Lost 60, Gained 100 - Seeking Fat Acceptance / SJW Friends.
Hello! I'm reintroducing myself after a long hiatus from this website. Years ago, I was very active here. I lost over 60lbs! However, due to depression and chronic illness, I left. My lifestyle changed in a negative way when I left, and I gained around 100lbs due to that and medication (Abilify and Cymbalta are notorious).…
What foods surprised you when you found out they'd actually fit into your calorie goals? I've been at this for a year, and am part of the "everything in moderation" camp. I eat all sorts of stuff I would have never thought I could get away with if I were watching calories. Despite all that, I was JUST surprised by the fact…
TOM - What is the most it's made you gain?
I'm pretty sure all of us with periods notice weight fluctuations from water and whatnot. What is the very most you've seen your weight go up during your period? I'm curious, so chime in! I think the most I've gained is about 5 pounds!
Obesity NOT Always Tied To Heart Risk
http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/05/25/obesity-not-always-tied-to-higher-heart-risk-study/ An obese person isn't inevitably at increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death, a new U.K. study finds. "The people really at risk are the ones who have obesity in combination with other metabolic health risk factors," said…
PICS! From 290 to 238!
It's taken me almost a year, but I've lost over 50 pounds! And.. I decided to take new progress pics! (LOL! I haven't slept yet, that should say may 2012!) And here's a side-by-side comparison of my last progress pic and this one!
How to Love Your Body!
I often reblog this on tumblr, and this is really great when your self-esteem needs a boost. <3 Just because you want to lose weight doesn't mean you shouldn't love yourself the way you are, too. "Guide to loving your body: 1. Get naked and take a good long look at your body. Trace your stretch marks, feel your hip bones…
Has anyone...?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Negative Things And How You Deal With It
Share some negative things you've heard from family or friends when discussing LGBT issues or your own LGBT status, and how you deal with the negativity and ignorance. I'll start: Whenever I call my girlfriend by her correct pronouns/name in front of her mom, her mom will get all irritated and 'correct' me by saying "he"…
30 pounds! Can you see a difference?
^_^ Before and during pics. I know it's not as big of a difference as some of the progress pics others post but I thought I'd share anyway! And I've been spamming my newsfeed with these, so why not the forums too? xD
What is your scale really weighing?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAeHadJ5xaQ&feature=player_embedded Watch this, guys! Now, calm down when your scale tells you you're up by a couple pounds. :) Everything you eat and drink weighs something, and until you excrete it, your scale is going to weigh it!
Pictures Everywhere!
:D I have a few rainbowy and/or pride-related pictures saved, so I thought I'd share them with you! If any of you have funny, inspirational, or just plain cool LGBT+ or pride related pics (even if only very loosely related xD) feel free to add them to this thread! How to add pictures: If you need to upload, I'd suggest…
The Twinkie Diet
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html Thought this might be interesting to some of you. :) I think the main thing to learn from this is that not eating 'clean' isn't going to prevent you from losing weight. Though of course I'm sure 'clean' eating has other benefits like curbing…
New LGBTQA group! Allies welcome!
Rainbows for everyone :D http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/43-lgbtqa
Minestrone Soup - 300ish calories a serving
Was looking for a Carrabba's minestrone copycat recipe and followed it with a bit of improvisation. It turned out GREAT so I thought I'd share it with you guys! (Though it's not exactly like Carrabba's) :D Aaaand it's got like a million veggies so it's extra healthy! Makes 6 'servings' though I'll admit I didn't measure…
Help! My gf eats like a child!
My girlfriend's eating habits are sooo unhealthy and I can't stand it. :( Some days she'll eat well over 2000 calories but today she ate something like 1300 calories and 500 of those were from mountain dew. The only veggies she ate were the tomatoes in the pizza sauce we had with lunch. She had doritos, turkey meatballs,…
Microwave Huevos Rancheros
I wouldn't normally post such a simple recipe but I tried making this for lunch and was wowed at how great it turned out for being made all in the microwave! Our stove/oven is broken so the microwave is all I have to work with right now, surprisingly it does a pretty good job! Ingredients: Numbers are: Calories | Carbs |…
How hungry are you?
How hungry are you when you eat? Tummy-growling hungry or just when your stomach feels sorta empty? Or do you just eat on a schedule? I'm wondering if I eat too early or don't really allow myself to be hungry enough..
Depression and Exercise?
First I'll explain the problem: I have severe depression and most of the time I do not have the energy to even cook meals for myself (so I eat lean cuisines and sometimes muster the energy to make a healthy frozen skillet meal). As embarrassing as it is, I struggle to do basic cleaning around the house, or shower and brush…
How do you get in your 8 glasses a day??
Personally I just can't get myself to drink much water at a time, even if I'm somewhat thirsty. The only time I will really go for the water a lot is if I am extremely thirsty or if I'm eating something dry-ish. I know I need to get a LOT more water as I'm currently getting about 4 glasses a day...far from the 8 I should.…
Eating at least BMR?
I just saw on one of the old threads linked in the stickies that you should be eating at least your BMR calories. Mine are 2,039 calories/day. (I weigh 290 pounds and am 5'2") It seems way too high to me, and up until I read that post I thought that 1200 calories a day was fine to keep me out of starvation mode. My concern…
I Need to Rant ;_;
Ok..i fell off the wagon a whlie back and this site had really been working for me.... since then I gained all the weight i lost back which was about 8 pounds. ;_; Then today I get into bed (which isn't mine. it's my grandma's as i've been living at her house while she's been out of town for several months) and the bed is…
Corn Pudding
I tried Corn Pudding for the first time this thanksgiving with my girlfriend's family. It's one of my new favorite dishes. :) I found a recipe online for it and modified it a little. This makes 4 servings but you can double it and make 8 servings if you have a big family. If you double it you can get away with using 5 eggs…
More or Less Calories When Sick?
I've got a pretty bad cold and I'm wondering if you burn extra calories when you're sick? Should I be eating more or less calories than usual? I let myself eat extra calories today and ate a breadstick and had some sprite that put me over by 500 cals. So i had 1948 calories today. What does everyone else do when they're…
Calorie Rollercoaster
:sad: I've been working on this all for about a month... and so far I've only lost 2 pounds. I can't seem to stabilize the way I eat. At first I would bounce from eating 1400 calories to 2660 back to 1500, then 2000, and 1500, 2400, and so on. My nutrition report looks like a roller coaster. :( Now I've gotten a bit more…
Hi, I'm Sarah. - 100+ pounds to lose
Hi, my name is Sarah. I'm 18 years old and have been overweight my whole life, but within the past 3 years my weight has gone up by 100 pounds. I've always hated being overweight and had low self-esteem because of it. I've tried to lose weight before but I always have trouble keeping to a diet program. I lost 10 pounds on…