Workout help with little equipment?
Hey, I currently only own one dumbbell which goes up to 15kg at the most. Could someone help me with a workout plan to do maybe a full body workout a few times a week or something just to keep my muscles active while I cut during this isolation?
Should it just be as simple as increasing weight slightly every week?
In terms of getting bigger, is it as simple as just making sure I’m increasing the weight slightly every session overtime without the need of much else in terms of changing things up? Current lifts Squat 100x5 Bench 70x5 Deadlift 120x5
Best way to cook salmon?
Considering adding in a salmon meal to my diet just for health benefits/more protein lol. How do you find the best way to cook it/season it?
Find it easier to stay on cutting diet than a bulking one?
Anyone else find it that they’re more zoned in and dedicated if that’s the word to staying on their cutting diet than if they were on a bulk? I always find every time I bulk I can’t stick to it most the time even though it’s overall more food and end up overeating, it’s sort of been a problem with me and ends up leading to…
How often can/should you test 1rm?
Pretty simple, how frequently should I be attempting one rep maxes in my training? It’s not part of the program I’m doing that I’ve gotten online although I’m curious to know what my lifts are for 1 rep and through what I’ve came to the conclusion of is that they’re not really beneficial in terms of progress? So what’s the…
Strength to size standards?
What numbers would you say you should be hitting on the main compounds to be able to have a decently muscular physique?
Any 5’6 lifters?
What weight while lean would you be aiming for at this height? Any Fellow Manlet brahs got pics with weight?
Adding more protein to bagels?
What’s some recipes you guys have got for bagels which add more protein?
No BS most efficient core workout?
What’s the most simple and effective core exercises to throw in at the end of workouts, the only stimulus I get is from compound movements which I don’t think is enough for me. Specifically I’m trying to just develop overall everything and not just the abs themselves without trying to research a million exercises.
Keto bulk/recomp experience?
Gonna try to keep this short, I’ve lost quit a lot of weight doing a low carb diet for the second half of last year and attempted to bulk twice this year already with it being a higher carb diet. Both times my appetite would go out of control and I’d end up eating way too much of all of the more satiating whole food carb…
Recomping realistic goals and any experience?
Making chicken nice without adding calories(too much)
Posted something similar before about how I could make chicken taste nice and got a lot of sort of complex recipes which I wasn’t really up for as I’m not that much of a cook and am pretty basic with cooking... I’m having around 600g of chicken breast a day and have just been baking it, I’ve tried numerous seasonings and…
Proper abs/overall core workout and how/where to incorporate it in your training?
Hi, any advice on how I should start training my abs and overall just core muscles properly and how I would add them into a push pull legs 2x a week routine? I’ve went from 100kg to around now floating between 55-60kg with visible abs when tensing them although I’ve never even trained them they’re just small blocks on my…
How to transition from long term cut to bulk?
I’ve went from 100kg in 2016 to now currently at around 55-57kg at 170cm(just on 5’7) and have sort of stalled a bit in weight loss and the thought of a bulk is very tempting although the fear of fat gain is also keeping me from starting one now that I finally see abs lol. I’m not that big at all really so was wondering…
When to refeed for going out?
On keto atm and muscles have been flat asf, if I were to wanna fill out for a certain day to look better how would I do it? Just eat a bunch of carbs the day before and if so how much?
Seasoning/recipes for chicken or mince?
Anyone know ways of making chicken cut up and fried in a pan taste nice without adding too much calories? Same goes for plain ground beef in a pan. Edit: not that much of a cook, just looking simple sauces or seasonings to add in while it’s already cooking preferably