Workout 6/24
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0QE2PZWhS4&feature=relmfu cardio session (for each 5 min) 1 min walked up and down my stairs (7 steps) 2 min sipped in the back yard 3 min butt kicks 4 min side skips 5 min jump rope Total 5 mins This kicked my *kitten*!!
New Calorie goal
Ok guys I got a new job! It is much more active then my last job at a desk! I will be on my feet A LOT MORE! When I changed my settings the calorie intake for each day didnt go up! How do I change it or figure out what my new calorie goal is?
Even if you are fit - LISTEN TO YOUR BODY (sad story)
I was so sad this morning. I shadowed a PT back in December at Athetico. I heard this on the news today and just couldnt believe it!! He was running the half marathon and during the half marathon he died. He ran everyday and was in very good shape. He was young!! He was only 26!!! I know a friend that works with him and…
Kettle Bell Workout
OMG this looks like a great workout! Doing this in the sun today! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzo3LOwrShU&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Work out for all you bodyrockers!!!!
http://www.bodyrock.tv/2011/05/09/im-into-you-workout/ In addition 10 stretch 15 Stairs 15 Eliptical 10 abs
All you need to know about PEANUTS!
While many people know peanuts are beneficial for their health, some are wary of eating too many because of the high fat content. In fact, some even ask the question, ‘are peanuts healthy?’ While it’s true to say there’s more fat in a peanut butter sandwich than in a McDonald’s cheeseburger, peanut butter is certainly not…
SOS - In need of motivation
I felt great this morning just got back to the gym after 3 weeks off (medical). It got me into a lazy mode and I feel so lazy and tired right now. The gloomy weather doesnt help :/
Work out routine 5? - Back at it!!
I had to take 3 weeks off from exercise do to medical reasons. Yesterday was my first day back at it. First day at the gym went a lot better than I thought it was going to. Cardio was great; I was suprised at my endurance even after 3 weeks!! The circuits/strength training was what I expected. Though I was a bit upset all…
Want flat abs? 4 reasons to stop doing crunches - Healthy Li
http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/want-flat-abs-4-reasons-to-stop-doing-crunches-2478751/ For years, you've curled, crunched, and twisted, but for some reason your pooch hasn't shrunk. Want to know why? To reveal that sexy, sculpted middle, you have to target more than the small section of abs that crunches hit, say…
Work out routine 5 - Burned over 665 calories
Cardio 20 mins stairs - Level 5 - Fat Burning 13 mins Treadmill - incline - Walked forward and backwards on 8.5 incline for 9 mins. The last min I ran at 6.0 mph on 15.0 incline. 3 min cool down. Circuits Part 1: 10 Side Lunge pulse (right leg), jumped into plank, 2 push ups, jumped back up into starting position and did 5…
Work out routine 4 - Burned 820 calories in 91 mins
15 - Stairs - Level 5 fat burning program 15 - Eliptical - Level 3 random Program 15 - Incline tredmill - Intervals on inclines 3, 12, 27 every 30 seconds at 3.3 MPH Circuit - No timer 1. Leg abduction from a squat to a back lunge (swithching legs) 12, 12, 12 2. Lying on side arm pushup 10e, 10e, 10e 3. Low squat jumping…
Great place to get cheap workout tools
Yesterday I forgot socks in my gym bag so I had to run to the store bc I CAN NOT work out without socks. SO I went into Marshalls and came out with a lot more. I passed the fitness section and saw 10 lbs kettle bells for $10.99 and 5lbs medicine balls for $6.99. I def left with both of them. They had so much stuff for…
What workout tools can you not live without
1. MP3 player 2. HRM!!! 3. My interval timer 4. Jump (speed) Rope
Does the gym burn more calories?
This is more of a personal finding. So I have been turning on my HRM right before I leave the gym locker room. Its at 89 from moving all around and getting my stuff settled. I have noticed that right when I get out of the locker room my heart spikes up. By the time I have my head phones on while filling my water bottle my…
Work out routine 3 - Burned 765 (95 mins)
15 Min Stairs - Level 4 - Fat burning program 35 mins Tredmil 3 mins walk - Set my interval timer to 45 seconds and then 1 1/2 mins: 27 mins - for the 45 seconds I ran and for the 1 1/2 I walked to get my heart rate down. 5 min cool down - Walk slow Then I did a cardio and strength training circuit - My timer was set for…
Diet Pop and Pregos
So I want to maintiain whatever I can during pregnancy and I am craving diet coke. Is that ok? I dont want to add all that sugar and drink regular coke if I dont have to. Also I am assuming splenda is a no no (I am a big user). Also, honey is a bi sweetner, is that ok?
