Slave to my food diary



  • jbdowns35
    jbdowns35 Posts: 352
    I try to pre-plan my day's food & exercise & log it in in the morning, that way I can see if I'm over my calories & adjust. I know if I have left over room for a treat or if I need to exercise extra hard to make room for my calorie intake. If my day doesn't go as planned, I adjust it later, or the next day. It's much easier to stick to a plan if I have one!!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member

    It is an adjustment and I felt like a slave at first also, but i try to log everything before i eat it, and planning the day helps. I know if I have any wiggle room, or more importantly if I am about to go over. The only times i have gone over on my calories was when i did not log it before i ate it. This way, if it is not logged, i will not eat it.
  • kfd1098
    kfd1098 Posts: 25
    A smartphone is worth the investment. I use mine all the time to decide what to eat when I'm at a restaurant. I put in multiple options until I find the one with the best calories. Although a pad of paper works for writing down what you ate, the phone allows me to make better informed decisions on the run.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I didn't read all the replies...but my thought is to get a pretty lil journal to write down all your foods and maybe thoughts for the day. Then you can just in-put that when you get home :)

    Good Luck! Being accountable is super important :D
  • BrandNewMia
    Notepads are great, and planning your day in advance is an even better idea.

    But when I don't have something to write with or write on, and I haven't planned my food - I send a text message to myself. You don't have to have a smart phone (don't all phones text nowadays?). Just type in everything you ate, send to your own number (or save the message as a draft), and viola! Easy peasy.
  • TrotterHelen
    TrotterHelen Posts: 10 Member
    I like that texting idea! Sounds like a lot of you pre-plan. After having what I thought was a light lunch (which turned into 500 cal), pre-planning might be a good place to start. Thanks everyone!
  • LifeChanged1209
    If it's at all possible, get a smart phone. That way you can just scan the barcode on the items you eat, and enter as you eat. It makes you really see what you're putting into your body, and calculates your calories and nutritional values right away, so you don't "slip up".

    Otherwise, yea, notepad.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'll often enter my lunch as I'm packing it in the morning. I then know I'm eating a good amount of calories and I don't have to worry about doing it later.
  • rocky282
    rocky282 Posts: 47 Member
    Notepad is nice, I have a ITouch and it is a pretty old one but I love it. It is very nice to know when I eat and what. Something good about the ITouch is you don't have the extra expense of a smart phone, and I believe if you get one of the New ITouches it has cameras so you could use the barcode scanning and such. Was a good option for me. Good luck with the weight loss :)