olive garden
so im going to olive garden tonight, and dont want to eat loads of calories. whats healthy there?
Still can't believe it
When I first started my weight loss journey, I told one of my "friends" that I was going to lose weight. (she is a model btw) So you know what she responded with? She said "I don't think you'll look good thin". This was over a year ago, and since then I've lost over 40 lbs. But I still think of this from time to time and…
Watch this, it's inspirational
How to run
So I'm starting to jog now, but after a while I ALWAYS get a cramp on my side. I can usually walk it off for a little but, but it comes back once I start jogging again. I've tried not drinking water up to an hour before exercising, and breathing through my nose (which is hard to do when jogging for me! lol) but I still get…
Very true!
I just happened to come across this quote "Motivation is what get's you started, habit is what keeps you going." Exactly what I needed to see today :)
Slim Fast
I'm thinking about switching out my dinner with a slim fast drink. I just don't know if it's worth it or not, I don't want to do anything that will back fire or isn't healthy. Opinions?
If this isn't motivation, I don't know what is!
p.s. i know the girl on top is too skinny, but its true! lol
Exercising when sick
I'm recovering from a cold and I took the past 2 days off from exercising. Right now the only symptom I still have is a runny/sniffly nose. I was wondering if I work out tomorrow will it make me feel sicker or is it ok? And I've heard that exercising can help you recover faster..I wonder if this is true or not. Sorry if…
I'm thinking about joining a Zumba class, any opinions or thoughts on if it's worth it?
I discovered something about myself today...
Today was the first day that I've been home alone all day in a long while. I had breakfast and lunch fine, but when the afternoon came I became a snack-aholic! I eat when I'm bored, and to make it worse I haven't gone grocery shopping this week yet so all the healthy fresh food is gone. I'm so dissapointed in myself but at…
With friends
How do i eat healthy when i go out or over to a friends house? none of my friends are dieting/eating healthy. they usually grab fast food or have fried food at their house. its so frustrating to eat healthy all day then blow it at a friends house with unhealthy food. any easy foods to make that i could carry with me...im…
Seeing results
http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii266/conchita16_08/beforeandafter.png it took over a year to get this far, and im still losing weight. i cant believe what a difference there is! (i dont know how to put the picture directly on here)
Christmas party
Tomorrow night im going to a Christmas party, there will be alcohol and lots of food. i need tips to keep me strong and not give in to all the temptations!
Lower Abs
I have been focusing on my abs recently and its so hard to work my lower abs. Even when i do workouts targeted for my lower abs i feel it in my upper abs. Any really good workouts for the lower abs, with the correct form. thank you, i appreciate it! :)
Workout music
I always wonder what people are listening to at the gym. Do you need fast upbeat music, rock, country, or even classical? im just curious to find what everyone listens to. or if your like me and have different music for cardio and weights, thanks fro responding! :)
Cant drink water and do cardio
for some strange reason if i drink water, even just a sip, while doing any kind of cardio i get cramps on my sides. so i always have to guzzle down the water after i work out. i was wondering if any one else has this problem, or knows why it may be happening.
how often should i weight myself?
ive been doing it about twice a week, but when i weigh myself this often i see such a little weight loss its sometimes discouraging. then again i dont know if i can wait a whole week, im not sure which way is best. any advice?