

  • I started here July 2011 at 314 pounds. I am now down to 247. Keep at it. It isn't always easy but it IS always worth it! :happy:
  • It is beautiful and I love the symbolism. Congrats!!
  • Funny that when I was reading all the other posts, I thought, man, I just want to get to 160 (I started at 313 and currently am at 239). Maybe when I get to 160, I'll want more but right now to attain 160 to me would be awesome! I'm 5'6".
  • I have always been the person who is hot at work. Could never stay cool. Now I wear a sweater most of the day and am always cold. But it is something I'll learn to live with as I don't want my "insulation" back :happy:
  • Funny that you say that. I never understood why people at work were always so cold. I was always hot! And now, I've lost 60+ pounds and I'm always cold at work too. I guess I'll have to put an extra sweater on too as I don't want the pounds back :happy:
  • You are having a positive influence on your Dad without him even realizing it :) We go out to breakfast every Saturday with my Dad, who is on dialysis and has a specifice diet of "don't eats". Before, he wouldn't pay attention and now, I like to think because he sees the changes in my life, he doesn't eat all of his "no's"…
    in My Dad! Comment by kfd1098 January 2012
  • Congrats!! I know how exciting that can be as I was unable to wear my diamond, wedding band or mother's ring for the past three years because of how much weight I had gained. I was able to put my mother's ring on a couple of month's ago and was able to wear both my diamond and wedding band one month ago and now with the…
  • Awesome job!! That is the hardest part of the holidays for me. The mindless eating of all the treats at work. I am happy to report that I've managed to avoid 6 boxes of chocolates, 5 tins of cookies, 3 plates of fudge, 2 birthday cakes and a table full of donuts too! I just sang that in my head to the tune of 12 Days of…
  • So I got my new bracelet this weekend. It was so much fun. I decided to get a bead to symbolize my 50 lbs accomplishment and spent some time deciding. I chose the turtle and when my little one asked me why I chose the turtle I reminded him of the story of the Tortoise and the Hare and how the Hare takes off on the race…
  • Thanks everyone!
  • Someone said to me...when you realize and re-focus; you are recovering from a lapse. The realization and recommitment keep it from becoming a collapse.
  • I started it this morning. How do you all log it in the exercise journal?
  • Hi and Welcome! I was 314 pounds when I started with MFP back the end of July. I couldn't walk up the stairs in my house without having to literally pull myself with the railing. I was totally intimidated by exercise so I started in my house using the Leslie Sansone Walk videos from On Demand on my cable tv. It was free, I…
  • Congrats and please know that these are the posts I come to for inspiration. To see a before picture of "me" (someone who was where I am now) and then see that in just one year...one short year (and I say short because it has taken me 30 + years to get my body where it is now and in only one year - of true commitment and…
  • Can't wait to try it!!
  • Sometimes I find the NSV victories even better than the scale. Congrats!!
  • Signed up for my first 5K today. I've been wanting to do it for 2 years in memory of my Mom but I couldn't even walk up a flight of stairs 2 months ago...now I've been training and walking 3.1 miles a day :)
  • Jill, I so understand where you are coming from. I weighed over 300 lbs when I started this journey 2 months ago and I've lost 26 pounds. Even I can see it in my face, never mind the looser clothes I'm wearing. The ONLY person who has noticed or at least said something to me is a woman I work with that I have barely known…
  • My wedding band and engagement ring. I haven't worn them in 4 years because I gained so much weight and I refused to size them because I needed something to strive for. Had my first NSV today since starting this journey on 7/25/11. I was able to put on my ruby mother's ring that I also haven't worn in 3 years. I've got a…
  • A smartphone is worth the investment. I use mine all the time to decide what to eat when I'm at a restaurant. I put in multiple options until I find the one with the best calories. Although a pad of paper works for writing down what you ate, the phone allows me to make better informed decisions on the run.