StarlaDesiree Member


  • Holy read-into-it-too-much-and-be-a-****-about-it, Batman. Changed my mind. Elaborating. I never used the term sociopath, others did.. I used the term psychopath. "FTR:" "The term “psychopath” is usually used to describe a person that has crossed the line of moral behavior in a society. They’re the murderers, the school…
  • I think Lizzie is mirroring a character from the graphic novels that most certainly IS a psychopath (kills animals and murders his own twin brother). So yeah, Lizzie is a psycho.
  • Yes, and yes.
  • I think there is always the chance carbonation will make you feel a little bloated. But unless you're drinking gallons of the stuff each day, I doubt it will do any harm.
  • Yes, absolutely. If the characters weren't so damn lovable (and hot) I would have been over Supernatural a long time ago...
  • All of what you said is true. I'm excited to see Capaldi. I am not excited for Clara though. I kind of consider her the Kristen Stewart of the Whoniverse at the moment. I don't think it's the actress's fault. Something is just lacking in terms of her character. All of the previous companions have been so dynamic and she…
  • Gotta add Supernatural.... they probably should have ended the show after season 5 or so... although it is getting better again, and I won't deny I love watching Jensen Ackles do... pretty much anything.... But why do the writers keep killing them and bringing them back? C'mon, there has to be a bit more creativity in the…
  • I empathize with the dialogue. Small changes would definitely benefit you. There are many small changes you can do one at a time. Say, for breakfast have a healthy cereal, and make sure to follow the serving size (Post's Great Grains varieties are pretty yummy). Or have oatmeal instead. Prepping stuff ahead of time will…
  • You seem to be at a pretty healthy weight already, so I think you could probably see a bit more tone in a few weeks. Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 works very well for myself. P90X also works really well, but the workouts are longer and more intensive, tougher to fit in to a busy schedule. Congratulations on the wedding,…
  • The P90X program is similar. It basically wants to make sure you're eating enough so you have the energy to get through the workouts. Sometimes when you cut too many calories, you can end up screwing your metabolism up instead, and reach a stall. My suggestion would be to eat 2000 calories each day when you work out, maybe…
  • Also a fan of Jillian Michaels. I like the Ripped In 30 workouts the best. Calisthenic and body weight exercises sound like the best option for you since you don't want to spend a lot of money on expensive equipment or memberships (then again, who does?). Squats, planks, push-ups, burpees, supermans, all kinds of other…
  • This is how it is with my fiance and myself. Although, I have gotten him to care a little more about his health. Since I'm the only one that cooks, he eats the healthy foods that I make, and he does exercise every so often because I bought a bike that he can use while playing video games, so it makes it less "boring" for…
  • Great suggestions! Don't forget cardio to help burn the fat off, though. My fave ab exercise is the plank. It really helps slim down my middle. Not necessarily best for love handles, but it really seems to help shrink my waist.
  • Great job! So inspiring and you look great!
  • Yeah, I agree with the general consensus... I wouldn't do it... I'd prefer to have the extra 500 calorie deficit... but I certainly wouldn't be surprised if we did burn more during that week. Even if it's only a little.
  • LMAO! Yeah!
  • I don't know what the calorie count is (it's probably different for each woman), but I think that our bodies do burn a little extra during that time because it's doing extra work getting rid of the uterine lining... Same concept as breast feeding or pregnancy... Your body has added more biological processes to it's usual…
  • I don't know about its protein content, but I've heard it's high in iron. If you want a homemade protein shake, I'm sure there are better options than raw organs. Do you not like the whey or soy protein powders? You could mix the powder with milk and peanut butter for added protein.
  • Looks fabulous. I make mine with some maple syrup brushed on the halves, then about 10 mins before they are done, I put diced pear and walnuts in the middle with some cinnamon. Soooooo good.
  • vegan zombie.... Disclaimer: not ALL recipes on the sites above are healthy. On a side note... I could use more veg-head buddies, feel free to add me, if you see something in my food diary that you'd like the recipe for, just let me know.
  • Pretty much agree. But if you're eating carbs, make sure they're good, complex carbs, not white bread and sugar carbs. Also, try doing more planks. They don't really "drop the fat" but I've found they are very effective in tightening all those core muscles and helping slim the midsection. That may help you see some…
  • Sounds delicious!
  • In the morning, before I've eaten anything and started to feel fat again. Lol.
  • I'm taking an anatomy and kinesiology class this semester and we discussed this, actually. My instructor, who is a Certified Athletic Trainer, said the best thing to do is use a rolling pin. Yes, a rolling pin that you would use for dough in the kitchen. Roll your foot along the rolling pin and it helps stretch out and…
  • I tried some last week. It was odd at first, but I started to like it after a few more drinks. It tastes kind of nutty. It doesn't have that strong coconut flavor like you would expect. It's a pretty mild flavor that actually caught me off guard at first.
  • Having a hard time with motivation the past couple days. I should have started week 2 yesterday, but I watched TV all day instead, then did the same thing today. I just feel so TIRED. and HUNGRY. This is ridiculous. Is anyone else feeling absolutely ravenous appetite-wise while doing these workouts? I almost can't stand…
  • So, I should be starting week 2 today. I did 5 days of week 1. One rest day and one day I did the elliptical instead of the video. Not looking forward to week 2! I just got used to week 1! :'( Lol. Eating isn't exactly in control though, I am super hungry ALL the time from all the exercise. I hate it.
  • Just try to remind yourself how much better you will feel after dropping the weight and getting healthy. You can do this. Stick with it. Best of luck to you, and to your husband in finding a job.
  • Day 4, done. I've also done 6 week Six Pack with RI30 two of those days. I am really sore and jell-o legged. Lol. But, man it feels good, and I'm already seeing my body composition change. I almost didn't do RI30 today because I was worn out from 6W6P, but I managed to find a second wind... Glad I did. Keep up the great…
  • Did both the RI30 and half of the 6 week Six Pack yesterday. I wanted to finish but I had an appointment to get to... My goal is to tone up and slim down, and hopefully burn lots of fat! I don't really care what the number on the scale is, as long as I can get back into my skinny jeans. I'll probably take Tuesdays and…