Why am I still in excellent shape after I eating junk?
I ate over 200 cookies this week, a whole deep dish pizza and cake but I don't look like it. Is it possible to reach a level of fitness that allows you to survive off only sugar? What's going on?
Post healthy desert recipes!
This can include cookies, cake, ice cream and cupcakes. I heart of sweet potatoe cakes tasting amazing so share what desserts ACTUALLY TASTE GOOD :)
I'm back
Progress! Im very proud of myself
What does Gaga mean?
My baby says this A LOT. Along with a billion other odd words but Gaga is said the most.
My mother in law is driving me insane. She visits a lot. List of attacks by mother in law 1. Bashing me for being skinny, she says the gym is bad for mothers. 2. Attacking me for dust in cupboard and chocolate on floor. This was the day after I had 8 children at my house and I made a HUGE party for them. I literally had…
Worth a read!
http://www.businessinsider.com/look-feel-healthier-1-week-2017-4?utm_content=buffer49b63&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer&r=UK&IR=T/#do-drink-lots-of-water-1 I remember some people on here saying cutting down on salt is bad, but Im 100% sure it isnt after talking to my doctor. Especially since…
I lift weights 5-6 days a week and even though my body is amazing I never look like a she-hulk!!!! WHY DO I NEVER GET EXTREMELY RIPPED?!? :( Ive hired countless trainers that were the "best" and never turned into a muscle machine. Im just a skinny fit girl :(
How to end gas?
I accidentally ate bread that had oats in it. Im extremely sensitive to oats and now I look pregnant, very gassy and in a lot of pain. Any tips on how to end my suffering?
Post your fitness motivation picture!
Post your favorite model that inspires you! No pictures of yourself. Name of model if known Mine BELLA FALCONI, had a baby, bounced back with abs for days :D
Bouncing back after baby with no stretchmarks
My goal was to get pregnant, maintain weight lifting and bounce back after the baby with no stretchmarks. I did a lot of research and discovered WATER, fitness level, maintaining healthy weight and age you have a baby have a direct effect on those prone to stretchmarks (which I am prone!) I drank 1-2 gallons a day and…
Anyone live in Houston
And go to LA fitness? :)
First time competing in fitness competition
I would lime to compete in a fitness competition but LOWER than NPC. What are very low end fitness competitions to introduce myself to for practicing?
New here!
My name is Cassandra. Im looking to drop my body fat percentage from 18% to 14% so 4% overall. I need advice on proper diet. This is me now. I need ALL ADVICE. Im A blood type.
Bad diet planning
I ate only 1,200 calories today and I have a baby so Im DONE, not cooking more food! My app told me good job, if you keep this up you will weigh 98lbs in 5 weeks!!! WTF?!? Im not trying to become belimic. I wanna loose 2lbs, thats it! Most importantly I love keeping my muscle... Aparently 1200 calories is not enough, I…
Logging weight lifting
How do I estimate calories burnt lifting weights for 2 hours? I put in running for 2 hours to log in calories burnt on my app but Im sure that cant be accurate.
Looking for advice on what my macos should be
Im looking to go from 18% bf to 14% bf and need advice on what my carbs-protein-fat intake should look like. Also any general information on how to get very cut looking abs.