hour Body for Lent last year. While I lost 27lbs, (I went from 206 to 179) she lost 33 pounds (216 to 183lbs). in 40 days we accomplished that!

    You get one cheat day a week to spike your metabolism. We just followed his (Timothy Ferriss) eating habits and simple exercises, we did not do the vitamin supplements.

    I can e-mail you the cheat sheet and cookbook that myself and some other 4 Hour Body fans put together. Trust me, it will work and it is not that hard to do. I plan on doing it again in the summer.

    Good luck! I am here for you! I can post more info on here if you would like.
  • Danardeener
    Danardeener Posts: 255
    1200 and I try calorie fluctuations sometimes to see if it will help but it doesn't

    I am 5'6" 155 lbs., and I was at 1210 daily calories. I was losing in the beginning but then stalled for awhile. I recently discovered that 1200 calores is too low for me. Now I have bumped my calories up to 1400. Don't know the results yet but I will report back at the end of the week. Try googling a daily caloric calculator, plug in your stats, and you will see what I mean. Then adjust accordingly.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    This is going to be for the rest of your life, please prove you want it by not wanting to give up after 4 weeks. Chin up. It didnt show up overnight, it wont go away overnight. It took me almost 3 years to lose almost 100 pounds and I started only about 40-45 pounds more than you.
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    I agree. From what I have seen on MFP; you MUST eat back those exercise calories to a minimum of 1200 calories.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    I agree with the others about eating more. I was exercising HARD for like 3 wks and sticking close to the 1200 cals...didn't lose ANYTHING! Then I ate more and bam! Lost 4 lbs in one wkend! Crazy I know, but give it a whirl.
  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
    You know. I checked out your diary and you are allotted 1200 calories but on avg you you eat 800-1000 calories a day. I don't think you are eating enough. I believe it is hurting your metabolism.
    And it looks like I don't eat my calories but I do. I use those for cushion if I take a bite if my husbands dinner, or have a bite of cheese or a piece of lunch meat or anything that I happen to eat that is hard to log

    And this might be the problem - those little bites of cheese or meat or your husband's dinner are probably a lot higher in calories than you realise - cheese in particular is very high in fat and calories. You are probably in reality eating much more than 1200 calories a day without realising it.

    My advice would be, either cut out those little bites - have some planned snacks that you log in your diary instead. And those hard to log things - search hard enough and you will find something that matches.

    Above all else - log everything you eat!!!
  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 290 Member
    I want to lose weight so bad but it's just not coming off. And im working my butt off and eating so good a.s walking everyday. I just feel like at 215 pounds the weight should be coming off easier than this. They say if you lower your calories and exercise it should come off... So why isnt it for me. Why has my weight loss been stuck at a stand still for a month now. This is seriously making me want to fall off the wagon.

    Hello, Sorry about how your feeling! Try not to be too upset (easier said than done, i know!!)

    You could try zig-zagging your calories to break the plateau. This sites quite good, it tells you what cals you should be eating per day and then also offers a zigzagging plan - (this will give you the same ammount of calories per week, but varies them per day!)

    Hope this helps!

  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
    Oh, and until you do start logging everything and know exactly how many calories you really are consuming, I suggest you ignore the advice of anyone who has said "eat more". You need to know accurately what basis you are starting from before you can assess whether you need to increase or decrease.
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I felt weird eating back calories when I wasn't hungry. I have been doing some reading and if you have at least one day of the week with net calories below 1200, your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows down.

    I know it doesn't seem right but it's about keeping your metabolism up so it will burn fat. I have experienced it first hand to know exactly what you are going through. Add in a little more at each meal or just reward yourself at the end of the day.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    I agree with the others up your calorie intake to around 1350 or 1400 and try adding in weights with the cardio as well. Whatever your cardio time is i.e. 30 minutes up it 10 minutes to 40. etc.
  • After looking at your food diary i think you are eating too many carbs and sometimes not enough calories. Try and keep your carbs to around 50g a day as most of the time you are eating 100-150+ a day. Also ditch the cheese and try eating more lean meat such as chicken or turkey. Instead of having lean cuisine for dinner try 2 grilled chicken breasts with lots of veg, its low in refined carbs and high in protien. Also make sure you are eating a minimum of 1200 calories a day otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and start storing fat instead of burning it. If you eat only 50g of carbs a day soon you body will go into ketosis and will have no choice other than to burn all your stored carbs. I am doing this and have lost nearly 50lbs in under 3 months.
  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112
    You don't have to eat fish or avocado if you don't like them. Nor do you have to live on diet frozen meals - they are loaded with bad-for-you stuff that could be hindering your progress.

    You likely need to eat more - and better too. It seems counter-intuitive, but bumping up your net intake to 1200-1300 might be just the boost your body needs. Why aren't you eating the same things as your husband/family? A little tweaking and portion control makes real food (foods you LIKE) within reason for your daily diet.

