xcalygrl Member


  • Yep. As long as you are burning more calories than you eat, you'll lose weight. Your body burns calories just keeping you alive, so everything burned during exercise is just "bonus". When I started losing weight, I didn't exercise at all (was a student with no desire to), and I still lost weight. Exercise is good for…
  • There are several beginner's programs, which is where I would start in your case. Stronglifts 5x5 New Rules of Lifting New Rules of Lifting for Women Strong Curves Ice Cream Fitness Starting Strength All Pro As well as a bunch on bodybuilding.com As long as you keep your calories in check, you will lose weight. With…
  • I lift heavy. I'm not powerlifting for sport, but I regularly test my 1RM to gauge progress. I lift 5 times a week usually. I also do endurance events that involve lifting heavy items (logs, cement blocks, etc.) and carrying them for long distances.
  • I haven't followed that exact program, but I designed my own program similar to it. Basically: I was doing 1RM lifts, then dropping down to 2-3 sets of 5 reps, then smashing out 1 set of AMRAP. I would then add on some accessories for grins and giggles. What I saw: my 1RM lifts went up, my 2-3 sets of 5 reps got easier and…
  • Yeah, don't use that formula. It's random and not very good. I can gain on 2200-2500 a day, but that formula tells me to eat about 3300. Yeah, no. To the OP, eat high calorie and low volume foods. Examples: full fat dairy, nut butters, cheese, ice cream, etc..
  • Started at 240 pounds about 10 years ago, wearing an 18/20. Now, 180 and a size 10-12, some 14s depending on brand.
  • I've taken race fuel on a plane before. I had protein powder, energy gels, and loads of other snacks. I left it in my bag and they looked suspect on the scanner. That time I got to take a trip to secondary scanning. Every other time, I've taken them out (in a Ziploc bag), put them in the tray (like a laptop), and have had…
  • It's subjective per person. What is heavy for me may not be heavy for the next female, while what is heavy for me may be too heavy for the next. The best way to put it is heavy would be lifting the weight for 1-5 reps in a set.
  • Just looked it up. It says it is water resistance NOT waterproof. If you do want to wear it, I would put it in a Ziploc and put it in a pocket/sports bra/somewhere it won't fall out. It is highly likely to get ruined at a mud run since it isn't waterproof.
    in Mud Run Comment by xcalygrl May 2016
  • I have a FitBit one. I do Spartans and GORUCK frequently. I put my One in a Ziploc bag then in my sports bra. It has survived a few years of this. The One is not a wrist-based Fitbit nor is it waterproof. I also wear a Garmin sportwatch for the GPS tracking. It has survived about 18 months of Spartans and other local 5k…
    in Mud Run Comment by xcalygrl May 2016
  • Craigslist is a good place to look for items you want to add. I found a barbell and bumper plates for pretty cheap because the guy just wanted them gone. I bought my squat rack off Amazon for like $200. You can find similar options locally if you live close to a sporting store. That would save you on shipping. If buying…
  • Commenting to follow. Very interesting discussion going on and want to be able to read it later.
  • Definitely talk to a doctor. While others may have experience with amenorrhea, their experience/reasons may not be at all applicable to you. **Not doctor's advice, just my experience with amenorrhea and what caused mine.** Years ago I suffered from amenorrhea as well. I was severely undereating and working out like crazy…
  • Fresh haddock: https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods/show/4515?fgcd=&manu=&lfacet=&format=&count=&max=35&offset=&sort=&qlookup=haddock Fresh salmon: https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods/show/4565?fgcd=&manu=&lfacet=&format=&count=&max=35&offset=&sort=&qlookup=salmon I got the same error as you when I went back and tried to…
  • Each has their uses. After I do endurance events (ranging from 6 to 24+ hours), just water doesn't cut it for me. I need potassium and sodium. I normally do Gatorade and Pedialyte. For everyday drinking, I usually do water. I don't want to overload on electrolytes when I'm not actively using them like I do during…
  • Not buying it. But I did find this quote amusing: Caraway produces weight loss, lower BMI and reduced body fat. Well, if the participants did lose weight it would naturally lower their BMI (unless they also shrunk) since BMI is just a body mass (i.e. weight) to height ratio.
  • You could get a muscle roller stick, like this: http://www.amazon.com/Massage-Fitness-Soreness-Recovery-Relaxtion/dp/B01CQ4OLKW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1463060970&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=muscle+roller+stick&psc=1 Or you could use a broom/mop/wooden dowel to do the same thing.
  • I don't follow SLs anymore. I'm doing my own thing now-a-days. I worked with a personal trainer and did NROLFW before I started SLs, so I had a history of lifting. When I started: Squat: 95# OHP: 55# Deadlift: 145# Bench: 85# Row: 65# When I stopped following SLs: Squat: 165# (190#) OHP: 80# (95#) Deadlift: 200# (225#)…
  • Depends. I personally like working out at home over a gym. Pros for me: 1) I can go straight home, into my workout clothes, watch my dogs, and get my workout in. They get more out of kennel time with me working out at home. I have my garage set-up that they can be out in the garage with me while I'm working out so they get…
  • Pedialyte works wonders for me. I normally do half Gatorade/half pedialyte since pedialyte on it's own is kind of gross tasting (to me).
  • I find I am hungrier when I'm lifting heavy. I make sure I focus on eating foods that keep me fuller longer and work treats into my day, otherwise I feel super restricted and more likely to binge. As for your question: if you are happy with your scale weight and just want to lose BF, then you can eat your maintenance…
  • Are you weighing all of your solid/semi-solid foods? If not, you may be overeating and not even realize it. Measuring cups are widely inaccurate for foods and should only be used for liquids. Here's a video to kind of show you what I'm talking about. Also, the lack of scale weight loss could be your newbie muscle gains or…
  • Are you weighing all solids and semi-solids on a food scale? If not, you may be eating more than you think you are. If you're weighing everything, how long have you stalled? A couple of days isn't actually a stall. It could be water weight, food, food waste, hormones, etc.. If it's been several weeks, refer make sure you…
    in Plateue? Comment by xcalygrl April 2016
  • -Slim Fast -South Beach -Atkins -HydroxyCut -Green Tea pills -Some other fat burner that I can't remember the name of -Intermittent fasting in a VERY dangerous way. I was in high school. I would only eat dinner, nothing else but water all day. I was eating probably 500 calories everyday, so dumb. -The protein shake diet.…
  • When my bench stalled, I started adding a few different things. I'm not sure which one worked best. 1. Pause bench. Go down, pause for 2-3 seconds just a smidge above your chest, push back up. The longer your muscles are under tension, the more they develop. (I also do pause squats when I'm squatting to help my squat…
  • 1. It depends. Some newbie lifters can get what people call "newbie gains" while others don't. Worse case: you start lifting and don't gain any muscle mass, but you retain what you do have. 2. That depends how much you have to lose. I wouldn't go more than 500 per day, resulting in 1 pound per week. If you're happier with…
  • You've read wrong. Cutting and bulking has to do with your calories, not with the weight you're lifting. Lifting lighter loads for higher reps leads to hypertrophy, while heavier loads for fewer reps is primarily strength. Both lead to muscle growth, which isn't a bad thing. It takes years and lots of food to bulk up. I…
  • Quality and Document Control... Basically I sit at a desk all day.
  • Don't do anything new on race day. You don't want to change your clothes, shoes, or food on race day and find out that the change doesn't set well with you. For me personally, I eat 1/4 cup of plain oatmeal. It's plain and bland so doesn't upset my stomach, but it's also carbs. I also won't drink coffee cause coffee makes…