Music for strength workout
I have been listening to really upbeat, latin type music when strength training. It's just a little too inspring as I keep dancing around and using up too much energy. Then get pooped too quickly. What do you listen to for weights/ strength? I need something with a steady beat that is not too dancable.
Recommend me some Pita bread
That doesn't fall apart in 2 seconds LOL What is your favorite brand?
Mason Jar Salads
Just wanted share one of my favorite lunch meals! Mason Jar salads :D You can layer a variety of veggies, grains, proteins, lettuce and dressing in one jar. The layering method keeps the wet and dry ingredients separate. I usually use a quart jar. Layer in this order starting at the bottom: Dressing Chopped veggies like…
Yogurt based salad dressings?
If you have recipes for yogurt based salad dressings - please share! I love yogurt and would love some creamy dressings without the extra fat from store bought brands. i dont' mind adding some olive oil.
Advice on calculating calories from homecooked recipes
When making casserole, soups, stir fry type dishes at home - what is the best method for calculating the calories? Here is what I made tonight. I would love feedback and advice! Dish: Mexican beef rice skillet 1 pound ground beef - do I use the raw or cooked calories? 1 cup white rice - again raw or cooked? Measure with…
Late afternoon workout and snacks
I am still figuring out what time of day is best for me to workout, based on my work schedule, family, etc… It seems like after work and before dinner is a good choice. The only issue is that time of day I am usually really hungry. I do eat a late afternoon snack then bust home to make dinner. Do I just eat a bigger snack…
Cooking for non paleo family
I have been interested paleo/primal diet since I found MDA site a couple of years ago. I am giving it try now to improve my health and lose some weight. I live with my husband (who is gluten free and low dairy) and my 11 year son who is mostly vegetarian and a very picky eater. Like I am already cooking partial separate…
Feedback on my home workout?
How is this for an overall beginning home workout? I am really out of shape and some exercises I just can’t do yet (like lunges, plank, reg pushups) and I have some balance issues. I made a list of the ones I know how to do but am not sure if I covered all the key areas? Hand weights: bicep curls, tricep extensions,…
I think I have this low carb flu thing
I am on about week 3 of changing my diet to more paleo. i am eating protein, fat and lowered my carbs to 50 - 100 grams a day. I am eating dairy but no grains. Except I've a ton a cheats long the way. Last weekend I thought I had just not eaten enough lunch and while out running errands I began to feel terrible. Like my…
What is in your gym bag?
I am new to working out and we have a fitness room at my job. I have workout clothes and shoes. And hair ties. And ya know deodorant. I don't have a bag unless you count a grocery bag LOL What type of bag do you use and what do you keep in it?
Places to buy plus size workout clothing
Any recommendations for brands or stores for affordable items?
TED Talk: Why some people find exercise harder than others
This is an interesting TED Talk by Emily Balcetis on how our eyes and brains control our perception. And how our perception influences our motivation for exercise. The talk includes ideas for increasing motivation and success. https://www.ted.com/talks/emily_balcetis_why_some_people_find_exercise_harder_than_others