    Make sure you're getting enough protein and water too, especially if you're active!
    Because my husband is 6 foot 4 and 180 pounds. He lives on pizza rolls, fast food, and burritos and its just me, him, and my daughter who eats baby food. That's why we don't eat meals together. And I drink tons of water like 10 to 12 glasses a day I just don't log my water.

    It wouldn't hurt him to get on a better diet either! Just because he sounds fit, doesn 't mean he's eating FIT! If the food is in the house, he and YOU will eat it! Time to totally overhaul what you are doing! How old is your daughter? If she's on babyfood, sounds like you recently became a mom! Don't forget about the fact that you still have baby weight and thats understandable!
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Up your calories to at least 1600. LOG EVERYTHING YOU EAT. EVERYTHING. Pre-log so you know where you have room... Exercise a little, walk a mile every other day to start.

  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Okay, I haven't read the other comments - but, I'm going to tell you that I looked at your diary and you aren't eating enough. That's the first place to start. You have days where you only net 900 or 1000 calories. That is far too low. You need to work on making sure the bottom number is as close to zero as possible (and I think you're probably going to find that 1200 calories simply isn't enough calories for you, but first focus on eating the full 1200!).

    I'm not one who tells people what kind of foods they should or shouldn't eat. I don't eat perfectly, but I also don't have to worry about things like carbs or sodium. Perhaps your body is sensitive to those things, so you need to be watching those AND watching your calories.

    This is a game of trial and error to figure out what works for your body and what doesn't. Don't give up.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I agree with those who say you need to eat more, and eat better! Log everything, even bites of your hubby's food, or even better, don't snitch his food! :tongue: Do you log your exercise? I didn't see any earned exercise calories at the bottom of your diary. If you are exercising and not logging it, and only showing 900-1000 calories a day, your net cals for the day are probably REALLY low.

    You should be netting at least 1200 per day, probably more. You gotta feed your body, especially if you are asking it to work hard with exercise. More protein rich foods, especially for breakfast!

    Search around the forums - there are quite a few topics with people's info on having great success with eating more calories. Sounds counter-intuitive, I know, but it works.
    No I don't exercise besides walking unless you count chasing a 1 year old around all day. I don't.get time to exercise

    Ok... Now I know this is going to sound like berating as well... but I'm trying not to... I too have a one year old. I also work 40 hours a week, and I still manage to find time to exercise... It's not easy, but if you really want it you will do it no matter how hard it seems. I try to exercise at the very least for 30 minutes after she goes to bed (which is at 8, because she has to be up by 6:30 in the morning)... Also, I saw you mention that you and your husband eat different meals at different times? Why? It is also the three of us in my household and I make dinner whether my husband wants to eat it or not. If you don't have time later in the day, the slow cooker is your friend... I swear!

    Honestly, (and I admit I'm being a bit brutal here) if you really want to be healthier and lose weight, then there is no excuse in the world that is good enough... So you don't like fish or avacados... Ok, find leaner cuts of meat (chicken, turkey, even read meats) and eat them in a decent serving size... not the big 8+ oz. behemoth portions we are used to...
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    You need to eat!!!!! Your body isn't goona let go of anything if it thinks it's starving. Eat the numer MFP gave you from the start plus your exercise calories. It's the fuel that keeps your body burning the fat!
  • Ok....I am going to give you the same speech I give every one else. I looked at your food journal. You are not eating enough and what you are eating is a lot of processed crap. Yes, you do eat some veggies but you also eat a lot of processed food and you are starving your body. That is why you are not losing weight. Plain and simple. Start adding things like avocados, nuts/seeds, salmon, dark leafy greens, fresh fruit, ect. Instead of buying dip for your veg make your own. make some guacamole to go with them.
    I dont eat fish or avacado. Im not going to eat stuff that tastes gross to lose weight that doesn't make.any sense and I don't see how people can eat nuts that would take up all of my calories. Im not saying I eat perfect but at 215 pounds I shouldn't have to be eating nothing but veggies to lose weight.

    This - this post right here, and the one about you are eating more calories that aren't logged - is why you're stuck.

    She gave you the answer and you didn't like it, so you're going to dismiss it. But she's exactly right. The sodium is off the charts, and you're eating practically nothing but processed carbs. This will never help you lose weight, and you will be stuck as long as you continue.

    And sorry dear, but weight loss "should" be a lot of things (like easy, quick, fun, etc) but it's not. It takes, work, effort, real change, and it's hard.

    I don't mean to sound rude, but it drives me crazy when people are "so upset, so frustrated" and then dismiss all the advice they are given because it doesn't sound like what they want.

    Everyone else is also telling you to up your calories. They are also right. Use the calories everyone else is telling you to add to eat the nuts. Or whatever food you like, as long as it doesn't have a wrapper!
  • jenlatham
    jenlatham Posts: 17 Member
    If you're really only eating what's in your diary, you must be so hungry all day! I'd suggest finding a nutritionist to help you develop an eating plan that includes more filling foods that are less calorie-dense and more nutritious (ones that you like -- not fish or avocadoes!). You're eating so many refined carbs and processed foods that your body may be overweight, but it's probably malnourished, too.