
I am working stopping the soda/pop, bad habit I know. Problem is caffeine withdrawal, have done it before and it was bad, I know it only lasts they say a week but with work and kids I can't lashing out.

I don't drink coffee, do not like tea (would need sugar in it to drink it so that does know good) I wish there was a caffeine pill that you could take.

I guess just weaning off would be good.

What has helped you?


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    excedrin has caffeine in it.

    I love diet soda, but if you really wanna ditch it and avoid the caffeine withdrawal, excedrin is your friend.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    there are caffeine pils, vivarin is one brand I know of
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Just cut back slowly. Cut out one can from your daily average for a week or two, then cut back one more can. Eventually you can get it down to where you're drinking half a can per day, and then none.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    Actually there is a caffeine pill, it has 200 mg of caffeine which is the equivalent to a cup of coffee.

    Some of the brands are No Doz, Vivarin, etc. over the counter at any store.

    But truly, caffeine withdrawal headaches only last a day or two and taking a pain reliever does help.

    I used to use it in college because I hated coffee and would be up all night studying. We also use it if we are on road trips and traveling through the night.
  • Yup caffeine pills exist. I like them^-^ make sure to drink plenty of water:D
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Jet alert works wonders.
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    Do they still make Water Joe? It was bottled water with caffeine in it. I always wanted to use it in my coffeemaker... heehee...
  • I've been trying to cut back on soda too, but always felt off when I did but this week I've been stuck at home potty training my 2 yr old and had no soda in the house (just a coincidence) for some reason I haven't felt any side affects, I did have some diet snapple green tea which has a little caffeine but I only had a third of the bottle each day. Maybe you could try it too, it comes in raspberry peach and lemon (lemon was the one I had cause its the least favorite in my house but now it's my knew favorite :) I also mentioned to a friend I wish there was a caffeine pill cause I'm not a coffe or hot tea drinker and she advised not to take one, I didn't ask why but maybe research it before you try one.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Do they still make Water Joe? It was bottled water with caffeine in it. I always wanted to use it in my coffeemaker... heehee...
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    To say that I love caffeine would be an understatement. I go to bed each night looking forward to the next day when I get my caffeine fix.

    So, here is Rahbuhbuh's Caffeine Guide

    1. Coffee. If you don't like coffee by itself, you can put cinnamon in the basket with the coffee when you brew it. Its a lot fewer calories than creamers, etc. You just have to figure out how much you like.

    2. Tea. Teavana has a ton of different flavors and levels of bitterness. My favorite is Javana Mocha. Its is a coffee tasting tea. My other favorite is mixing Rubios with Mate (green tea)

    3. Jolt Gum! You used to be able to buy it in stores, but now only through their website and some online marketers that will overcharge you. It has 5 calories a piece. Warning. It has phenylalanine, which a very small percentage of people have a reaction to.

    You can also get Rockstar Gum at most convenient stores, but it taste like poop in my opinion.

    4. Monster Lo-Carb. It has 10 calories a serving. It also has taurine, b12, etc. I like to dilute it with water sometimes.

    5. Performance drinks like GNC N.O. Loaded. The performance most often comes from high doses of caffeine. I can't really handle these because they are chalky and too concentrated.

    Hope this helps some.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    I too had to break my soda addiction and it is DIFFICULT! What I personally did was in phases. I first switched from regular Pepsi to Pepsi Throwback which has real sugar instead of corn syrup (which I no longer intake at all). The taste was different, and I found myself cutting back naturally from that. Then I switched to diet... pick one, doesn't matter, whichever one you can stomach with food but doesn't make you want to drink it. For me it was Cherry Coke Zero. After a few weeks, I didn't want those anymore and dropped them altogether, and only brought water with me to work. Not having access to the soda made it so much easier and even when I got home and had it in the fridge, I didn't want it. Bear in mind that prior to doing this, I only drank 1 can per day, sometimes a little more if I went out in the evening for whatever the reason. Try it out... maybe it'll work for you? There's also Stevia sweetened sodas on the market to help you wean off as well... and at least the sugar in that is natural.
  • Thanks for all the ideas, at least it will give some things to try and see what works.
  • I had to take myself off caffeine for health reasons and it is hard!!! HEADACHES!! but within a week they went away. I took 4 ibuprofen and that did the trick when I needed it to! Good Luck!
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    excedrin has caffeine in it.

    I love diet soda, but if you really wanna ditch it and avoid the caffeine withdrawal, excedrin is your friend.

    This one. If you are getting pop out of your system why add unnecessary drugs...excedrin only when needed and you won't need it for long. Also the tapering comment would work.
  • I gave up my fizzy drinks not too long ago and the only withdrawal I've gone through was a week of a terrible sleeping pattern, and the inevitable walking over to stare at the fizzy drink aisle while I do the shopping~ I didn't miss the caffine at all even tho I used to have two big sized bottles of pepsi in a week ;_; I just swapped the pepsi for 7up, now i'm on my 8 glasses of water a day and for ze treat I have my fruit water!

    I find caffine pills horrible orz, i'd reccomend those little shots of energy drink you can get in shops! :3
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    excedrin has caffeine in it.

    I love diet soda, but if you really wanna ditch it and avoid the caffeine withdrawal, excedrin is your friend.

    This one. If you are getting pop out of your system why add unnecessary drugs...excedrin only when needed and you won't need it for long. Also the tapering comment would work.

    While caffeine is not essential like iron, calcium, etc, it does have some benefits if taken in moderation. Some forms of it are vasodilators which help oxygenate your muscles. Some studies have shown that caffeine (in moderation) before a workout helps burn more calories and fat.

    One more source for caffeine that I forgot to mention is Crystal Light +Metabolism. It comes in Green Tea/Peach Mango. I think it has about 10 calories a serving.
  • I've always found vitamin C to be helpful too. I would have a glass of OJ to help with some of the withdrawal symptoms.
  • Serqita
    Serqita Posts: 34 Member
    I too had to break my soda addiction and it is DIFFICULT! What I personally did was in phases. I first switched from regular Pepsi to Pepsi Throwback which has real sugar instead of corn syrup (which I no longer intake at all). The taste was different, and I found myself cutting back naturally from that. Then I switched to diet... pick one, doesn't matter, whichever one you can stomach with food but doesn't make you want to drink it. For me it was Cherry Coke Zero. After a few weeks, I didn't want those anymore and dropped them altogether, and only brought water with me to work. Not having access to the soda made it so much easier and even when I got home and had it in the fridge, I didn't want it. Bear in mind that prior to doing this, I only drank 1 can per day, sometimes a little more if I went out in the evening for whatever the reason. Try it out... maybe it'll work for you? There's also Stevia sweetened sodas on the market to help you wean off as well... and at least the sugar in that is natural.

    i find way to kept me wake a work . i drink caffeine pop but cut back every other week