New Mother
I am scared, overwhelmed, stressed, and happy all at the same time. I have been tryin to loose 10 lbs for the summer and have been dieting very good and working out like crazy. I lost 4 pounds and then put two back on. I thought because of my "monthly friend" . Well I didnt get it and was a week late. So I tested 2 and it…
I lost more weight do just cardio
Correction: *I lost more weight by doing just cardio* About 5 years ago when I dropped down to 114, I did it by doing almost all cardio and maybe some band work. Also, I never counted a calorie but I did watch what I ate. I don't know if it had to do with me being 20 but I almost feel frustrated bc I do intense workouts…
Work out routine 2 - Warning you might throw up!
20 Min Stairs level 4 (calorie burn program) 20 Tredmill - Incline 7.5 at 3.5 MPH 2-3 mins then walk backwards and increase until incline 15 ulternating walking forward and backwards. SO every 2-3 mins of walking switch to backwards then go back to walking and increase incline and keep repeating. The last minute I ran 6.0…
Woman and HRM straps
So I have been having trouble with my HRM going on and off to 00. U noticed other people having this problem and most of them are woman. I am wondering if our sports bras are causing this........? Random thought. Any me out there having issues wiht the readings?
Jeans still dont fit :/
This morning I tried on the ultimate test "Those Jeans"!! They didnt quite fit :( I could button them if I wanted to but thats not my goal. My goal is fit into them effortlessly. I thought I was a lil slimmer than I actually am - rude awakening!! Not feeling so successful this morning! :frown:
My friend and I are doing a a Mudathalon in July. Has ever tried it? Did you like it?
Work out routine
Last nights workout 15 mins Stairs 31 mins Tredmill - (interval: 30 low, 30 high, 30 low, 30 high, 30 rest = 1 round/10) Circuit: one legged dead lift; jump (right and left leg) - 10 x 3 Plank alternating sholder touch - 20 x 3 Jump Rope - 60 skips Pick up ball/weight squat; lateral raise squat put ball back on floor…
Make sure you are cleaning your HRM strap!!
I have a polar watch and before it stopped working it would go from 160 (example number) to 00 or _ _ . So I went of a live chat with support. I found out that I wasn't washing it properly (gross) and if you don't wash it or wash it correctly the salt deposits from the sweat can cause corrosion in the strap and this can…
Last nights work out!!
4/11/2011 15 Mins Eliptical 15 mins Stairs Circuit - 35 seconds; 10 seconds rest; 21 rounds = 15.75 Mins 1. Figure 8 squats w medicine ball - 20, 20, 20 2. Tricep Dips - 20, 20, 20 3. Side plank twists - 20, 15, 17 4. Squat to sky twists - 12, 12, 12 5. Dyanmic Push ups - 12, 8, 7 6. Burpee box to w lbs in hand to bend…
What is your fav celeb body that motivates you?
Since I learned how to post pics on the forums I thought this would be a fun forum. If you have a photobucket account you copy the img thingy and make sure it is lower caps and just paste!!! So what celeb, model, etc. body motivates you to workout!!??? Post a picture and show off thier bodies!! - lower case img makes it…
New calorie Iphone app
On the news today there were talking about a new IPhone app. You take a picture of your meal and it gives you the amount of calories. Pretty cool its called meal snap and its$2.99. Thought I would share :)
Motivation for the ladies and a treat for the men ;)
A little tip. The days where I feel not thin enpugh or I feel like my body isnt great (while I am at the gym ) I turn to the latin channel on the TV (obviously while on a machine). It reminds me that woman arent suppose to be sticks like you see in hollywood and men like woman with boobs and some "meat". I was watching…
Biking to work - Any suggestions?
I bought a bike from Walmart (big mistake) last year to ride to work. Well the Bike is not good. Does anyone have suggestions of a good bike that is pocket friendly?