crepes_ Member


  • Nov 1 SW 195 Nov 30 GW 185 * 10,000 steps 5/7 days * Home organization project * 80g protein daily
  • 3 months out and my recommended intake is 800-900, 60g protein. There are some days when I break 1000, and some days when I barely break 300. I'm still getting the hang of it.
  • The pre-op diet was the hardest part of all of this for me, and I'm sure it was for many other people. It's hard, but it's temporary. If you can get through this, you can be a champ post-op. Use things as distractions. Go out and exercise, clean your house, catch up on TV shows you were interested in but never got a chance…
  • I had very bad nausea (also prone to it), and all I could tolerate for a while was the broth from Cup Noodles, ice pops, and small amounts of Crystal Light Peach Iced Tea. That salty broth was my saving grace. It kept me feeling human, and I think the salt itself was a major part of it. Keep a decently sized water bottle…
  • I took off 2 weeks, initially, but had to get it extended to 3 weeks because I had a rough recovery. I went back after 3 weeks but still not well. I could still hardly move and I was tired and nauseated at all times. I should have taken 4 weeks.
  • When I was living in the pre-op phase, it felt like an eternity and it was absolutely horrible. But now that I'm 3 months post-op, it seems like a blip. It's certainly the hardest part, but it's entirely necessary for both safety and psychological development. It made me realize food is not everything and helped me ease…
  • 1. I want to weigh 130lbs. 2. I want to be able to rock climb and do unassisted pull ups. These are things that never really seemed possible in the future until now. I'm really looking forward to it!
  • Thanks so much! Something clicked one day. You know how that feels, like when you're on a good streak of a few days where you feel much more human and less animalistic. I talked it out with my husband, I distracted myself a ton, and I stopped tracking for a bit to get out of the mindset that everything has to be about…
  • Soups are your friend in the puree stage! You can have so many different varieties and flavors, and you can add a scoop of unflavored protein powder to the mix to make sure you're meeting your protein goals. I did tomato basil, cream of mushroom, cream of broccoli, chicken broth, butternut squash soup, pumpkin soup, and…
  • People have been calling me pretty lately, and I've been receiving so much more attention. I'm used to being invisible and this is a whole new type of normal for me. I hardly know how to react. I keep checking over my shoulder to find who they're talking to, but it's just me! That, and my husband's new favorite past time…
  • That's so great! Congrats on an amazing accomplishment.
  • Are you doing it because of emotions that you're feeling, maybe? You should consider joining the Binge Eating Disorder group here and looking at their tactics. Also, something that helps a lot of people out is the Food & Feelings Workbook by Karen Koenig. You can find that on Amazon and the exercises in the book are very…
  • I'm so glad I posted. You're all really helping in easing my anxieties about this. It's such an irrational way of thinking, because I know the process will work and yet I still doubt it! So I'm just gonna keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep doing what I'm doing until trusting the process just becomes…
  • Lots of nuts, avocados, and oils. Cheeses galore! My favorite go-tos for that are tofu lasagna bake (slice the tofu thinly and use it instead of the noodles, everything else the same and you can use chopped up mushrooms for a 'meaty' consistency) and cheesy cauliflower stirfry (oil, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, cherry…
  • This is exactly what I'm going to try to do. It's an incredibly strange feeling. It's like head hunger. You know that what you feel isn't exactly based in reality, but it doesn't stop it from feeling real if you let it get to you. I'm eating less than a quarter of what I used to, but I feel like I'm at an all day…
  • That's so amazing to see! Congrats on that incredible loss. I'm so happy for you!
  • When you're in the hospital, start walking right away. Do what you can, go back and rest, and then get right back up and go at it. You'll help yourself in the healing process, and you're help yourself get rid of excess gas. Also, whenever you do get up, grab a pillow and push it against your abdomen. It helps things hurt…
  • Omg! That sounds so scary... I'm hoping you're alright now and dealing well with the recovery.
  • Recovery Record is a good one. It's a nice log with encouraging quotes and exercises. Take a look.
  • I originally scored a 37 a while back when I was in the deep of it. Now, I scored an 8. I just want to cry. It makes me so happy to see that. I haven't binged in a bit, but I know I'm not totally out of the woods. You never really are, but it's nice to see confirmation that things have improved so much.
  • That's so great! I'm still learning the ropes of ordering at a restaurant. I get so nervous and I feel like everyone's going to judge me for not clearing my plate. Like people are going to think I'm snobby and didn't like the food. It's such a strange thing to need to get over. I order a small appetizer and beg my husband…
  • Food scales are the best because it's the most accurate way of getting things down to the decimal. I think that's especially important when you're dealing with such low calorie diets and you need to ensure you get your nutrition in. For instance, the amount of food that fits into 1 cup varies depending on how its cut, how…
  • I need to get my protein intake up, and take my calcium supplements. I just bought unflavored protein powder to put into yogurts and soups, so I think that'll help some.
  • It's not selfish! At least not in the negative sense of the word. I'm a firm supporter of selfishness. You need to take care of yourself, and if what you need is a sounding board, we will be it for you! Or like Deirdre said above, Overeaters Anonymous is a great sounding board as well. Sometimes you just need to be heard…
  • December 25 Me: 16 TB: 12
  • December 25 Me: 15 TB: 10 Darn it. I spoiled TB's single-digit points over Christmas. We brought home too many leftovers and I just lost it. Will be working hard.
  • December 23 Me: 15 TB: 8
  • December 22 Me: 14 TB: 8
  • I got another one! Call a friend or family member that you need to catch up with. It's a great time for keeping your social obligations and keeping you distracted from the mental anguish that is binge-brain.
  • December 21 Me: 13 TB: 8 All things considered, I feel pretty good about this!