How hungry are you?

Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
How hungry are you when you eat? Tummy-growling hungry or just when your stomach feels sorta empty? Or do you just eat on a schedule?
I'm wondering if I eat too early or don't really allow myself to be hungry enough..


  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I never really allow myself to get too hungry and I try to eat every few hours. But I also have a problem with bingeing and cravings if I let myself get really hungry.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I couldn't ever tell when I was actually hungry, so I started a schedule to eat a small meal about every 2-3 hours.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I eat when my stomach feels growly and empty, but I try not to let it go too far, because then I am more prone to overeat.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,083 Member
    during the day i only eat when my belly starts to hurt.
    but when i have the munchies i eat even if im not hungry =/
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I eat on a schedule, so I am never really starving(unless it's that time of the month). I do, however, tend to become very very hungry about 20 minutes after eating a good dinner and I have yet to figure out why.
  • nibblerbigcat
    I feel like I have different kinds of hunger. The stomach growling, almost nausceous feeling that I get when I'm REALLY hungry is something I try to avoid and only happens after not eating for about 6-8 hours. The other kind of hunger feels like my stomach isn't uncomfortable, but it's ready for something. Then there is the hunger which isn't really physical hunger at all, but manifests from boredom/emotional issues.
  • nibblerbigcat
    Oh. and another reason why I try not to wait to eat when I'm STARVING hungry is because I've realized I don't enjoy my food when I'm that hungry. I'm just stuffing my face without taking the time to really taste and savor what I'm eating, and that's one of the most important things to weight loss: mindful eating.
  • MsALMill
    MsALMill Posts: 75 Member
    At one time I was told by a doctor that if I'm not hungry just don't eat. Normally I would eat 2-3 meals a day with a snack in the afternoon and one late at night but never was successful at losing weight doing that. I had a dear friend remind me that if I don't eat something in the morning that my body would start the day in starvation mode and this is never helpful. In the mornings I do force myself a small breakfast (kellogg's bar or fruit) but don't force myself to eat any other part of the day and have done better with losing weight.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    I always feel hungry! I wake in the morning absolutely starving and then after breakfast it kind of gears my metabolism up for more food and I get even hungrier... it's odd. That's why the whole 'eat when you're hungry' thing would never work for me. I have to stick to a schedule or i'd be eating all day. I finish one meal and then spend the next 3 hours hungry and counting down the clock until it's time to eat again. I don't think I could ever trust my bodies own 'hungry monitor'.

    I've tried eating more at breakfast, more at lunch, protein with every meal, lots of fibre, water before and after meals... green tea, everything it seems and I still, always feel hungry!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I found out that since eating on a schedule, my body tells me when its hungry.

    I eat breakfast around 7,7:30, lunch around 10:30, 11, snack around 3, workout around 4 and then dinner around 5:30-6.

    Seems to work pretty well for me.