Getting really upset

I want to lose weight so bad but it's just not coming off. And im working my butt off and eating so good a.s walking everyday. I just feel like at 215 pounds the weight should be coming off easier than this. They say if you lower your calories and exercise it should come off... So why isnt it for me. Why has my weight loss been stuck at a stand still for a month now. This is seriously making me want to fall off the wagon.


  • lpblah
    lpblah Posts: 28
    How many cals are you eating? I was eating around 1150 but when I eat around 1350 I seem to see more of a loss.
  • Pankakefacebetch
    1200 and I try calorie fluctuations sometimes to see if it will help but it doesn't
  • tracyknerrer
    tracyknerrer Posts: 4 Member
    Maybe try eating a bit more. I know it sounds silly but it may be that your body is storing the food you are eating because your not getting enough. I am at a similar weight and have my calorie goal set at 1200. I only eat half of my exercise calories every day. Maybe change up your diet by adding more protein for breakfast, or a few complex carbs, and up your water intake. Changing up your exercise routine may also help snap your body out of a plateau. These are just a few things that have worked for me. I feel your pain, but don't give up. STAY STRONG and work through it!!!
  • Sytera
    Sytera Posts: 75
    How long do you give the calorie fluctuations to work? You might need to up your calories and give it at least a week or two to see how it works.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Does your walking challenge you? Can you carry on a normal conversation, or do you feel winded when you do?

    I used to use a treadmill. The more I walked the more I increased the speed, I also used the incline (somewhat). Now I use Leslie Sansone walking DVDs (not better .... just a nice change from the treadmill). The music is fast enough to know that I'm walking at a good pace.

    Arm movements & light handweights also help keep my heart rate up.
  • jhann16
    jhann16 Posts: 62
    Look at the new book out by Dr. Mark Hyman. It's amazing and has really made sense of the whole "food is medicine" and can heal your body and help you lose weight. It's not just eating less, it's the combination of foods you put into your body.
  • smbyrd13
    smbyrd13 Posts: 52 Member
    I was eating 1450 cal and losing weight at about a lb a week. Then I dropped to 1350 cal and stopped losing for a few weeks. Frustrated with no weight loss and fewer calories, I decided to bump it back up to 1450 and started losing weight again. Like some other posters have said...try eating more! :) Also, are you eating back your exercise calories? I've been doing that and it's worked for me! Good luck!
  • TheNewo
    TheNewo Posts: 239 Member
    I know how you feel!!!! I started dieting and exercising (mostly exercising) very seriously mid December. At 217 I felt that the weight should have just been falling right off. But, it's been really, really slow. I'm down about 12 pounds, and I'm very relieved to say that none of it appears to be a short term water weight loss. I would agree with the above posters, maybe a little more calories, keep your heart rate up during cardio and add some strengthening routines/light weighlifting a few times a week. Throw in some new, intense exercise to break through that platuea, and don't worry -you got this.
    PS...I actually eat around 1600 calories a maybe I need to go down some?
  • Pankakefacebetch
    Its just very frustrating and yes the walking is a workout for me
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    Keep your chin up girl, and keep at it. It will be all worth it in the end :smile:
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    It is truly frustrating when you're doing everything right, and it doesn't seem to be working. Have patience, it will pay off! You may need to increase your calories. You also should consider lifting weights if you don't already. Lifting will allow you to keep muscle mass which will cause you to be able to lose weight faster. Your body will use your muscle for fuel if it's not being forced to keep it through strength training. And you don't have to worry about looking bulky, women just can't do that unless you're one of the very rare few with high testosterone.
    Keep up the good work! Weight loss will come in time, your body doesn't have a choice if you keep working hard!
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    I started at 190 pounds. I went with about 1400-1500 calories and in a few months lost 20 pounds.

    I only fell off the wagon because I lost internet. I really need myfitnesspal to do this. So I am back in it again. I am just glad I didn't gain it all back.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Food is fuel, so if you don't eat enough, your body will conserve. Also, you can't expect huge weight loss quickly as you didn't gain weight quickly. 1200 calories is really not enough for 90% of people and eating at that level will only cause your body to slow it's metabolism down. I would suspect, you should be between 1500-1800 calories to lose correctly and have the weight come off. But if you post your height and workout routine (if it's more than just walking as noted earlier) we can estimate how many calories you need. Also, make your diary public so we can evaluate it.
  • Alpine005
    Alpine005 Posts: 87 Member
    I looked at your food diary and it looks like you are eating alot of frozen dinners for dinner.

    Those Frozen dinners look like they have alot of carbs (50+) and they are loaded with sodium. You might want to think about dumping those and having a meal with a lean meat and some veggies.

    I would up your calories to 1,400, drink more water and try to stay away from the carbs and sodium at night. You also might want to try a new type of cardio for a few weeks. Perhaps do some interval training where you walk for a minute than jog for a minute. Shake things up.

    Also, take a week off from the scale, don't let it frustrate you. In a week you will see progress!

    The good news is that you are down over 20 pounds already so congrats, don't get frustrated.
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    You know. I checked out your diary and you are allotted 1200 calories but on avg you you eat 800-1000 calories a day. I don't think you are eating enough. I believe it is hurting your metabolism.
  • bellefille
    bellefille Posts: 50 Member
    Are you also keeping track of your measurements (waist, thigh etc)?

    Though I am just getting started on my weight loss journey again after surgery a few months ago, I do recall during my previous weight loss effort, that I would sometimes reach a point where the scale was not moving but I was still losing inches on my waist and thigh measurements - which kept me motivated until the scale started moving again!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    This. If you are over 200 lbs 1200 isn't enough even if you are just laying around all day.
    You know. I checked out your diary and you are allotted 1200 calories but on avg you you eat 800-1000 calories a day. I don't think you are eating enough. I believe it is hurting your metabolism.
  • kleighsamboer
    Ok....I am going to give you the same speech I give every one else. I looked at your food journal. You are not eating enough and what you are eating is a lot of processed crap. Yes, you do eat some veggies but you also eat a lot of processed food and you are starving your body. That is why you are not losing weight. Plain and simple. Start adding things like avocados, nuts/seeds, salmon, dark leafy greens, fresh fruit, ect. Instead of buying dip for your veg make your own. make some guacamole to go with them.
  • Pankakefacebetch
    Ok....I am going to give you the same speech I give every one else. I looked at your food journal. You are not eating enough and what you are eating is a lot of processed crap. Yes, you do eat some veggies but you also eat a lot of processed food and you are starving your body. That is why you are not losing weight. Plain and simple. Start adding things like avocados, nuts/seeds, salmon, dark leafy greens, fresh fruit, ect. Instead of buying dip for your veg make your own. make some guacamole to go with them.
    I dont eat fish or avacado. Im not going to eat stuff that tastes gross to lose weight that doesn't make.any sense and I don't see how people can eat nuts that would take up all of my calories. Im not saying I eat perfect but at 215 pounds I shouldn't have to be eating nothing but veggies to lose weight.
  • Pankakefacebetch
    You know. I checked out your diary and you are allotted 1200 calories but on avg you you eat 800-1000 calories a day. I don't think you are eating enough. I believe it is hurting your metabolism.
    And it looks like I don't eat my calories but I do. I use those for cushion if I take a bite if my husbands dinner, or have a bite of cheese or a piece of lunch meat or anything that I happen to eat that is hard to log