Help ate too much on Thanksgiving
Ok so I had a game plan for the holidays but I def failed at it tonight I started my day off good with a light breakfast and thought I had a plan for dinner but once I started cooking and appetizers were out I did a complete binge ate more tonight i think then in the last 7 mths now I am left very bloated and sick any…
Protein bars
What is your favorite protein bars ( I have tried Quest and Luna bars ) not a gan of the new Quest bars like the old ones and Luna bars don't fill me up as much ..Also do you eat them as a snack or a meal replacement (lunch)?
Always hungry
Ok so I am at( well actually below ) my goal weight but anymore I feel like I am always hungry and never satisfied with the foods that I have been eating on a regular basis that use to fill me up I am doing cardio 4 -5 times a week why am I always starving ?? Also trying to figure out the best way to up my calories but now…
What to set goals at ?
Curious as to what everyone has their daily goals percentage set as ? ( carbs, fat, protein ) also i always seem to be over my sugar goals i do eat alot of fruit appreciate any info
Frozen grapes
Anyone else have a grape addiction I stopped keeping them in the house because once I start snacking on them it is hard to stop esp frozen grapes!! wow they are addicting like crack for me lol anyone else and how much have you consumed in one sitting just ate 2 1/2cups ( yes I know sugar /carb overload )
Feeling gulity
Ok so normally I work out on my elliptical 5 days a week (sometimes 4) with a mix of being busy /lazy this week I was only able to get on it on Sunday , Monday and Tuesday now that I skipped again today I am left feeling really guilty and bad about myself esp after eating a heavy dinner late last night anyone else ever…
How did we all do on Halloween
Ok so wondering how everyone did on Halloween did we give it to the candy or pass ?...I didn't have a terrible day skipped out on digging in my kids halloween treat bags (although I am still fighting in my head about it as we speak )I did however go out for an ealy dinner and gave in to eating 2 slices of New york style…
Will power please
Ok so have a Halloween party this afternoon and I know how much yummy food and treats will be around that I haven't had, I normally allow myself one cheat /treat day a week but still eat in moderation on those days appreciate any words of wisdom or thoughts on how to enjoy my day out without ruining my week in one day and…
Measuring greens, fruits , veggies
Curious to know if you measure/weigh all of your fruits & veggies I normally eat a banana every am and an apple every day with my lunch ( normally eating pretty large apples) ..do you always weigh your fruit before eating it ? Also what about greens i typically eat a salad for dinner or a side salad with my meal, anyone…
Feeling frustrated
Ok so weighed in this morning and had a 2 lb weight gain (which is ok since I was under my goal weight)but left feeling frustrated and confused because I thought I had a good week didnt get off track much other than one cheat meal on saturday and one day that I doubled my nut butter serving so how do you all get your mind…
Too much nut butter ??
Curious for those of you who eat Nut Butters Pb, Almond butter, Sunflower butter ) on a regular do you ever eat more than the serving size which is 2 Tbs ? Is it bad that I sometimes will do 4 Tbs ? ( i do stay with my calories but seems very high in fat and calories for that amount
Weight watchers smoothies
Anyone use Weight Watchers smoothies? I personally am addicted to them just wondering for anyone else that uses them curious how often are you drinking them I tend to use them for a quick drink with my dinner a few times a week wondering if I am over doing it ( not above my daily calories ) Thanks
Mexican food?
Ok so was invited to dinner this weekend with some friends and we are going to a a very yummy mexican resturant even though I am counted it as my one day a week outing (cheat day) I dont want to throw it out the window all together what do you all eat /order when eating mexican out ? Was trying to look over their menu they…
Eating junk cause its there
Anyone else eat or binge on junk just cause it's there ? My kids had a birthday party yesterday and came home with goodies bags each filled with candy !(tootsie rolls, gum,laffy taffy, chocolate...) and so now that its been sitting here staring at me i go ahead and eat the laffy taffy minis and dubble bubble neither which…
Snack ideas?
Looking for snack ideas ? What does everyone normally eat between meals I usually do 3 meals a day and a snack sometimes 2 in between, I normally eat oatmeal and a banana for bfast daily and have a large apple with my lunch everyday so looking for some low Cal options other than fruit ? TIA also how far apart are you all…
Daily goals (carbs protein fat)
Just curious as to what everyone has their percentages set at for fat, carbs, protein? Not sure what it should be at I am 36 year old female on 1600 calories a day ?
Is it bad to double the serving size of cereal for breakfast ? Serving size was 3/4th cup I ate 1 1/2 cups? Other than the sugar being high is that too much for bfast ? TIA
Hello anyone know how or if there is a way to delete items from your food diary ?I know how to remove it from my daily diary just wondering if there is a way to clean up some of the stuff that is saved throughout my bfast lunch and dinner logs that I want to take out TIA
Food portions and meal times
Curious to know what times everyone is eating their breakfast, lunch and dinners and snacks in between around? Also I eat a lot of fruits and veggies wonder if I am overeating them is that possible? What are the recommended serving sizes and portions for a day ...what about salads what portions of veggies are you mixing…
Over indulged motivation please ...
Hello , ok I have made a huge change in my diet for the last 6 months and I am down over 40 lbs I normally allow myself 1 cheat day a week and get right back on track but summer has made it very difficult with my schedule being different, parties, barbecues, vacations..and this week I went on a complete sugar binge I ate…