Back at it again! One last try!
Started Femera on Monday! Any of you out there have success with Femera? I did with clomid with my first child. But tried it again a few years ago and nothing, also tried Femera and I wasn't ovulating. I gave up because I needed a break. Hopefully it will be successful this time. My daughter will be 9. So 9 years on no BC…
PCOS and TTC updates!!!!! Good News??
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing? Updates? Any BFP out there? Dr's apt? Anything that has helped with the weight loss?
Bad Test???
Had a bad test give me a positive! Anyone else have a bad test do this.. Bummed... but least I get to finish my weight loss journey a little longer.. have been doing so well!
Has anyone every tried OMNI to drop weight to help with fertility?
Everyday Life....
Hi All, Thought we needed a everyday gossip topic. Just to share things that are funny, or annoying, or just to get to know each other better. How you all doing? :flowerforyou:
When to accept that you will not have a child?
Just curious to know if any of you have tried and then just decided that it was time to quit? I am battling with that right now. Any insight would be great?
Going Back on Fertility MEDS... Need a femera buddy
Had my apt today. Going to start another round of Femera here soon, with the ultrasounds. It starts all over. Hubby is going to be tested here soon too. Anyone else currently on fertility drugs. Would love to have some cycle friends :)
September 2013
Who is up for the challenge? :flowerforyou:
Feeling Icky
AF has been super late the last 2 cycles I have had. This time she is over 14 days late, I have cramping, I got sick this morning, my nipples hurt like crazy (TMI ) sorry, and I feel awful. Took a test a few weeks ago, Negative as always...hate spending money on tests to be disappointed. Things had been coming on time…
Seeing a specialist? Any questions to ask?
I finally decided I think I need to see someone other than my Gyno for my PCOS and fertility. I went one time a long time ago, and was disgusted with the dr. and never followed through. I am going to try again. What questions should I ask? What should I tell the Dr? I am going to start out with the PCOS and then tell him…
June Challane
Hey Ladies.. Lets think of a June Challenge? I needed a break in may from the walking on.. but I am ready again...We could do 3 workouts a week? minutes? Calories Burned? Any suggestions??
Need a new walking buddy
Since Ali will be playing softball on Mondays :( Hopefully it will change... I was hoping to find someone to walk with steadily on a Tues or Thursday...Anyone want to take on an extra day... or form a group so we can do 2 days a week.. so others have someone to walk with? If your interested let me know :)
Double Trouble!
:angry: Anyone have ovulation problems and hubby has testosterone/sperm issues that was able to concieve?
Ovulation Questions??? I need some insight!!
I am on Femera, my doctor pinpointed my ovulation around the 29th of November (which I thought I cramped the 28th of November, the Tuesday before I had what I thought was the fertile mucus. I haven't used the kits, I figured I was too late when I thought of buying one. Last night I have again what seemed to be Fertile…
Does anyone else cramp 3/4 out of a month? I am miserable more days than not, and AF never comes. I had some dark spotting for 4 days but other than that nothing. I wish AF would show so I could stop feeling so terrible all the time. :( :sad: