

  • I've seen an animated version of that. On newgrounds. Lol.
  • lol Kim Kardashian DOES have a booty workout video.
  • You can also "quick enter calories" if you can't find the right thing. But yeah, you'll have to measure your portion sizes pretty accurately or it won't help.
  • I think you should eat some extra calories from workouts but if you workout a lot it becomes kind of crazy if dinner is over and you have 1000 left. Just eat when you're hungry, be sensible, eat a little bit extra if you exercise lots, and it should be okay. I think this site sometimes overestimates cals burned.
  • Anything counts. Saying that doing any exercise less than 20 minutes isn't effective is stupid. I mean, it's MORE effective to do it longer, but you are, because you're doing more later in the day.
  • I guess they think that the extra space you apparently take up will make you unable to see the floor? um, what a retard, and a jerk. Just don't listen to people like that. lots of people are overweight and they shouldn't be made fun of for it if, like you, they're working to lose the weight and get healthy.
  • Yeah, can't target a single area. I know what you mean....just lose fat all over and they will eventually go away, plus do cardio and strength training. the most important thing is eating right and burning some calories every day.
  • If you have one day every few months where you just don't feel up to eating much, i think it's fine. It sort of sets off your metabolism because you're switching to a different caloric amount. But you should never make a habit of it. What I'm doing is sometimes, I'm a biiiit lower than my goal, sometimes I'm at the goal,…
  • you look so amazing. I didn't think 17 pounds looked that much different 0.o great job and good luck
  • Maybe the first two are building more muscle, which revs up your metabolism, so don't skip em :)
  • When i exercise a lot i feel much less hungry, so going over my initial goal is like torture, I'll feel sick. and yet if i have a day of noo exercise i'd go over my goal by a lottt way too easily. So I'm sort of at a it's hard for me to find healthy but not very filling yet caloric foods. I'm pescatarian and…
  • 3 meals and one snack are what I do, buuut 5-6 little meals a day does speed your metabolism up a lot. it's not essential though. in the end the most important thing is eating right.
  • I would avoid most diety sweets. they may be lower calorie but often have fake sweeteners and or preservatives in them, plus are still sugary and still will not fill you up much. and they're carby. the fiber one 90 calorie bar might be ok but as for "diet" ice cream bars and such things, i'd stay away. you can always get…
  • I'm also an ideal weight but want to lose, but still stay in the healthy range. The best tip I can give you is find an exercise that's fun but vigorous (say, if you like hiking, or if you have an Xbox 360 play Kinect, or the Wii). Trampolines are awesome too. Also, if you can get toning shoes, those are awesome, just take…