Need help to target an area! Please!!

I have a problem area that I desperately need to target. Not sure what it's called, but you know that second set of boobs people get?? How do I target this upper abdominal area? Help please!


  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    All you can do is work on building muscle in the specific area and lower your overall body fat. You can't say " I don't want flabby arms!" and only lose fat from that area.

    Work on eating clean and doing crunches. Most people already have a great set of abs, they're just covered up by fat. Nutrition is the path to a 6-pack!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Unfortunately you cannot target an area. Be very good on your calories and CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO :] it will take a while but you will see it slowly disappear with time and consistently working at it :]


    Abs are made in the kitchen :}
  • hkrosez
    hkrosez Posts: 53
    Work on eating clean and doing crunches. Most people already have a great set of abs, they're just covered up by fat. Nutrition is the path to a 6-pack!

    Love this, and I really hope this is true.
    Abs are made in the kitchen :}
    Also like this!!

    Really you have to get your whole body in shape. Work on cardio and overall muscle tone. Eventually you will get there!
  • nothankscake
    Yeah, can't target a single area. I know what you mean....just lose fat all over and they will eventually go away, plus do cardio and strength training. the most important thing is eating right and burning some calories every day.
  • CindyWard4u
    CindyWard4u Posts: 40 Member
    spot reduction is not probably should commit to an overall conditioning program that builds muscle (muscle helps burn fat) and has a sufficient amount of cardio. I have found great success with P90X....I know the thought of P90X seems intimidating for most people...but it can be modified to fit any fitness level. :-)
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I have those too. :grumble:

    I've been doing lots of time on the elliptical and the 30 day shred and they're slowly shrinking. Slowly. :noway: