Should I Run?
Hello guys, so I am debating wether or not I should run today on the treadmill. I have this pain in the arch of my foot, I have been running for a week and half straight with no breaks. So perhaps that might be the reason why I have pain. However, I don't want to miss the gym today… so here is my question; Would it be…
Need a break
Hey people! So need some quick advice, I've worked out for a week straight and one day i was wondering if it would be bad if i took a day off from the gym? I just have no time tonight to go… and I'm exhausted.
Running Alternative
So today, i decided not to go on the treadmill for 30 mins and do some ab exercise that i found online. Now my question is, will i still burn fat instead of going on the treadmill? Also, what are some alternative treadmill workouts you all do? Thank You !
Boost Metabolism
Hello, Everyone… I was wondering if anyone has any ways of boosting your metabolism and making yourself poop everyday or every other day naturally. My main problem is not going to the bathroom naturally. I would only poop once a week, and feel like a big balloon. Any advice? Or stories of your own you can share… Am i alone…
Need some Advice
For the past few months i have been working out and loosing weight… yesterday i had half a bag of sun chips and pistachios and almonds. I NEVER DO THAT EVER !!!!! I always eat healthy and workout daily, i am feeling very guilty. Today i am on a strict diet and going to the gym after work. Any advice on what to do?
Feeling Guilty
Ok, So this week i have been doing very good and eating healthy, working out everyday, having small proportions. Tonight i went out to dinner had fish and quinoa then i came home and pigged out on these cashew clusters with pumpkin seeds they're healthy i was just craving it. Now i feel fat, and have not pooped since…
Quick Advice
Last night for dinner i went to iHop for national pancake day, i had the 3 pancakes. My original plan was to go to the gym this morning. I have to be ready for school by 7:00 and usually at 5:00 i go to the gym (I have one in my house). Anyhow, i feel kind of guilty not going this morning, my plan is to go after work at…
loosing weight journey
In november i started working out everyday, maybe i have a 1 day break per week. Since then i have lost a lot of weight i don't really like to weigh myself on the scale i just like to see the progress in the mirror. Anyhow, recently for the past 2 weeks i have been having maybe a goya cookie thats 150 calories for four and…