Christmas party

Tomorrow night im going to a Christmas party, there will be alcohol and lots of food. i need tips to keep me strong and not give in to all the temptations!


  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I tell myself I have three choices:

    1. Indulge and feel guilty.
    2. Resist everything and be proud of my willpower.
    3. Hit the gym in the morning, and eat the calories back at the party.

    Works for me!
  • classyhoney
    classyhoney Posts: 75 Member
    Eat a meal before you go and drink a lot of water through the night. If they have fresh veggies go for it and lean meats. Im not sure if you're on any restricted diet but try to keep your portions small if you want to indulge. Then next morning have hot water and lemon and 8oz of water before eating breakfast.
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    eat a little something before you go....indulge a little...maybe workout a little extra tomorrow or the next day. Only have something if you feel you absolutely must have and and itd be worth it. Drink water throughout the night.
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    I tell myself I have three choices:

    1. Indulge and feel guilty.
    2. Resist everything and be proud of my willpower.
    3. Hit the gym in the morning, and eat the calories back at the party.

    Works for me!
    Love this!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    1) Don't plan ahead to make room and indulge however much you want and feel guilty?
    2) Plan ahead and enjoy yourself?
    3) Bring your own food?
    4) Small portions?
    5) Think, is this worth it?

  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    Eat beforehand, and limit yourself to one drink, and stick to clear liquor with diet mixers (vodka soda is always my staple)

    Here's what I think-- social events are part of life, and they are fantastic. Our food ties food--particularly unhealthy food-- with socialization, and that is something that, if you want to maintain a weight loss, you have to learn how to seperate those things. Just because you don't eat the junk food, doesn't mean you can't have fun!

    if you do find you can't resist that pie or cookie or whatever, have one bite, and really savor it. That one bit will taste exactly the same as the 50th, so just enjoy that and stay on track!
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member