Hello everyone, anyone interested to join me in a 60 days (now until Christmas) challenge? Goal: Better fitness / muscles 5000 pushups 5000 situps 2500 pullups It's comes down to 100 pushups, 100 situps and 50 pullups per day - taking into account that we may want to pause or go easy for up to 10 days. Oct 26 is the first…
Hello everyone, most of you are probably aware of autophagy, which is a process in your body that occurs during fasting an recycles old cells. (the scientist who discovered it got a nobel price in medicine in 2016) There are several people on youtube claiming that autophagy (ignited by longer fasts) can help to avoid loose…
Hello everyone, this is my first thread. I saw the 12 weeks till Christmas challenge and really liked it. Sadly, I joined a little bit to late to participate in it. Therefore I am starting a new challenge and everybody is invited to take this journey with me. This year I'm going to outsmart the danger of new year's…